MSM: UK Police – Let Us Sedate Suspects

(Express) – Police want the power to order dangerous suspects to be injected with a sedative.

They claim this would help them deal with people suffering from Excited Delirium Syndrome, a condition said to give victims very high levels of strength and aggression.

Allowing paramedics to sedate such people could reduce deaths in custody, the Police Federation believes.

Only doctors or other medics can currently decide who is given drugs and officers cannot restrain anyone while a sedative is administered. – Read entire article

Study: 9/11-Related Lung Damage Long Lasting

(KTVU) – Most of the New York City firefighters and medics whose lungs were damaged by pulverized masonry and glass from the World Trade Center attacks are not improving as time goes by, according to a new study.

The results are based on breathing tests from nearly 11,000 firefighters who were at ground zero in first two weeks when the dust cloud was thickest. Of the firefighters who didn’t smoke, 13 percent were still scoring below normal up to seven years later, the study found. Continue reading

Report: “437 children killed, 1872 injured in Israel’s offensive”

Ministry of Social Affairs in the Gaza Strip reported that the Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip left 1500 children orphans, in addition to killing 437 children and wounding 1500 others. Continue reading

Depleted uranium found in Gaza victims

Medics tell Press TV they have found traces of depleted uranium in some Gaza residents wounded in Israel’s ground offensive on the strip.

Norwegian medics told Press TV correspondent Akram al-Sattari that some of the victims who have been wounded since Israel began its attacks on the Gaza Strip on December 27 have traces of depleted uranium in their bodies. Continue reading