5 thoughts on “Video: Peter Schiff on Fox Business – Double-Dip Recession

  1. Somebody clue me in. How can a guy who ‘offshores’ all his investments run for any political office in the U.S of A.? Sounds a bit like a conflict of interest, like the dual Jewish/Americans citizens we have running rampant in government today. What is going on in this country?

  2. ok. so you would rather see all your your money to be flushed down the toilet, but feeling proud that you have invested in the USA? and since when is for example Australia an off shore country? to invest outside of your county doesn´t make you unpatriotic in my opinion. it is everybody´s free choice to invest wherever everyone likes. it´s called free market. and talking about off shore countries, just because your and some other greedy goverments say it is bad to have low taxes, it doesn´t have to be true. wouldn´t you like to live in a country where your goverment would tax you let´s say 2%?

  3. Money has no allegience. A wise man invests his money where it stands to benefit the most regardless of where that is. As a stockbroker, I saw more people lose fortunes because they “had to be right.” It’s was stupid.

  4. Bifurcatio, there are some very rational policy related reasons that Mr. Schiff invests in foreign companies. He is not a “perma-bear” or a “contrarian” just for the Hell of it. He has written two books and has posted dozens of videos about this.

  5. The USD is headed into the toilet and the man runs an investment firm……would you rather he lie to his clients? Is that kind of integrity you expect from your politicians? Don’t we have enough lying constitutional usurpers in congress already?

    If you note the he also says people should buy gold. The constitution says gold and silver should be the only money we use but yet congress has managed to usurp the constitution and get us in bed with a banking cartel and devalue the dollar funding unconstitutional wars and bailouts via fiat currency the affectionately call the US dollar. The IRS and FRS are both unconstitutional and this guy stands for serious change……not the kind of phony change Obama has bought us.

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