Is There any Margin for Hypocrisy and Deceit? – Fidel Castro

To accuse Hugo Chávez, the leader of the Bolivarian Revolution, of inciting a war against the people of Colombia and unleash an arms race, to portray him as the mastermind and promoter of drug trafficking, and accuse him of repressing the freedom of expression, violating human rights and other similar misdeeds is a repugnant and cynical action, as everything else that the empire has done, still does and promotes. We can neither ever forget nor stop reiterating realities. Objective and well-reasoned truth is the most important weapon with which we should ceaselessly hammer into the conscience of peoples. Continue reading

Getting the Kids Ready for Soft Kill Vaccinations: “Mission Set: Immuno”

UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and Swedish toymaker BRIO have teamed up to get kids ready for their coming soft kill vaccinations. Continue reading