Video: Life Under the Toxic Mountain – Plight of Kosovo Roma

After the destruction of their homes and forced expulsion from South Mitrovica in Kosovo in 1999, the Roma people were displaced to temporary UN camps at the foot of mountains of toxic lead waste.

Ten years later, families are still there suffering from chronic lead poisoning. Continue reading


(MercuryNews) – Defeat of jobs bill in Senate costly to California

Hundreds of thousands of jobless residents will see their unemployment checks cut off. The deficit-plagued state budget stands to lose billions of desperately needed dollars. And a tax credit for research and development, long prized by the tech industry, appears to be on life support. Read More Here

(Telegraph) – Ben Bernanke needs fresh monetary blitz as US recovery falters

Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke is waging an epochal battle behind the scenes for control of US monetary policy, struggling to overcome resistance from regional Fed hawks for further possible stimulus to prevent a deflationary spiral. Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Mission Accomplished:The Reagan Occupation and the Destruction of the American Middle Class – Read More Here

(WoodTV) – 400k unemployed in MI to lose benefits

Comes on heels of GOP killing Senate extension Read More Here

(WeAreChange) – We are Change Plans End the Fed protest on Independence Day

We Are Change groups from MD, VA and DC have joined togeather to hold an End The Fed protest in Washington DC in honor of Independence Day. The event will be on Saturday, July 3rd and the permits are already in. Read More Here

(KDVRDenver) – Bank of America, Freddie Mac Sell Homes Without Notice – Read More Here

(USAToday) – Obama Gets “Financial Reform” Bill as He Heads for G20

“We are poised to pass the toughest financial reform since the ones we created in the aftermath of the Great Depression,” Obama said at the White House as he prepared to leave for the G-20 summit in Canada. Read More Here

(WPost) – New Financial Overhaul Gives Government Broad New Powers To Seize Financial Firms – Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – These 8 Members Of Congress Are Under Investigation For Fundraising During The Financial Reform Debate – Read More Here

(FoxNews) – Senate Republicans Defeat Jobless Aid Measure Over Deficit Fears

The Senate has failed to reach an agreement to extend weekly jobless benefits, leaving more than a million out-of-work Americans without an unemployment check by week’s end.

The 57-41 loss was a major blow for President Obama and Democrats. They needed three more votes — for a total of 60 — to stop a GOP filibuster. Read More Here

(TampaBay) – Pinellas to lay off 211 county workers

The layoffs run through virtually every department, affecting everything from parks and street repairs to customer service and health care. Read More Here


(GoldScents) – GOLD BUBBLE? WHAT BUBBLE? – Read More Here

(IsraelFinancialExpert) – Special Report- The Secret Engine Behind China’s Housing Bubble- The Ponzi Shark Loan Finance

It is clear that artificially low interest rates and massive money printing by the government is fueling this bubble. But few know about the engine behind the monuments bubble- A giant shark loan ponzi scheme. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – That ’30s Feeling – Paul Krugman

Suddenly, creating jobs is out, inflicting pain is in. Condemning deficits and refusing to help a still-struggling economy has become the new fashion everywhere, including the United States, where 52 senators voted against extending aid to the unemployed despite the highest rate of long-term joblessness since the 1930s. Read More Here

(STLToday) – Fannie and Freddie tab is $146B and rising – Read More Here

(USAToday) – Bank failure is 83rd in ’10; pace more than double last year’s – Read More Here

(Boston) – May foreclosures in state double – Read More Here

(StarAdvertiser) – 4,171 on Oahu have no homes – Read More Here

(NEB) – Slide in shipping shows global recovery running out of steam – Read More Here

(VoiceOfSanDiego) – Foreclosures Still Piling Up – Read More Here

(ZanesvilleTimes) – Act would be disastrous in light of our country’s economic situation – Read More Here

REPOST – (RussiaToday) – Video: The Economic Crisis – “Major Currencies Can Simply Collapse”

Michel Chossudovsky says that the financial crisis is not over as President Barack Obama has hinted. Read More Here

