World War

(OpEdNews) – “360 Rotational Fire” Against Iraqi Civilians After IED Attacks

Ethan McCord, one of the soldiers seen in the now-famous Wikileaks video in which two American Apache helicopters fire upon a relaxed, unhurried gaggle of men in Baghdad, has stated in an interview with World Socialist Website that he witnessed numerous times the indiscriminate slaughter of civilians in Iraq after IED attacks. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Most Americans and Europeans Support Impending Attack on Iran

Remember Hitler’s maxim that the bigger and the more outrageous the lie, the more likely the masses are to believe it? Following the results of a recent poll we once again get an object lesson demonstrating that Hitler knew what he was talking about. Read More Here

(TheAge) – Expert: Terrorists Win If Obama Shuts Down The Internet

US President Barack Obama would be granted powers to seize control of and even shut down the internet under a new bill that describes the global internet as a US “national asset”.

One of Australia’s top communications experts, University of Sydney associate professor Bjorn Landfeldt, railed against the idea, saying shutting down the internet would “inflict an enormous damage on the entire world”.

He said it would be like giving a single country “the right to poison the atmosphere, or poison the ocean”. Read More Here

(PakAlert) – Flashpoints For Global War

In this article, we will examine some of the regions around the world in which such a “shock and awe” campaign could begin, facilitating the escalation of global war. Read More Here

FLASHBACK – (Examiner) – Video: Fox “news” continues CBS, ABC, CNN propaganda to attack Iran: today’s CIA Operation Mockingbird

In the video clip from Fox below, Bill Kristol advocates US military attack on Iran because he predicts that Israel will attack Iran. This is propaganda for an unlawful war for the following “emperor has no clothes” obvious reasons. Fox “reporting” is also a manipulative variation of the same war drone I’ve documented from CBS, ABC, and CNN. View More Here

(Ma’an) – Danish pension funds divest from Israeli companies

Two Danish pension funds announced on Tuesday their decision to divest from two Israeli companies implicated in the construction of Israel’s illegal wall and settlements inside the West Bank, a statement issued by the Stop the Wall Campaign said. Read More Here

Jews Against Zionism

The first national Jewish anti-Zionist gathering will take place this weekend in Detroit. The “U.S. Assembly of Jews: Confronting Racism and Israeli Apartheid,” endorsed by over 50 groups, will explore strategies for anti-Zionist Jewish organizing, expanding the boycott and divestment movement, decolonizing Palestine, and developing Jewish political perspectives distinct from Zionism.

(Telegraph) – Why Kyrgyzstan’s pogroms are my fault (and yours, Britain’s and America’s) – Read More Here

(CBCTheNational) – Video: Why Do Govt Agencies ALWAYS Seem To Destroy Evidence Involved In Terrorism Cases – View Video Here

(KOMO) – Video: US Soldiers Charged with Murder of Three Afghan Civilians – Video Link Here

FLASHBACK – 2007 – (TEDTalks) – Video: James Nachtwey’s searing photos of war

Accepting his 2007 TED Prize, war photographer James Nachtwey shows his life’s work and asks TED to help him continue telling the story with innovative, exciting uses of news photography in the digital era.

(CSMonitor) – US opposes ICC bid to make ‘aggression’ a crime under international law

The Obama administration has resisted efforts by the International Criminal Court to include ‘aggression’ as a crime, mainly because it could impact US military operations abroad. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Gates Demands Congress OK War Funds by July 4 – Read More Here

(RawStory) – US, Europe tighten screws on Iran nuclear program

The new US sanctions target insurance companies, oil firms and shipping lines linked to Iran’s atomic or missile programs as well as the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and Iran’s defense minister Ahmad Vahidi. Read More Here

(Salon) – John McCain on the Evil, Barbaric Iranians – Read More Here

(ArabNews) – Israel’s list of broken world records – Read More Here

(TheCableFP) – Congress calls on administration to use the Human Rights Council against Iran – Read More Here

(SMH) – Strong support for Iran action: poll

The Pew Research Center’s poll conducted in 22 countries found majorities or pluralities in 16 countries endorsing the possibility of military intervention. Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: B.P.s Ties To Iran! (Are They Trying To Vilify Iran Or B.P.?) – Continue reading

MSM: ‘Act of aggression’ sank Korean ship

(ABCNews) – North Korea has threatened “full-scale war” after an international report concluded a torpedo fired by one of the reclusive regime’s submarines sank a South Korean navy ship in March.

A multinational team of independent investigators concluded that North Korea was behind the sinking of the 1,200-tonne corvette Cheonan that killed 46 sailors. Continue reading

MSM: UK Police – Let Us Sedate Suspects

(Express) – Police want the power to order dangerous suspects to be injected with a sedative.

They claim this would help them deal with people suffering from Excited Delirium Syndrome, a condition said to give victims very high levels of strength and aggression.

Allowing paramedics to sedate such people could reduce deaths in custody, the Police Federation believes.

Only doctors or other medics can currently decide who is given drugs and officers cannot restrain anyone while a sedative is administered. – Read entire article

The Expiring Economy – Paul Craig Roberts

Tent cities springing up all over America are filling with the homeless unemployed from the worst economy since the 1930s. While Americans live in tents, the Obama government has embarked on a $1 billion crash program to build a mega-embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan, to rival the one the Bush government build in Baghdad, Iraq. Continue reading

Barack Obama Administration Continues US Military Global Dominance

The Barack Obama administration is continuing the neo-conservative agenda of US military domination of the world— albeit with perhaps a kinder-gentler face. While overt torture is now forbidden for the CIA and Pentagon, and symbolic gestures like the closing of the Guantanamo prison are in evidence, a unilateral military dominance policy, expanding military budget, and wars of occupation and aggression will likely continue unabated.

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