Video: Truckers Unwittingly Used to Transport Dangerous Avian Flu Materials?

Information has been provided to us by a Natural Solutions Foundation supporter who lives in the region in which she has gathered the information that you can read below. It is highly disturbing, not only because of the contents of the information but because without further data, it is impossible to determine what it means.


Truckers Unwittingly Used to Transport Dangerous Avian Flu Materials?

Natural Solutions Foundation

From the Health Freedom Action eAlert of April 8, 2009
Please help us confirm or deny this information.

Information has been provided to us by a Natural Solutions Foundation supporter who lives in the region in which she has gathered the information that you can read below. It is highly disturbing, not only because of the contents of the information but because without further data, it is impossible to determine what it means.

Considered in light of the very disturbing incident in January 2009 where annual flu “vaccines” being delivered to 18 countries were “accidentally” contaminated with live Avian Flu Virus, we are very concerned. See:

Has a civilian work force of truckers (and others?) been recruited to disperse highly hazardous materials with the intent of destroying social order and creating an intentional bio-false flag event?

Has civilian well-being been endangered through bizarre transportation activities which expose large populations to extreme dangers without following the established channels for moving highly hazardous materials?

If the US Government is involved, are these activities rogue, or authorized activities? If the US Government is not involved, who is responsible for them?

Is this really happening at all?

The person who collected this data believes she may be in danger but has sent this material to hundreds, she says, of media sources. None has, to date, published this material. Without corroboration, or information which falsifies it, no one would know what to do with it. Ignoring it is easy. But what if the few dots in this picture, while not fully filled in, do, in fact, make a portrait of something critically important? Can we ignore it?

So we are asking you, nearly a quarter of a million strong, to be our intelligence system: if you have information which would make or break this story, send it to with “TRUCKERS” as the subject.

We’ll treat your information as confidential, and put the pieces together, then share the info without revealing your names.

Ralph Fucetola JD, Natural Solutions Foundation Trustee

Here is the information we were provided:

The testimony enclosed will RISK lives. Please handle with care and only give to mid level trusted personnel. Handle with care as my intent is to not risk life as a result of this testimony. I FEAR THIS IS BIRD FLU-80% LETHAL. DO NOT HESITATE READING THIS LETTER AND ACT NOW! If this were ever to be the case, once released, it would be too late for all of us. HELP!

WARNING: Do not give this to your superior officer until you digest this and KNOW who you can trust. The superior officers in many agencies, government and private law enforcement are corrupted and infiltrated, were politically appointed and their subordinates are unaware, by the same people attempting to destroy our country. I sent this to a mid management level on purpose in hopes that it is acted upon before those involved can stop this information from being investigated. I even fear from information gathered at a secret meeting in Lake Placid NY, that took place at the Lussi Gold Crown Plaza on Oct 17-19, 2008, that the Joint Chief’s of staff attended, therefore may be involved. The secret meeting that leaked was attended by Dick Cheney, all three Joint Chiefs of Staff (Mullen) Hilary Clinton, George Bush, Condalezza Rice, Kissinger Italian, African, British representatives (Air Force II) (See Adirondack Life, page 10)-winter issue after the leak) and many others. Biological discussions took place. I cannot divulge the informant for his safety. I even fear even GEN Petraeus could be on the wrong side and the surge in Afghanistan to leave us HERE less protected. My trust factors are completely shattered as are many Americans at this moment.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is up to no good. I have spoken to informants that are afraid to come forward so I am risking my life to bring it to you. There are many good people in this agency that think they are performing normal job duties and working toward homeland security. They are not aware of the sinister goings on and what is actually taken place. I will tell you what IS happening and then I will prove it in the contents of this letter. This is NOT conspiracy theory and if you dismiss it for such you will be very sorry as you will be a victim to what is about to happen as will those you love. You MUST take this serious and investigate this immediately. I repeat immediately. If you get nowhere convincing those you approach whom you trust, don’t stop. Our lives depend on it. We must stop these monsters once and for all and I feel their attack is days, weeks, and months away. They are moving quickly and fear time is of the essence.

