The Slippery Definition of Extremism – Campaign for Liberty

Americans are once again hearing of the perils of extremism. But the definition of this offense is slippier than a politician’s campaign promise. The definition of extremism has continually been amended to permit government policies that few sober people previously advocated. Continue reading

India launches biometric census

(PunchNG) – India is launching a new census in which every person aged over 15 will be photographed and fingerprinted to create a biometric national database.

The government will then use the information to issue identity cards. Continue reading

The Census, the Constitution, and Civil Disobedience

(RevolutionaryPolitics) – Principled patriots who seek to support and defend the Constitution often point their ire in the direction of the elected officials who represent them—those who have taken an oath promising that they themselves will be faithful defenders of the document. While this is expected and entirely appropriate, one wonders how often such patriots seek to apply the same rigorous standard to themselves. Continue reading

Video: Have You Received Your Unconstitutional Census Form Yet?

(Fox) – Walter E Williams discusses the bastardization of the census with Judge Napolitano on “Freedom Watch.” Continue reading

Census Data Not So Confidential After All

(Independent) – The current $350 million ad campaign for the 2010 Census, including the much-maligned $2.5 million Super Bowl spots, urges individuals to “Tell your story.” The Census Bureau is particularly eager for minorities and illegal immigrants to do so, as they are traditionally believed to be the most undercounted. Continue reading

Video: US Census is Getting Personal!

This is an expose’ of the Census Bureau. This video itemizes the fundamental legal questions that the Census Bureau refuses or fails to answer about its collection and use of personal information from every American (see questions below). This program aired on Matrix News Network (syndicated national television) in January of 2010. Continue reading

MSM: Back-Door Taxes Hit U.S. With Financing in the Dark

Oct. 26 (Bloomberg) — Salvatore Calvanese, the treasurer of Springfield, Massachusetts, for four years, had a ready defense for why he risked $14 million of taxpayer money on collateralized-debt obligations laden with subprime mortgages in 2007. Continue reading

Revised Formula Puts 1 in 6 Americans in Povert

A revised formula for calculating medical costs and geographic variations show that approximately 47.4 million Americans last year lived in poverty, 7 million more than the government’s official figure. Continue reading

US Census Bureau report: 40 million living in poverty

The overall poverty rate in the US rose to 13.2 percent in 2008, as workers across all sectors of the economy became jobless and increasing numbers of families were forced into destitution, according to a new government report. Real median household income also declined by 3.6 percent. Continue reading

The US Financial Structure is Doomed. Monetization, Crisis of Retail Trade, Decline of the Dollar

(BobChapman) – Nearly half the nation’s 25 biggest retail chains expect to hire fewer holiday workers this season than they did last year, another sign that retailers aren’t counting on recession-strained shoppers to relax the tight grip on their pocketbooks this year. Continue reading

US Census Bureau Confirms Rising Poverty, Falling Incomes, and Growing Numbers of Uninsured

In early September, The US Census Bureau released its new report titled, “Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2008″ (pdf) showing disturbing data that portends much worse ahead under a president and Congress doing nothing to address it. Continue reading

Poverty hits 1 in 8 Americans

About 2.5 million Americans slipped below the poverty line as recession and layoffs hammered the economy last year, driving poverty to its highest level since 1998, the U.S. Census Bureau reported Thursday. Continue reading

The Economy is in Deep, Deep Trouble…

Booyah. It’s morning in America. The jobless numbers are stabilizing, the stock market is sizzling, quarterly earnings came in better than expected, traders have turned bullish, housing is showing signs of life, and clunker-swaps have given Detroit a well-needed boost of adrenalin. Even Cassandra economists –like Paul Krugman and Nouriel Roubini–have been uncharacteristically optimistic. Is is true; did we avoid a Second Great Depression? Is the worst really behind us? Continue reading

“Working Poor” report: Nearly 30 percent of US families subsist on poverty wages.

A report released in October 2008 by the Working Poor Families Project reveals that more than 28 percent of American families with one or both parents employed are living in poverty. Continue reading

Video: Michele Backmann on the 2010 Census/Internment Camps

Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has been a tad concerned about responding to the 2010 Census. “If we look at American history, between 1942 and 1947, the data that was collected by the Census Bureau was handed over to the FBI and other organizations at the request of President Roosevelt, and that’s how the Japanese were rounded up and put into the internment camps,” she told Fox News last month. Continue reading

The Techniques of Fascism #1: A Missile at Your Door

This will be the first in a series of essays about the practical aspects of creating a fascist state. I have long written about the New World Order and its intentions of reestablishing the Middle Ages with its Feudal system. That plan is now well along in its implementation in my view. Continue reading

The Reason Why the IBM/Lockheed Martin Census Worker Is On Your Doorstep or…IBM’s Dirty Census Laundry

From April 1st, 150, 000 census workers, part of a $700 million taxpayer-funded contract, will travel all known streets and roads to identify every living quarter where people live or could potentially live. Each structure also will receive Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates to make sure it is recorded in the right location. [1] Continue reading

Another Attack on the Constitution: Obama Hijacks the Census

It’s another shot across the bow of the Constitution: the White House has announced it will micromanage the census. It is said Obama and crew — you can almost hear Rahm Emanuel cracking his knuckles in Obama’s ear — decided to lord over the census after California Rep. Barbara Lee, chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, and Hispanic groups complained to the White House about Judd Gregg, the Republican senator from New Hampshire slated to head the Commerce Department. Lee, the Caucus, and Hispanic groups complained Gregg couldn’t be trusted to conduct to run the census, at least not to their liking, and in response the Obama administration hijacked the census. Continue reading