My Plan for a Freedom President – How I would put the Constitution back in the Oval Office – Ron Paul

Since my 2008 campaign for the presidency I have often been asked, “How would a constitutionalist president go about dismantling the welfare-warfare state and restoring a constitutional republic?” This is a very important question, because without a clear road map and set of priorities, such a president runs the risk of having his pro-freedom agenda stymied by the various vested interests that benefit from big government. Continue reading

Canadian Health Minister Wants 100% Of Population H1N1 Vaccinated

Goal is to get everyone to take the jab before Christmas
Despite national polls indicating that only one third of Canadians intend to get the H1N1 flu vaccine, a Federal Health Minister says it is the government’s goal to vaccinate 100% of the population. Continue reading

Obama tops Bush in troop buildup

The combined US troop deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have now reached a higher level than existed at any time under the presidency of George W. Bush. This surge past the record set by its predecessor marks another grim milestone in the Obama administration’s escalation of American militarism. Continue reading

AF-PAK War And The Battle For Oil

When announcing his new Afghanistan and Pakistan policy on March 27, 2009, Obama vowed “to disrupt and dismantle” the Taliban in Pakistan and Afghanistan and to “prevent their return to either country in the future.” But who are the Taliban? Any Afghan or Pakistani who resists the US-led occupation. Continue reading