Yet another Soros tentacle exposed

Editor’s comment: Jim Wallis and Sojourners are also the CFR “Christian backers” of ‘Imam’ Feisal Abdul Rauf of the so called ground zero mosque – it seems every globalist tentacle extends into this project.

(AmericanThinker) – Jim Wallis, the man behind the so-called “religious left” – a left wing evangelical activist who worked to get evangelical support for Obama — has been exposed as another stooge of George Soros. And he had the gall to accuse Marvin Olasky, the conservative evangelical who asked Wallis to admit his connections to Soros, of lying. Sarah Pulliam Bailey

of Christianity Today’s political blog has the story: Continue reading

Decoding Scheuer’s Call for Osama to Kill More Americans

“War on Terror” advocates want civilians to die to justify “War on Terror” Continue reading

Taliban defectors: US, Israel funding militants

Two militants’ leaders who defected from notorious Taliban chief in Pakistan have revealed that their comrade was pursuing a US-Israeli agenda across the country. Continue reading

Report: “437 children killed, 1872 injured in Israel’s offensive”

Ministry of Social Affairs in the Gaza Strip reported that the Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip left 1500 children orphans, in addition to killing 437 children and wounding 1500 others. Continue reading

MSM: FBI planting spies in U.S. mosques, Muslim groups say

CNN – Ten U.S. Muslim organizations threatened this week to cease working with the FBI, citing “McCarthy-era tactics” by the agency, including efforts to covertly infiltrate California mosques. Continue reading