Video: Pinal County Sheriff: Mexican drug cartels now control parts of Arizona

(BorderlandBeat) – Two men shot earlier this week could be the result of the ongoing battle between Mexican drug cartels now spilling over deep into Arizona, officials say.
Pinal County investigators say an area known as the smuggling corridor now stretches from Mexico’s border to metro Phoenix. Continue reading

ATF Responsible for Creating Large Part of Illegal Cigarette Black Market

(KurtNimmo) – Back during the days of the Bush neocon effort to create mass hysteria over manufactured terrorism, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives attempted to link illicit cigarette smuggling and sales to terrorism. Continue reading

Obama Positioning For Backdoor Gun-By – Chuck Baldwin

On his recent trip to Central America, President Barack Obama did more than cozy up to Marxist dictators; he also signed onto an international treaty that could, in effect, be used as backdoor gun control. It appears that Obama wants to use international treaties to do what congressional legislation is not able to do: further restrict the right of the American people to keep and bear arms. Continue reading

Audio: Ron Paul – End the War on Drugs!

In his latest column Ron Paul points out that the War on Drugs is unconstitutional, can’t be won, and only makes things worse for almost everyone involved. The only beneficiaries are the drug barons, smugglers and dealers who enjoy exorbitant profits, and those dark forces in government who try to further suppress our freedoms under the excuse of fighting the war against drugs. Continue reading

The Tunnels of Gaza – An underground economy and resistance symbol

Resistance takes as many forms as life itself dictates.

Life in Gaza could not be more impossible. Its tunnels are a symbol of resistance. Continue reading