Conversation with Former NASA Exec. Dwain Deets About Plane Speeds on 9/11 and Human Capabilites of Control; Clarification on “Elephant(s) in the Room”

(PumpItOut) – Recently there has been an article put out by Rob Balsamo of Pilots for 9/11 Truth concerning the speed of UA flight 175 titled: NASA Flight Director Confirms 9/11 Aircraft Speed As The “Elephant In The Room”

I was able to talk with Dwain Deets about the article and get some clarification on the plane issues as well as some information about his new website 7problemswithbuilding7.

Also included in the audio is Dave’s aka “broken sticks” conversation with Ross “Rusty” Aimar who is CEO of Aviation Experts, and is 3rd on the list of Rob Balsamo’s Pilotsfor911truth “Core Members”.

Mp3 Download link (35.9MB): Here

Alternate download link: Here

NASA Flight Director Confirms 9/11 Aircraft Speed As The “Elephant In The Room”

(PilotsFor911Truth) – Recently Pilots For 9/11 Truth have analyzed the speeds reported for the aircraft utilized on 9/11. Numerous aviation experts have voiced their concerns regarding the extremely excessive speeds reported above Maximum Operating for the 757 and 767, particularly, United and American Airlines 757/767 Captains who have actual flight time in all 4 aircraft reportedly used on 9/11. These experts state the speeds are impossible to achieve near sea level in thick air if the aircraft were a standard 757/767 as reported. Combined with the fact the airplane which was reported to strike the south tower of the World Trade Center was also producing high G Loading while turning and pulling out from a dive, the whole issue becomes incomprehensible to fathom a standard 767 can perform such maneuvers at such intense speeds exceeding Maximum Operating limits of the aircraft. Especially for those who research the topic thoroughly and have expertise in aviation.

Co-Founder of Pilots For 9/11 Truth Rob Balsamo recently interviewed a former NASA Flight Director in charge of flight control systems at the NASA Dryden Flight Research facility who is also speaking out after viewing the latest presentation by Pilots For 9/11 Truth – “9/11: World Trade Center Attack”.

Retired NASA Senior Executive Dwain Deets published his concerns on the matter at the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) as follows: Read More Here

World War

(WSWS) – Pentagon Paints Bleak Picture of Afghanistan War as More Civilians Die

A semi-annual report released by the Pentagon on the Afghanistan war recorded a sharp increase in attacks on occupation troops and scarce support for the corrupt US-backed puppet regime of President Hamid Karzai.

The progress report, mandated by the US Congress, presented a grim picture of the state of the nearly nine-year-old, US-led war, even as a series of incidents in which civilians were killed by US and NATO troops unleashed renewed popular anger against the foreign occupation. Read More Here

(JPost) – ‘Iran violating key nuclear treaty’

Iran is in clear violation of a treaty designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday. Read More Here

(Guardian) – Unconditional support for Israel ‘is dangerous’, say leading European Jews

More than 3,000 European Jews, including prominent intellectuals, have signed a petition speaking out against Israeli settlement policies and warning that systematic support for the Israeli government is dangerous.

The petition’s signatories include French philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy and Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a Greens leader in the European Parliament. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Preparing Haiti for Exploitation and Plunder

Over 15 weeks post-quake, Haiti’s imperial takeover is proceeding. It began straightaway after the calamity, Haitians victimized by denied aid, appalling repression, and now dispossession of their land, homes, and communities. More on that below. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Biological Warfare: Priority to Bioweapons Research over Public Health – Sherwood Ross

The priorities of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the area of bacteriology have been “catastrophically re-ordered” by emphasizing bioweapons research over non-bioweapons research, a prominent authority states.