The letter below was written prior an URGENT NEW DEVELOPMENT that is, I fear, LIFE THREATENING for you, your family and America. I spoke to a trucker who is trucking what I fear to be biological/weapons and other terrorist material.

New Developments written after letter below:

A trucker who owns a private truck, by word of mouth was asked to transport material for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). He and many others are doing this daily (sometimes 3 trips a day). They are being paid 5000.00 per load in cash by Rockefellers “Bank of America.” They are given slips (approx 5X7) that read “EASTERN CONNECTION” in the upper right hand corner with an orange and red insignia. These multiple carbon copied forms are stapled to packaging forms (8X11). The truckers take this forms, one each, for each load. The hours they are in transit are written in pen. They are given a number (each trucker their own private number) and they present this paperwork to Bank of America in person. They are not paid at the counter, but paid after being brought in a private room in the bank. They must recite their individual number and are paid by check. On the statement it read:

“Independent Contractor Settlement Trust”
“Bank of America”
“Independent 12345”

(a different number for each load, I did not list the number I saw, for protection of the trucker, nor his number). There are menial deductions on the stub to fool (he was told) the tellers at the bank and those deductions were promised to them after the fact and will be paid to them. They are sent the amount of the phony deductions at a later date. The trucker was told they will not pay taxes on this money. Ever. The TO: on the slip says 30 Old Karner Road, Albany N. Y, and the FROM: Verizon, 11 Wards Lane, Menands, N.Y. Although he stated that at no time has he been to EITHER of these locations. Is given a white bag to put ALL contents used during their trip. Any coffee cups, sandwich wrappers etc. They are instructor at NO time are they allowed to chew gum. A DHS personnel hands the a white bag and all garbage is collected by DHS after the trip. He heard on one occasion that DHS was going to bankrupt the postal service and it was eventually ALL going to be privatized.

He is required to exit his truck while DHS loads it in secret. He waits at various places for his truck to be loaded and given NO timeframe. He waits and is fed well and kept comfortable by staff. He then has his truck returned to him with an electromagnetic lock and is escorted, sometimes with green cars, white vans, and on one transport in New York, by Menands Police Dept. The police car is waiting for them when they leave and escorts them so far then turns around. He then is given a map and are instructed to drive different routes at times. Those that truck with him are separated but end in the same destination. At the destinations such as Washington, plain clothed men with expensive guns are waiting for him. His truck is unloaded while they are held up in a 5 star Hilton Hotel and with food and drink. They were told they must leave the area they live in presently when this is all over as it is not safe. That for the sake of their families can go to a place called “Sand Point” near the water in Washington where only those that are good to the government, they, in turn will be good to them. The names he could recall were “Arbey King McGregor, (white)” “Lee Morgan, (white)” “Fattah,” (Arab) and a very dark (African) man who was a 3 star GENERAL whose name escaped him. His phone rings constantly as these individuals do no let him out of their grasp. The number is always different and he was instructed to NOT write down the phone numbers. On the trips, they are instructed to not stop at red lights, to urinate or defecate. That if they have to use the bathroom, they must do so IN THE TRUCK or in a urinal-NO MATTER WHAT! They drive non stop to their destination. They have been sent places where they “thought” they were going. Then, a lead car stops them and diverts their direction sporadically. They have turned down many dead end streets that say “Dead End,” but are let in gates that they drive miles into open fields (gravel driveways) that end where their trucks are lowered into the ground and disappear to be loaded. On one load waited and fed with the other truckers. When the truck raised out of the ground from a baron field, there were personnel with tyvex suits, masks, booties, and he was given a vaccination (injection of some sort) for his safety during the transport (safety?) He was told this was in order to protect his family. He showed me the injection site. He transports weapons, military equipment etc from Edison Street in Amsterdam New York near Robo Car Wash. Another employee stated that that building held “anything and everything” you would need military. (”Blackwater”?)

