Video: The Intel Hub with Adrian Salbuchi

(IntelHub) – August 3rd 2010 – The Intel Hub with your Host Shepard Ambellas. Shepard was joined by researcher Adrian Salbuchi for an in depth article on the world elite. Continue reading

Raid on Hutaree puzzles Adrian

(DetroitNews) – Adrian — This small town in rural southeastern Michigan is known mostly for Adrian College and corn farms, but it’s no stranger to controversial anti-government movements.

The raid of an alleged Christian extremist group, Hutaree, has shocked residents of the small community of about 22,500 residents.

“I don’t know what they were doing, but they apparently hadn’t caused any trouble here that anyone knew of,” said Peter Hayes of Hayes Insurance Agency in downtown Adrian.

“Frankly, it seemed like a lot of overkill to me this weekend,” Hayes said about the raid. “Cars, trucks, a helicopter — why, they had more people out there than there was in church Sunday.”

Adrian, the Lenawee County seat, is the home base of the Rev. Rick Strawcutter, whose low-power radio station “Radio Free Lenawee” garnered attention for broadcasts stridently denouncing the federal government before it was shut down by the FCC in 2001 because it hadn’t obtained the proper broadcast license.

Full article here

Got Fascism? : Obama Advisor Promotes ‘Cognitive Infiltration’

In a recent scholarly article, he and coauthor Adrian Vermeule take up the question of “Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures.” (J. Political Philosophy, 7 (2009), 202-227). This is a man with the president’s ear. This is a man who would process information and regulate things. What does he here propose?

[W]e suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity. (Page 219.)

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Video: Salbuchi – 2010 Forecast – Transition from Globalization to World Government

Analyst Adrian Salbuchi from Argentina, proposes a Model that helps to understand the dynamics of what is currently taking place in the world, which he defines as the overlapping and increasingly violent process that marks the end of Globalization and the birth of World Government.
This three part video also explores 12 Key Factors that will trigger this Transition Continue reading

Sixty million years of evolution says vitamin D may save your life from swine flu

(NaturalNews) – People still don’t get it: Vitamin D is the “miracle nutrient” that activates your immune system to defend you against invading microorganisms — including seasonal flu and swine flu. Continue reading

Video: “We, The People…” – The Insurrection

Adrian Salbuchi begins a series of videos with some specific ideas, proposals and suggestions regarding what each of us CAN DO to fight the coming World Government, irrespective of where you are, what your work is, and what your resources – large or small – may be. Continue reading

Global Crisis: How Much Time do We Have? – Adrian Salbuchi

A good doctor is one who will tell his patient what ails him, no matter how bad the news… A good doctor begins by making a correct diagnosis of his patient’s condition. A bad doctor, however, either cannot make a proper diagnosis (because he lacks expertise) or, worst still, he hides the truth from his patient… Continue reading

Video: Salbuchi – Global Meltdown – What We Can & Should Do

Describes what needs to be done regarding the Financial Meltdown. Put the financial system in its proper place and bring Health to the Economy. All based on the Argentine experience of having suffered systemic collapses, hrperinflation and the gross corruption of wanton speculation. Continue reading

Key Factors For Founding The Sovereign Nation Of Argentina

The Fundamentals

The vast majority of Argentine citizens thoroughly reject and abhor the decades-long destructive action which local politicians have perpetrated against our people and country. Continue reading

Video: Adrian Salbuchi on the Alex Jones Show

Alex talks with researcher, author and speaker, host of the Buenos Aires talk-show El Traductor Radial and founder of the Argentine Second Republic Movement. Continue reading