MSM: Do sweeteners bring on early birth? How fizzy drinks can harm an unborn child

(DailyMail) – Mothers-to-be who down cans of fizzy drink containing artificial sweeteners could be at greater risk of having a premature baby.

Research funded by the EU found a correlation between the amount of diet drink consumed and an early birth among the 60,000 women studied. Read More Here

Aspartame has been renamed and is now being marketed as a natural sweetener

(NaturalNews) – In response to growing awareness about the dangers of artificial sweeteners, what does the manufacturer of one of the world’s most notable artificial sweeteners do? Why, rename it and begin marketing it as natural, of course. This is precisely the strategy of Ajinomoto, maker of aspartame, which hopes to pull the wool over the eyes of the public with its rebranded version of aspartame, called “AminoSweet”. Continue reading

Aspartame alert: Diet soda destroys kidney function

(NaturalNews) – Scientists from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have revealed results from a study outlining some of the effects of artificial sweeteners on the body. Conducted on a group of 3,000 women, the results indicated that those who drank two or more artificially-sweetened beverages a day doubled their risk of more-rapid-than-normal kidney function decline. Continue reading

Million TIMES More Squalene In H1N1 Vax Than Caused GWI !!

Dr. Laibow’s presentation on squalene during the second hour of your program last night, 8-24, was impressive. In looking for some verification of the ‘million-times more squalene’ than was in ‘Vaccine A’ that caused the catastrophic Gulf War I Illness (which ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands of troops and killed thousands of others -ed), I came across this article… Continue reading

The Rumsfeld Plague: Aspartame Brings Horror

(NaturalNews) – The aspartame horror began in 1981 due to Donald Rumsfeld, as head of the G.D. Searle pharmaceutical company, when he used his political clout to put a known carcinogen on the market to poison a nation all in the name of money. Continue reading

Fructose linked to memory problems: Rat study

High consumption of fructose in the diet may lead to spatial memory problems, according to a new study with rats from Georgia State University. Continue reading

Video: Top 6 Ways to Identify Genetically Modified Foods

(ShellyRoche) – 1. Look at the stickers on fruit – there is a PLU code with either 4 or 5 numbers. If your fruit’s label has 4 numbers, it is conventionally grown. 5 numbers starting with a 9 means it was organically grown, and 5 numbers starting with an 8 means GMO. Continue reading

Duty To Warn – Diet Soda Is Poison

These scientists knew that aspartame was a lethal poison! In fact, in a 1996 report compiled from 10,000 consumer complaints obtained during the pre-marketing testing period, the FDA listed 92 aspartame-related symptoms, ranging from seizures to death! Continue reading

BPA Chemicals Found in Soda Cans

A test performed by Canada’s national health regulatory agency, Health Canada, has turned up detectable levels of the hormone-disrupting compound bisphenol A (BPA) in 96 percent of canned soft drinks. Continue reading

MSM: Fructose-Sweetened Beverages Linked to Heart Risks

Some research has suggested that consumption of high-fructose corn syrup, used as a sweetener in a wide variety of foods, may increase the risk of obesity and heart disease. Continue reading

Irradiated Foods Cause Severe Neurological Damage

So what caused the cats to develop neurological problems? Although the researchers’ statement to the media practically buries the fact, a close read shows the animals were fine until fed irradiated food. What’s more, when they were taken off the irradiated diet, the animals’ nervous systems began healing. Continue reading

Colon Cancer Caused by Western Diet

A so-called Western diet eaten by the majority of Americans and many Europeans is loaded with meat, fat and processed foods. It also lacks complex carbohydrates. Put these facts together and you have a perfect recipe for developing colon cancer, Professor Stephen O’Keefe from the University of Pittsburgh, stated before the Society for General Microbiology meeting at Harrogate International Centre in the UK on March 31. Continue reading

Amazing Bananas

Bananas contain three natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. Continue reading

How to Slash World Cancer Rates By 90 Percent: Healthy Foods, Exercise and Vitamin D

Although you won’t hear this from the cancer industry or the drug companies that profit from cancer, there’s an easy, low-cost and remarkably safe way to slash cancer rates around the world by about one-third, says the World Cancer Research Fund: Promote healthy foods and exercise! ( Continue reading