REPOST – (WSWS) – Nearly One Million US Workers Cut Off Unemployment Benefits

With 12 Democrats joining a unanimous Republican bloc, the US Senate voted Wednesday to defeat a proposed extension of unemployment benefits for workers who have been jobless for nearly two years. The bill would have extended unemployment benefits for those out of work more than six months, until November 30. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – What do BP and the Banks Have In Common? The Era of Corporate Anarchy

On the occasion of the BP oil spill disaster, President Obama’s delivered an Oval Office speech last night—a masterpiece of milquetoast faux-outrage. The speech was all about “clean energy” and “ending our dependence on fossil fuels”. Faced with the BP oil spill—likely the most severe environmental disaster ever—this was President Obama’s response: Polite outrage, and vague plans to “get tough”, “set aside just compensation” and “do something”.

President Obama missed what the BP oil spill disaster is really about. Though unquestionably an environmental disaster, the BP oil spill is much much more. Read More Here


Amylin Pharmaceuticals – 60
Horizon Air – 120
AT&T Wisconsin – 125
Nexteer Michigan – Layoffs Likely
Huntsville Constellation Contractors – Hundreds of Layoffs Next Week
3 Catholic Schools in NJ – 38
Zanesville-Muskingum County Health Department – Layoffs / Furloughs
Northrop Grumman Corp Amherst Systems Division – 74
Wayne County Detroit – 700 Temporary layoffs this summer
Missouri  – 250
Update: Wayne-Westland school – 32
Jones Day Law Firm – 32
Merck ( France ) – About 800
Prudential Retirement – 60 : 30 in Hartford and 30 in Scranton PA
Morris Township NJ – up to 20
Richland County Ohio – 7
AOL – More Layoffs Possible?
American Municipal Power Inc – Job Cuts to start soon at Marietta Plant
Adams 12 Five Star Schools Colorado – 188
Fresno Unified School District – Job Cuts or Furloughs
City of Marengo IL – Considering 3 Layoffs
Dot Hill Systems – 10% of Global Workforce
Abbott Laboratories – 101
EastLink ( International ) – 33
McClelland & Stewart – Several Layoffs this week
Albert Einstein Healthcare Network PA – 48
City West Palm – 6
Detroit’s EMS – Warns of 36+ Layoffs Possible
US Cellular Tulsa Center – 160
Source: The Coming Depression

Cops Link White Supremacists to Bombs in California

(KurtNimmo) – Police raided the Southern California homes of dozens of white supremacists on April 20, according to the Associated Press. Federal and local officers converged on 35 homes and took 16 people into custody in Riverside County in connection with an investigation into deadly booby trap attacks targeting police officers. Continue reading

CNN Article Equates Confederate Soldiers to Terrorists

(KurtNimmo) – In a remarkably addlepated story about the Confederacy, Roland Martin of CNN tells us Confederate soldiers defending their homes against invasion by the North were no different than Osama bin Laden and the supposed 9/11 hijackers. Continue reading

MSM: Rachel Corrie’s family takes case to court in Israel

(LATimes) – Corrie was killed by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to protect Palestinian homes. Her family has been met with hostility while pursuing a civil suit after calling the investigation a ‘whitewash.’ Read More Here


(WashingtonsBlog) – Geithner: Taxpayers Are Likely to Face “Very Substantial” Losses From Government’s Takeover of Fannie and Freddie

Tim Geithner told the House Financial Services Committee today that txpayers are likely to face “very substantial” losses from the government’s takeover of home mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Read More Here

(CBS3) – Homeowners Facing Foreclosure Take Own Lives

The foreclosure crisis in Philadelphia is now becoming a matter of life and death. Eyewitness News has learned that in the past month, two homeowners took their own lives before sheriff’s deputies arrived to tell them that they were being evicted. Read More Here

(Fox) – Fox News Poll: 79% Say U.S. Economy Could Collapse

The latest Fox News poll finds that 79 percent of voters think it’s possible the economy could collapse, including large majorities of Democrats (72 percent), Republicans (84 percent) and independents (80 percent). Read More Here

(AFP) – Geithner says Fannie, Freddie overhaul must wait

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Tuesday swatted aside pressure for a swift reform of troubled government-backed mortgage giants as data pointed to a still struggling real estate market. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – U.S. Economy: Sales of Existing Homes Decrease, Supply Climbs

