9/11 Rescue Workers Suffered Severe, Permanent Lung Function Losses

(Medscape) – Study Summary

The emergency rescue workers who responded to the terror attacks and collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, were exposed to a dense cloud of pulverized building materials and products of the combustion. Many of the first responders were rescue workers from the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) and the emergency medical service (EMS). For most of these workers (10,870 from FDNY and 1911 EMS workers), records of routine lung function tests that predated 9/11 were available. Therefore, it was possible to accurately determine the acute effects of the exposure that occurred after the attack. Continue reading

Marines Patricipate in Terrorism Training in New York

(DvidsHub) – The New York City Fire Department and the Marines’ Chemical Biological Incident Response Force responded to a simulated exploded bus, a subway chemical attack, a building collapse and two IED attacks, April 22.

The all-day exercise was the culmination of a weeklong training evolution at FDNY Fire Academy on Randall’s Island pairing Marines and firefighters. The Chemical Biological Incident Response Force, based in Indian Head, Md., has a history with the FDNY going back to the unit’s founding in 1996. Deputy Chief and Marine veteran Raymond Downey helped develop the original training for the unit. After he died in the World Trade Center rescue effort, their training facility was named after Downey. Continue reading

MSM: FDNY teams with Marines to stage mock suicide bomb, poison gas attacks

(NYDailyNews) – They staged the unthinkable.

The city’s fire department teamed up with Marines Thursday morning to respond to simultaneous mock suicide bomber and poison gas attacks.

An FDNY team raced around the mangled shell of an MTA bus, herding wounded “victims” to a triage area as real fire burned in the street. Read More Here

Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey handed down gag-order to 9/11 Firefighters

This tale begins during and shortly after 9/11/2001, when a writer named Randy Lavello published a story at Prison Planet, Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is a Conspiracy Fact. Among the many tales in this article, a number of which were picked up in Mike Rivero’s web site,what really happened, is a conversation between Lavello and Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr. It’s a head-spinner… Continue reading

FDNY 9/11 Reports: WTC 7 ‘Collapse’ Foreknowledge

These are quotes that reveal foreknowledge of the collapse of WTC 7- from FDNY reports in the 9/11 Commission records, in Box 18 of the Team 9 (aka Team 8)/New York City Series. Continue reading

Deaths of 9/11 front-liners renew talk of aid bill NY DAILY NEWS Oct.13th

The deaths of three 9/11 first responders in the past week is enough proof for Mayor Bloomberg that people are getting sick from working at Ground Zero. Continue reading

Three Heroes Of 9/11 Die Of Cancer In Five Days

A firefighter and two cops who worked at Ground Zero in the days and weeks after Sept. 11 have died of cancer in the past five days, the Daily News has learned. Continue reading

Audio: Dr. Laurie Nadel interviewed Rescue Me’s Daniel Sunjata about 9/11 Truth Movement

Daniel Sunjata is using his celebrity to push for a new investigation into the discrepancies surrounding the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
A respected actor who stars as FDNY firefighter Franco Rivera on the television program Rescue Me (FX Networks), he has become an independent spokesman for the 9/11 Truth Movement. Daniel joins Dr. Laurie Nadel on Saturday, September 19th for a no-holds-barred interview. Continue reading