Secret copyright treaty leaks. It’s bad. Very bad.

The internet chapter of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret copyright treaty whose text Obama’s administration refused to disclose due to “national security” concerns, has leaked. It’s bad. It says: Continue reading

Government Statistics and Lies – Ron Paul

(C4L) – There has been a lot of talk in Washington recently about senior citizens, mostly about how various healthcare reform models would help or hurt them. But there is another critical issue that has quietly devastated seniors financially over the last few decades. It concerns how the cost of living is calculated. How does the administration justify not giving a cost of living increase to Social Security recipients this year? Continue reading

Resistance is NOT Futile — The Rise of “Resistance Journalism”

The enemies of freedom have standard weapons at their disposal that they have used throughout history.  These principally include propaganda, whatever high technology of the time period (including science and medicine), legislative bodies cooperating with their agenda, and enforcers willing to enslave their own people.  Many tyrannies of the past came in full force without much subtlety.  What we see today, however, is a carefully measured, softer approach that is aided by advanced knowledge in social engineering and mass manipulation. Continue reading

Estulin: G-20 Meeting in Scotland this Week about Dumping U.S. Dollar

Best-selling author Daniel Estulin states that the key issue to be discussed this week at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting, being held in St. Andrews, Scotland, is how to bring down the present world financial system through dumping the US dollar. Continue reading

Senate Bill Would Give President Obama Authority to Pull the Plug on Your Internet

CNET News has obtained a summary of a proposal from Senators Jay Rockefeller (D-W.V.) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) that would create an Office of the National Cybersecurity Advisor, part of the Executive Office of the President. That office would receive the power to disconnect, if it believes they’re at risk of a cyberattack, “critical” computer networks from the Internet. Continue reading

Video: Urgent Action Needed to Save Audit the Fed – C4L

Dear Friend of Liberty,
We have all worked so hard to make an Audit of the Federal Reserve a reality. Together, we have led the fight to get congressional hearings, 308 cosponsors, and unprecedented attention around the country. Continue reading

Good Banks Fed Toxic Waste And Turned Into Zombies – Bob Chapman

We were afraid something like this might happen, if this legislation is passed the next step will probably be something even more onerous. As you know congress has heard testimony about rolling retirement plans into Social Security. Although we don’t know that that will happen but what the Senate is doing could be a first step in that direction. We know that most of you cannot get out of your 401k without losing your job. So you don’t have much choice. Those who have 401k’s that are self directed, because they left or were forced from their employer they might consider paying the taxes and penalty if applicable. This is not a good development. Continue reading

Half of Our Kids on Food Stamps

A new study finds that nearly half of all American children will need to use the federal food stamp program to eat at some point in their childhood, with the number much higher for African American children, at a startling 90 percent. And the current recession with persistently high unemployment rates, will cause the numbers of children on food stamps to rise even higher, say researchers. Continue reading

Video: Here Comes Stimulus 2.0

In this Bloomberg clip, commerce secretary Gary Locke says that “if there is to be another stimulus — and that’s being hotly discussed and very seriously considered within the administration as well as members of Congress – it needs to be very targeted, very specific and we need to be very mindful of the deficit as well. Continue reading

MSM: Gold Trades Near Record as Indian Central Bank Buys From IMF

(Bloomberg) – Gold traded within 0.5 percent of a record after India’s central bank bought 200 metric tons of the metal from the International Monetary Fund, heightening speculation about more official purchases. Continue reading

Congressman Brad Sherman admits explosives found in dust of World Trade Center

I have written an article for your knowledge and distribution as you deem fit about my dealings with Congressman’s Brad Sherman’s office.  This is an issue of national importance as it relates to our national security.  If you watch the short video’s below then read the PDF documents in the order listed you will get a very clear picture of what is going on. Continue reading

Video: Geithner “Burned Billions,” Shafted Taxpayers on CIT Loan, Prof. Bill Black Says

(Yahoo) – Another one of the nation’s largest lenders has filed for bankruptcy. On the brink for months, CIT filed for Chapter 11 protection on Sunday. Continue reading

Kellogg’s claims sugary “Cocoa Crispies” cereal can boost your child’s immunity (opinion)

(NaturalNews) – The world of bizarre nutritional claims by sugary cereal makers just got a little more weird this week when Kellogg’s began shipping boxes of Cocoa Krispies emblazoned with the ridiculous claim, “Now helps support your child’s IMMUNITY.” Continue reading

MSM: Russia ‘simulates’ nuclear attack on Poland

(Telegraph) – Russia has provoked outrage in Poland by simulating an air and sea attack on the country during military exercises. Continue reading

Afghanistan as a Bailout State – Too Big to Fail?