He was given a stack of 10’s of vouchers for future deliveries. I counted 100,000.00 worth of deliveries for just weeks of work. He is “on call” constantly. He is called 3 and 4 times a day to just “see how he is doing.” He is called for meetings that are held unannounced at 2 and 3 o’clock in the morning, told to come right away (they knowing how far he is from the DHS facility, then asked how he is doing, then sent home. He stated. “too many meetings.”

The trucker was suspicious and nervous because those in charge stated things about his personal life that no one could know, as he did not tell them. He is concerned for what he has gotten into and the safety of his family. He did it ONLY for the money and is not allowed to see the contents of what Department of Homeland Security loads in his truck. He is required to wear a uniform. The uniform is a light blue shirt (short sleeves with button up similar to a golf shirt) with “Eastern Connection” and the same red and orange insignia that was on the paperwork. He must wear white sneakers and black pants. If he is not in that uniform he is not let into the areas of DHS. He has done many runs and is shipping biological material to many cities, military base planes, remote fields, underground bases etc. I know of one trucker who transported (he was able to peak and see his contents) a large cylinder (missile?) to Phoenix Arizona- stated “the largest underground base” in North America. He was paid 18,000.00 per load. It was told to me that other trucks in line for such pick ups are J.B Hunt and TONS of Raymour and Flannigan Furniture and Wal-Mart tractor trailers. That they are a front for CIA in Syracuse and Syracuse Research Corp. That the Wal-Mart warehouses may not only have clothes and food but weapons of terror, as they are highly secured and guarded. A relative aware of this theory who lives in New York stated they counted an average of TEN Raymour and Flannigan (need to figure out what companys they are using in your individual states) double tractor trailer loads with a white van tailing them in a period of an hours drive on the New York State Thruway heading west. They are moving something and are up to no good. It is now confirmed that they are loading trucks at the DHS facilities in secret from the Clinton St/Broadway Albany NY building near Charles Swab and Bank of America late at night in secret, paid in cash and non taxed. The underground base was off Main Street in Glens Falls near a Stewart’s, take left near a carwash at the end of a dead end street. (Possible old missile silo or underground base). A Federal agent stated Plattsburgh was a Air Force SAC base at one time and there were silos protecting them that may be being used. That there is another one 4 miles north of Elizabethtown N.Y. That the gate/fence was removed and they drove 6 miles on a gravel road to an underground facility.

That they were DONE with that location and were now moving more North. He has waited at a Stewarts quick shop on Rt. 20 in Guilderland while his truck was loaded for three hours with other truckers. There are military installations on Foundry Road in Guilderland NY. He also loaded a C130 ot 109 Stratton Air Base and did see medical equipment (white solution in bags-90 boxes being loaded) They have made trips to Baltimore, Washington and now New Jersey. They are going to load near Elizabethtown at another silo they are using soon. The company listed both on the checks and vouchers does not exist in research. Who IS this African former three star general.

Why does DHS need to do movement material to PROTECT us in secret for cash? Who is Fattah? This General? Why are white men in fancy SUITS there when he is assembled. He stated: Money is NO object. They even offered him 25,000 to purchase another truck.

What I think: I think the Department of Homeland Security is a shadow government of George W. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield (Blackwater) and company. That money (Bailout$? Lack of transparency if financing our demise) is illegally funded to “in the name of” Homeland for the Security for the destruction of our country. That something HORRIFIC is about to happen to our country! The Stimulus Package funded the camps, NIH, CDC, Government cars and the Railroad. All needed if were to unleash a PLANNED H5N1 Attack! That those at the top levels of government are paid off or possible death threat and their intent is to hurt us with many trusting citizen Americans underneath them that have no idea what they are up to. I believe the (proof below) that H5N1 Virus (Avian Flu) and possibly pre-planted nuclear devices in major cities (proof below) or similar will be inflicted on our country by our own corrupted government. That our government has sold us out and we are going to be victims of a false flag attack for which this trucker is unknowingly servicing.