Sales of existing U.S. homes fell in February for a third month, and the number of properties on the market climbed by the most in almost two years, casting a pall over the prospects for a recovery. Read More Here

(WSJ) – Learjet Repo Man Doing Brisk Business

Ken Cage isn’t your typical repo man. Rather than snatch cars from an over-extended middle class, he takes back yachts, planes and other toys from the over-leveraged rich. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Video: Lehman Bros categorized loans as sales to hide debt – Dylan Ratigan – Continue reading

Rachel Corrie Family Finally Puts Israel in Dock – Court hears how army bulldozer killed peace activist

(InfoClearingHouse) – Seven years after Rachel Corrie, a US peace activist, was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer in Gaza, her family was to put the Israeli government in the dock today. Continue reading

MSM: Spy chips hidden in 2.5 MILLION dustbins – 60pc rise in electronic bugs as council snoopers plan pay-as-you-throw tax

(UKDailyMail) – The growing threat of a stealth tax on the rubbish we throw away was exposed by startling figures yesterday. Continue reading

Why Are Americans Passive as Millions Lose Their Homes, Jobs, Families and the American Dream?

An unnatural economic and psychological disaster has struck America. Five contributors, each interacting with and shaping the others, have devastated the American moral, economic, psychological, and social landscape. Each is fed by related streams, but each contributes its own force to the disaster. The American dream in which each generation surpassed the previous generation in real wages has all but disappeared, along with dreams of an intact family, a steady job, a home, and an honest supportive community. Continue reading

Earthquake in Haiti – This Post Contains Graphic Images

(DenverPost) – Haitians are piling bodies along the devastated streets of their capital after a powerful earthquake flattened the president’s palace and the main prison, the cathedral, hospitals, schools and thousands of homes. Untold numbers are still trapped. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – US Dollar Collapse When China Stops Buying Debt

In February of 2009 Ron Paul warned of a US Dollar collapse when China stops buying out debt in this video (below). There are many good points that Mr. Paul points out in the video but none were more prophetic then calling for the dollar bubble to burst. When the video was recorded the US Dollar index was around 86. Today the US Dollar Index is currently at 75.5. Continue reading

Rich Uncle Pays Your Mortgage – Lew Rockwell

The economic meltdown has put the country on the fast track to socialism, but through a series of tiny steps. One need only to examine the supposed victories in the war on depression to see how this is happening. The latest is the claim that the Obama administration has successfully renegotiated many mortgage obligations in a way that allows people to keep their homes. Continue reading

Wall Street Titans Use Aliases to Foreclose on Families While Partnering With a Federal Agency

A federal agency tasked with expanding the American dream of home ownership and affordable housing free from discrimination to people of modest means has been quietly moving a chunk of that role to Wall Street since 2002. Continue reading

Pittsburgh G20 Summit: De Facto Martial Law

In a disturbing trend that has been emerging in the United States over the last few years, active-duty military will be on a mission in the streets of another modern American city. WPXI News is reporting that 2,000 combat-ready troops from the 2nd Brigade Combat team of the Army National Guard will be deployed in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania during the G20 Summit. Continue reading

One in nine Americans uses food stamps

One in nine Americans relied on food stamps in May, the highest proportion ever, according to recently released data from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Continue reading

MSM: Jobless spike compounds foreclosure crisis

(MSNBC) – Economists estimate 1.8 million borrowers will lose their homes this year Continue reading

No-warrant terrorism raids proposed

The Federal Government has unveiled plans to toughen its counter-terrorism laws, including a change to allow police to break into a suspect’s home without getting approval from a judge. Continue reading

The Economy is in Deep, Deep Trouble…

Booyah. It’s morning in America. The jobless numbers are stabilizing, the stock market is sizzling, quarterly earnings came in better than expected, traders have turned bullish, housing is showing signs of life, and clunker-swaps have given Detroit a well-needed boost of adrenalin. Even Cassandra economists –like Paul Krugman and Nouriel Roubini–have been uncharacteristically optimistic. Is is true; did we avoid a Second Great Depression? Is the worst really behind us? Continue reading

