Swine Flu: Biggest Scam of 2009 Begins, Millions Prepare to “Protect Their Health”

The plague of modern society is preparing for the event that will quite possibly be the most dangerous thing to happen to humanity since the last great outbreak: the release of the Swine Flu vaccination. That’s right, not the flu, the “prevention.” Continue reading

Swine Flu: Biggest Scam of 2009 Begins

The plague of modern society is preparing for the event that will quite possibly be the most dangerous thing to happen to humanity since the last great outbreak: the release of the Swine Flu vaccination. That’s right, not the flu, the “prevention.” Continue reading

Swine flu vaccine program in jeopardy

The Federal Government’s plan to immunise the population against swine flu is in chaos because doctors’ insurers may not cover them to administer the jab, saying inadequate testing and the possibility of spreading other infections mean there is too high a risk that patients will sue them later. Continue reading

MSM: Swine flu vaccine plan in disarray

(SydneyHerald) – The Federal Government’s plan to immunise the population against swine flu is in chaos because insurers may not cover doctors who administer the jab. Continue reading

MSM: First Swine Flu Vaccinations May Start in Australia in a Month

(Bloomberg) – Mass vaccination against swine flu may begin in Australia within a month, health officials said, heralding one of the world’s biggest public health exercises. Continue reading

Infectious disease risk in swine flu jabs

Leading infectious disease experts have called on the Federal Government to abandon its mass swine-flu vaccination plan because of fears the vaccine is a contamination risk that could spread blood-borne diseases. Continue reading

Flu shots for pregnant women, Aborigines

Women who are pregnant, people with chronic diseases and Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders will be offered free vaccinations against influenza by the Federal Government. Continue reading

‘Draconian’ powers seen to contain swine flu

Regional governments can invoke “draconian” powers if the swine flu virus reaches a worst-case scenario, from monitoring people in their own homes to seizing control of entire economies. Continue reading