The build up of the Avian Flu scare and preparation (See and type in “Avian Flu” or “H5N1,”) they state is inevitable and believed by those who do not know better is a farce. Millions world wide are aware of this and proof ignored. That the FEMA detention centers are REAL. The crematory’s behind Tobyhanna Military Depot, and places across the country are staffed and ready to go. The coffins stacked at these facilities are for Biological deaths (keep biological contents safe for 100 years by company who supplied them) (artificially inflicted-false flag) to weaken our resistance to a Fascist/Communist take over. Once Military law is enacted and the population reduced by 80% as a result of a nuclear biological attack (from inside), this takeover will be easier. For those of you who live near railroad tracks, have you noticed the train traffic, night after night for months now. So loud, its hard to sleep. When investigating the insignia’s on the trains the realization that they are ALL from China. Clintons gave Communist China the Long Beach Naval Shipyard in 1997, Bush handed it to Communist China in 2000 and COSCO-China’s weapons dealers (also see their trucks) in 2000. The closing of our bases and reduction of our forces was intentional to weaken us and the bases converted into FEMA camps for our demise. This has been planned for years and we are witnessing history in its unfolding. We MUST STOP THEM.

The FEMA trains are real. Presently there are 30 miles of them parked nearby-empty. (See Beech grove video on “ There are MILES of them parked in various places in the country waiting to be filled with troops, bodies? Henry Kissinger ringing the NY Stock Exchange bell with three high level officials from China is NO ACCIDENT. That China owning our only deep water ports and Panama Canal (also done by Clinton) no accident. I feel we are in GRAVE danger and this trucker is unknowingly trucking what the Clinton/Bush and now Obama (real name Barry Sotoro of Kenya) Administration intend to use on the American People. See NAFTZ (Rockefeller CEO) and FTZ (Foreign Trade Zones). That is where the Queen/Bush/Canadian Railroad, CSX and Global bankers are locating the supply’s they are bringing in ON TRAINS ALL NIGHT LONG. We have researched MOL, API, COSCO and others with CSX for miles all night long across America. Because of the 100 mile NO CONSTITUTION ZONE declared the entire perimeter of the continent of America, these train shipments are not scrutinized, examined, go through customs. It was the PERFECT plan for a takeover and they are about to complete it. Go to ANY county and type in the county and “Foreign Trade Zones” (FTZ) and you will find things located in these areas that I think are there to hurt us. This is my assumption after months and years and interviews with those involved. This is SERIOUS. WE ARE GOING TO DIE if SOMEONE DOES NOT INVESTIGATE the FEMA CAMPS, THE TRAINS, THE CASH being funneled through Bank of America (the real reason for the Spitzer, Blogivich) demise (their resistance to Rockefeller bank) WHAT THESE PRIVATE CONTRACTORS ARE TRUCKING AND WHERE. WHAT IS IN THE MULTITUDES of UNDERGROUND BASES? The contents of the vaccines they are transporting (death or protection for us?). An attack (See Bidens warning) and soon? The bankers have sold us out! They CARE NOT for America’s existence. Is this why China owns our bad foreclosure paper? HELP US!

Truckers should NOT BE TRANSPORTING what they are NOT aware of in their trucks. Tell truckers to NOT transport what they themselves cannot inspect.

