Congressman Brad Sherman admits explosives found in dust of World Trade Center

I have written an article for your knowledge and distribution as you deem fit about my dealings with Congressman’s Brad Sherman’s office.  This is an issue of national importance as it relates to our national security.  If you watch the short video’s below then read the PDF documents in the order listed you will get a very clear picture of what is going on. Continue reading

Government Is Trying to Make Bailouts for the Giant Banks PERMANENT

(WashingtonsBlog) – On September 25th, I wrote:

Paul Volcker and senior Harvard economist Jeffrey Miron both testified to Congress this week that the government is trying to make bailouts for the giant banks permanent. Continue reading

Martial Law Under the Cover of Bush Era Quarantine Regulations

It didn’t fly under Bush, but it might under Obama. “The Obama administration is quietly dusting off an effort to impose new federal quarantine regulations, which were vigorously resisted by civil liberties organizations and the airline industry when the rules were first proposed by the Bush administration nearly four years ago,” reports Politico. Continue reading

MSM: No Longer Alone, Ron Paul Fights the Fed

(WSJ) – Rep. Ron Paul usually stands far outside the mainstream in Congress, particularly in his campaign to kill the Federal Reserve. But the Texas Republican now has the bulk of his colleagues standing alongside him in a fight against the central bank’s autonomy. Continue reading

Paulson Threatened Great Depression, Food Riots To Get Bailout Bill Passed

More information has come to light regarding former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s threats to Congress last fall that martial law would ensue unless they passed the bailout bill. Continue reading

Video: Martial Law Inevitable 2009?

Alex Jones and Steve Quayle Continue reading

Video: Democratic Congressman: Representatives Were Threatened With Martial Law In America Over Bailout Bill

Warns that a panic atmosphere is intentionally being nurtured to get bill passed

A Democratic Congressman has warned that a panic atmosphere is being intentionally created in order to get the financial bailout billed passed, further stating that several members of Congress were told before Monday’s vote that martial law will be instigated in America if the legislation fails. Continue reading