Giving priority to bioweapons research at NIH, started under the Bush Administration and continuing under President Obama, “diverts resources from critical public-health and scientific objectives,” says Richard Ebright, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J. Read More Here

(BRusselsTribunal) – Iraq: Bloody Policies and Criminal Authorities: Arrests, Assassinations, Deportation of Millions, Torture

For the BRussells Tribunal, its supporters and audience, secret prisons in Iraq are no surprise. We made repeated alerts during years that repression in the “New Iraq” is systematic. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – A Tradition of Dehumanizing: The CIA’s Psycho-War and Torture Schemes in The Philippines

The United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) occupies center-stage again in the Philippines, the laboratory in 1950-1960s for the Phoenix assassination program in Vietnam inspired by CIA agent Edward Lansdale who is credited for defeating the communist-led Huk uprising. Attention is being given to the CIA systematization of coercive techniques in handling prisoners, including diverse forms of torture, zealously implemented by the police/military officials of the corrupt, unpopular Gloria Arroyo regime. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Media Coverup on the Corporate Pillage and Destruction of sub-Saharan Africa – Dr. P. Wilkinson – Read More Here

(Gizmodo) – Drone Pilots Could Be Tried for “War Crimes,” Law Prof Says

It’s part of an ongoing legal debate about the CIA and U.S. military’s lethal drone operations, which have escalated in recent months – and which have received some technological upgrades. Critics of the program, including the American Civil Liberties Union, have argued that the campaign amounts to a program of targeted killing that may violate the laws of war. Read More Here

Video: Wikileaks Video Roundup – Continue reading

Video: Army ‘showdown’ at eligibility corral

(WND) – A top-ranking, highly decorated officer in the U.S. Army says he’s now refusing all orders until President Barack Obama finally releases his long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate to prove his eligibility to serve as commander in chief. Continue reading

World War

(YNet) – Iran tells Russian pilots to leave

Iran gives commercial pilots two months to leave country as tension mounts over S-300 missile deal Read More Here

(AFP) – New Iran rocket launch site shows N. Korea links: Jane’s

Iran is building a new rocket launch site a short distance from an existing complex and seems to be working with North Korea, information group IHS Jane’s said Friday. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Iran’s Ahmadinejad Calls Sept 11 “Big Fabrication”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Saturday called the September 11 attacks on the United States a “big fabrication” that was used to justify the U.S. war on terrorism, the official IRNA news agency reported. Read More Here

(PressTV) – Ireland says Israeli siege on Gaza ‘medieval’

Ireland blasts the Israeli siege of the Gaza Strip as “medieval,” urging the European Union to pressure Tel Aviv into easing the restrictions. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Nobel Peace Prize Winner Reserves the Right to Nuclear First Strike

The approval of a new United States nuclear doctrine has been postponed for another month. The military had taken almost a year to prepare it. The initial wording, in which America renounces any pre-emptive strike, avowing instead to use nuclear weapons only in response to attack, was rejected by President Barack Obama. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Iran’s Nuclear Program: Tehran’s Reply to the IAEA on the “Implementation of Safeguards in Iran” – Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Daunting Crisis in East-West Relations: U.S., NATO Intensify War Games Around Russia’s Perimeter

Along with plans to base anti-ballistic missile facilities in Poland near Russia’s border (a 35 mile distance) and in Bulgaria and Romania across the Black Sea from Russia, Washington and the self-styled global military bloc it leads, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, have arranged a series of military exercises on and near Russia’s borders this year. Read More Here

Ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey handed down gag-order to 9/11 Firefighters

This tale begins during and shortly after 9/11/2001, when a writer named Randy Lavello published a story at Prison Planet, Bombs in the Building: World Trade Center ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is a Conspiracy Fact. Among the many tales in this article, a number of which were picked up in Mike Rivero’s web site,what really happened, is a conversation between Lavello and Lieutenant Fireman and former Auxiliary Police Officer, Paul Isaac Jr. It’s a head-spinner… Continue reading

Air Force Plans for All-Drone Future

(Wired) – Is the day of the hot-shot fighter jock nearly done? An Air Force study, released without much fanfare on Wednesday, suggests that tomorrow’s dogfighters might not have pilots in the cockpit. Continue reading