The Real World: Tehran

Kill ‘em all, and let God sort ‘em out – Anonymous
As the drums beat against the backdrop of a U.S. military buildup in the Persian Gulf, war with Iran seems more inevitable than it does likely. But does Iran pose a real threat to our national security or are they being used as a convenient scapegoat to divert the American people’s attention away from an impending financial collapse here at home? Continue reading

MSM: The lessons of Iraq have been ignored. The target is now Iran

(Guardian) – The US military buildup in the Gulf and Blair’s promotion of war against Tehran are a warning of yet another catastrophe Continue reading

Video: Troop and secret base buildup on the Californian coast!

Check out these other proofs of what is occuring in California here:……

Obama tops Bush in troop buildup

The combined US troop deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have now reached a higher level than existed at any time under the presidency of George W. Bush. This surge past the record set by its predecessor marks another grim milestone in the Obama administration’s escalation of American militarism. Continue reading

Australian Military Buildup And The Rise Of Asian NATO

On March 2, 2009 the Australian Department of Defence released a 140-page white paper called Defending Australia in the Asia Pacific century: force 2030 (1), which announced $72 billion in new military spending for an island nation of barely 20 million inhabitants with no adversaries except those it chooses to make for itself. Continue reading