UK Government To Install Surveillance Cameras In Private Homes

The UK government is about to spend $700 million dollars installing surveillance cameras inside the private homes of citizens to ensure that children go to bed on time, attend school and eat proper meals. Continue reading

MSM: Police given powers to enter homes and tear down anti-Olympics posters during 2012 Games

(DailyMail) – Police have been handed ‘Chinese-style’ powers to enter private homes and seize political posters during the London 2012 Olympics. Continue reading

HR 2749 – A Stealth Agribusiness Empowering Act

America is the truest example of what George Bernard Shaw meant when he said “Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for the appointment by the corrupt few.” Obama is upholding the tradition and then some. Continue reading

How the Wall Street Bankers Bought Congress

You would think that causing the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression might have repercussions. You would think being a major factor in the destruction of around 40 percent of the world’s wealth might get you in trouble. You would think being the cause of the worst housing crisis in history — with millions of people losing their homes because of you — might force a restructuring of how Wall Street does things. Continue reading

U.S. Foreclosure Filings Hit Record for Second Straight Month

Foreclosure filings in the U.S. rose to a record for the second consecutive month in April as banks increased efforts to seize homes from delinquent borrowers. Continue reading

Pioneer spirit needed during tough times

These are good days for survivalists, those dour predictors of dire times who’ve said all along we’d better prepare for the worst.

With people losing jobs, homes and life savings through no fault of their own, and with natural disasters, oil shortages and terrorists in the news, those long-predicted grim times may have arrived. Continue reading

Kindergartens not exempted from Israeli raids

Israeli army forces have broken into Palestinian property including a kindergarten in the West Bank, kidnapping four teenagers. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. Foreclosure Index – Foreclosures Soar in March, Up 44 Percent Over February’s High

Completed foreclosures hit another monthly record in March as 175,199 homes were lost to foreclosure, up 44 percent from February’s record high, according to the latest U.S. Foreclosure Index released today by, a leading real estate information provider. Continue reading

Report: “437 children killed, 1872 injured in Israel’s offensive”

Ministry of Social Affairs in the Gaza Strip reported that the Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip left 1500 children orphans, in addition to killing 437 children and wounding 1500 others. Continue reading

German Chancellor Merkel Calling for Raids on Homes

Today, German Chancellor Angela Merkel demanded even tougher gun control measures relating to storage of firearms and ammunition in Germany. With an audacity that defies belief the former East German communist also called for unannounced raids on homes and offices of registered firearm owners. Continue reading

Video: Bread Lines Seen in California

Many say a depression doesn’t have to be great, that the economy can sink into a milder depression. The Salvation Army says it’s happening now, and in San Diego County, people are standing in line outside a Salvation Army waiting for donated bread. Continue reading

Video: Martial Law Inevitable 2009?

Alex Jones and Steve Quayle Continue reading

Video: 137 Pages of Foreclosures in Detroit Free Press

Hard to believe that for the last half of November the Detroit Free Press has 137 pages of foreclosures in its newspaper. These are only tax foreclosures.

Reality-based economists say that the government could reverse the faltering economy by simply cutting income and property taxes by 50%. But then that would throw a wrench in the New World Order plan to reduce the population to debt indentured and tax burdened slaves.

Source: Infowars December 1, 2008

MSM: U.S. Home Resales Fall; Prices Drop by Record 13.2% (Update2)

Dec. 23 (Bloomberg) – Sales prices for existing U.S. homes fell the most on record in November, tearing a deeper hole into households’ already tattered finances.

The median resale price fell 13 percent from a year before, to $181,300, “probably the largest price decline since the Great Depression,” National Association of Realtors Chief Economist Lawrence Yun said in Washington. Sales slid to an annual rate of 4.49 million, lower than forecast. Continue reading

MSM: One in five US homeowners with mortgages underwater – Reuters

NEW YORK, Oct 31 (Reuters) – Nearly one in five U.S. mortgage borrowers owe more to lenders than their homes are worth, and the rate may soon approach one in four as housing prices fall and the economy weakens, a report on Friday shows.

About 7.63 million properties, or 18 percent, had negative equity in September, and another 2.1 million will follow if home prices fall another 5 percent, according to a report by First American CoreLogic. Continue reading