(C4L) – In the worst of times, my father always used to say, “A good gambler cuts his losses.” It’s a formulation imprinted on my brain forever. That no-nonsense piece of advice still seems reasonable to me, but it doesn’t apply to American war policy. Our leaders evidently never saw a war to which the word “more” didn’t apply. Hence the Afghan War, where impending disaster is just an invitation to fuel the flames of an already roaring fire. Continue reading

Money Supply Timebomb and Fiscal Nightmare – Campaign for Liberty

The government has seized and spent so much in just the last year that it’s easy to focus on the issues of the day, losing track of the big picture. In this article I want to step back and survey the incredible growth, from the perspective of monetary policy and then fiscal policy. The situation is dire indeed. Continue reading

Video: Death of ‘Soul of Capitalism’: Bogle, Faber, Moore

20 reasons America has lost its soul and collapse is inevitable
Jack Bogle published “The Battle for the Soul of Capitalism” four years ago. The battle’s over. The sequel should be titled: “Capitalism Died a Lost Soul.” Worse, we’ve lost “America’s Soul.” And, worldwide, the consequences will be catastrophic. Continue reading

McChrystal Doesn’t Get It – Does Obama? – Scott Ritter

There is a curious phenomenon taking place in the American media at the moment: the lionization of Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the American military commander in Afghanistan. Although he has taken a few lumps for playing politics with the White House, McChrystal has generally been sold to the American public as a “Zen warrior,” a counterinsurgency genius who, if simply left to his own devices, will be able to radically transform the ongoing debacle that is Afghanistan into a noble victory that will rank as one of the greatest political and military triumphs of modern history. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones – US a powerslave serving aims of New World Order

(RussiaToday) – Alex Jones on the recent Colombia-US controversial agreement for set-up of US military bases, American strategy in Afghanistan and Barack Obama’s policy. Continue reading

India is preparing for possible war with China and Pakistan

Tensions have flared between both China and India militaries along their disputed 2,175 mile-long border, with both sides alleging more frequent troop incursions in recent weeks. China is upset when the Indian prime minister recently visit the disputed region. China considers an Indian-occupied piece of it’s own Tibetan Autonomous Region, has added flames to the fire. Continue reading

The Right To Resist

“I don’t even call it violence when it’s in self defense; I call it intelligence” -Malcom X
The overwhelming and ceaseless atrocities of Israel’s government leave most Palestinians with little opportunity to reflect on the moral aspect of our resistance. Most often our reactions to events are immediate, instinctive and emotional. The few who still manage to consider the moral, political and strategic aspects of our struggle may find themselves all but stymied by the contradictions, the lack of choice, and the damage done by war to both reason and conscience. Continue reading

Her Majesty’s Big Brother: Britain’s Protesters Rebranded “Domestic Extremists”

In “Mind Your Tweets: CIA and European Union Building Social Networking Surveillance System,” Antifascist Calling explored the trend by security agencies in Europe and the United States to build political dossiers on dissidents by data mining their electronic communications. Continue reading

Zombie Government Reality Check

The stats and growth prognostications from tout television, New York banksters, our Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury, and various U.S. Government fiscally incestuous cabal members are replete with liars, exaggerators, and crooked politicians. The U.S. Government and several others are economically dead; they just haven’t admitted it yet. Continue reading

Video: Government Appoints Task Force To Handle H1N1 Vaccine Propaganda

The U.S. government has appointed what the media is ludicrously billing as an “independent” group of health advisors whose job it will be to whitewash adverse reactions to the swine flu vaccine and “explain” them to the public as mere coincidence. Continue reading

IBM Knew About Pandemic in 2006

A document has surfaced revealing IBM was aware of the current H1N1 “pandemic” in 2006. Excerpts from “Services & Global Procurement pan IOT Europe, Pandemic Plan Overview,” an official inter-departmental document distributed to upper-level management of IBM in France during 2006 are posted on the Prevent Disease website. The document predicts a 100% chance of a “planned” pandemic occurring within five years. Continue reading

Video: Ron Poul – Government Can Quarantine People

(RussiaToday) – November 1, 2009 – What does the future have to hold? “More Chaos, more killing, more resentment.” – RP Continue reading

On the Eve of WWIII?

Can you believe it? We may be on the eve of World War III because a research reactor near Tehran – that mostly produces radioactive isotopes for use in medicine, and is subject to a Safeguards Agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency – will need refueling in a year or so.

How could that need result in WWIII? Continue reading

Switzerland forbids “swine flu” vaccine for pregnant women, young and old!

Swissmedic, the authority in Switzerland that gives permission for the use of drugs, today announced that the “swine flu” vaccine Pandemrix will not be allowed to be injected into pregnant women, children or young adults (below 18 years of age) or elderly (above 60 years of age). Continue reading

MSM: Doctors plan mass swine flu jabs for under-18s

(Times) – Government advisers are preparing for the mass vaccination of schoolchildren to stop the spread of swine flu. Continue reading

Video: Noam Chomsky – Robbing Gaza – Palestine and the Region in the Obama era

Recorded October 29, 2009 – Location: Logan Hall, Institute of Education, Bedford Way Continue reading