Scientists stunned as bee populations continue to decline

(NaturalNews) – Scientists remain stymied as honeybees in the United States and across the world continue to die in large numbers.

“There are a lot of beekeepers who are in trouble” said David Mendes, president of the American Beekeeping Federation. “Under normal condition you have 10 percent winter losses … this year there are 30, 40 to 50 percent losses.”

For many years, beekeepers have been plagued by colony collapse disorder, in which formerly healthy bees abruptly vanish from their hives. The number of beehives in the United States dropped 32 percent in 2007, another 36 percent in 2008 and still another 29 percent in 2009. Continue reading

MSM: Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, bill to help responders, may die

(NYDaily) – The House votes Wednesday or Thursday for the first time ever on a bill to care for the heroes and victims of Sept. 11, 2001 – and it’s likely to fail.

That’s because Democratic House leaders decided Tuesday to push ahead with the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act under a rule that requires two-thirds approval to pass.

Many Republicans are concerned about the $10.5 billion price tag, and many don’t like the way it’s paid for.

News of the scheme immediately alarmed 9/11 responders.

“Whoever votes ‘No’ tomorrow should go to jail for manslaughter,” said John Feal, who lost half his foot at Ground Zero in the cleanup. Full article here

Did Osama bin Laden Confess to the 9/11 Attacks, and Did He Die, in 2001? – Prof David Ray Griffin

(GlobalResearch) – In 2009, I published a little book entitled Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive?1 Much evidence, I showed, suggested that Osama bin Laden had died on or about December 13, 2001. (Although this book was ignored by the US press, it received major reviews in British newspapers,2 and it even provided the basis for a BBC special.3) Pointing out that the only evidence to the contrary consists of “messages from bin Laden” in the form of audiotapes and videotapes that have appeared since 2001, I devoted one chapter to an examination of the most important of these tapes, showing that none are demonstrably authentic and that some are almost certainly fakes. Continue reading

Poland’s Leaders Move to Weaken Currency, Then Die in Plane Crash

(GovernmentAgainstThePeople) – There’s no telling if the two events are connected, but their timing is mighty interesting.

The Polish government and the National Bank of Poland, in a “rare moment of unity,” agree to weaken Poland’s currency, the zloty, in an act that would benefit Poland’s exporters at the expense of Poland’s trading partners—that is, the European Union, among others. Then, the next day, Poland’s president and the president of its national bank die in a plane crash. Continue reading

Canada’s Biggest Scandal?

The Grand Plan To Steal Canada’s Water Resource Wealth: 9 Judges Associated with Scandal Die Suddenly!

(Paul’s Note: This article was submitted by the author as a direct result of my “Calling All Whistle Blowers”. This is what happens when Fascists in High-level Government conspire against the marketplace. They have done everything to destroy this whistleblower, who will tell his story on my Monday Radio Program 12 PM Eastern. The show is recorded so, to listen, click on the LINK)

Read More Here

Three Heroes Of 9/11 Die Of Cancer In Five Days

A firefighter and two cops who worked at Ground Zero in the days and weeks after Sept. 11 have died of cancer in the past five days, the Daily News has learned. Continue reading

Wall Street To Securitize People’s Deaths?

The New York Times published a pretty creepy article on Saturday (September 5th). The article focuses on Wall Street’s new plan to make money. What’s so bad about Wall Street making money? Continue reading

Why swine flu vaccines just don’t add up: Doing the (fuzzy) math

(NaturalNews) – Here’s a seventh grade word problem for you: If swine flu has infected one million people and killed 500, how many people might be expected to die if it infects 150 million people (assuming no major changes in the virus)? The correct answer, of course, is 75,000 people, and that’s within the range of the number of swine flu deaths now being publicly predicted by the White House. Continue reading

Setting the people up to die: A conspiracy of silence about swine flu natural remedies

(NaturalNews) – It’s emblazoned across the front page of USA Today, just underneath a subhead declaring Michael Jackson was, indeed, killed by a drug overdose: “Flu could infect half of USA.” The article goes on to describe the predicted number of deaths expected in the U.S. (30,000 – 90,000 Americans) as well as the actions being taken by the government to protect Americans from the coming swine flu pandemic. Continue reading

California budget deal punishes the poor

“PEOPLE ARE going to die.” Those were the words of Michelle Rousey, chair of the Public Authority Advisory Board for In-Home Support Services (IHSS) in California–as the cruel details of a budget deal worked out between Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Democratic-dominated State Assembly emerged. Continue reading

Video: Afghan Children Left to Die After US Bombings

Exclusive footage from the recent US airstrikes in Afghanistan provides a sobering look at the dire situation on the ground. The footage will be incorporated in part four of Brave New Foundation’s documentary, “Rethink Afghanistan.” Continue reading