SEE This is WHO IS DOING THIS TAKEDOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jack Bernstein has already been killed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He was dead before the Bailout occurred. Aired on


800 pages of CODE


BIDENS WARNING….put his foot in it, then attempted to backpedal. Biggest warning however, we are in BIG TROUBLE…reread his words…..and be scared! In THE FALL AT AN ELECTION GATHERING Vice president Joe Biden was quoted as saying, “Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. This was spoken with New World Order arrogance we have seen from this administration similar to that of Senator Chuck Schumer’s comment “the chattering class.” This administration knows EXACTLY what is to take place and if it’s a nuclear or biological attack it is not from an outside enemy! Bidens exact words;

“It will not be six months before the world tests Barrack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re going to have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

“I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,” Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. “And he’s going to need help. And the kind of help he’s going to need is, he’s going to need you – not financially to help him – we’re going to need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not going to be apparent initially, it’s not going to be apparent that we’re right.”

HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”

Below is what was written BEFORE MEETING THE TRUCKER. I have not changed it so you can see what I was about to release prior my meeting him. Go to for his take on the takedown of our country. He was killed for the release of what may be the perfect truth!

The purpose of this message is an attempt to save America. I have to admit that I fear it is too late. However, felt it my moral and civic duty to share the knowledge I have. Even if it costs my life. One, in order that I may wake America but second, if that doesn’t happen, to let history know who did this to America so that it is not repeated and the perpetrators of this crime are punished. History has a way of repeating itself. I have been warning those close to me for years however have had little success and am disheartened in my quest. I have not only researched the man made intentional take down of our country, but could not help myself in researching theology as a result of the same. One cannot be done without the other in the end. More on that later.

The enclosed information will provide allot of “dots” that have been connected. Many feel something is wrong as they watch the undertaking of the Bailout in October and the Stimulus Package of February. Listening to the radio, I have heard the feelings of uneasiness by Americans by their words. I feel many fell something is amiss, however have not connected all the dots. It is time to expose the dots I have collected in attempt to create a circumstance of revolt by Americans to stop the oncoming freight train. We are a peaceful nation, however, I fear due to the ignoring of us by our Congressman and Senators (they are all involved in blackmail) and the “blackout” by the controlled of media that this “revolt” cannot be done peacefully. Unfortunately, I feel there will ultimately be bloodshed as the corrupt powers in control will not give up their control of America peacefully. Even more disheartening is those in power, are ready for our civil uprising in ways that are against our Constitution and not on the side of America. The information enclosed will give the average American the start they need to investigate my assumptions and hopefully cause outrage that could possibly slow or stop the purposeful takedown by the individuals that are ruining this Republic. It will not be without cost, however. In order to stop this train, we must sacrifice our way of life temporarily, in order to take the power out of the hands of those that control America.

The links below will give you an idea of how sinister and clever this takedown is. Many before me have been labeled as “conspiracy theory” kooks. I am sorry to inform you that these individuals are true Patriots and Americans who have had the courage to face the truth, the manipulation of you by your government and the effect it has had on their lives that has been changed forever, never to return. I will briefly share with you my own experience in the uncovering of this information and its effect on a person.

When I realized what was going on, it was more than one human brain could handle. It resulted in weight loss, lack of sleep, change in goals, ideals, dreams, hopes, relationships, spiritual upheaval, stark change in political orientation, change in career and financial decisions, but most of all sheer agony. Everything we were taught from birth was a lie and that realization was more than the average person could bear. The truth was overwhelming and could not be managed all at once. This research was over months and years and had to be let into my brain in stages. The analogy I can make is that of a lens of a camera. The lens lets light it in increments. As the lens of information opens, more and more light gets in. The lens finally opens to its widest point after months of discovery and becomes almost incomprehensible. My lens is wide open now, but it happened gradually with allot of heartache and personal cost. I have met others who have known the truth for a lot longer than I. Many of their lives have been utterly destroyed as they, as a result of this knowledge; have given up, fought depression and despair, given up their businesses, careers, homes, hopes and dreams. I have met many recently who, if had the financial means, have left the county. I read a statistic that for the first time in history; three hundred thousand Americans are leaving our country yearly. I, unfortunately, will never be the same and are forever changed. It has been my experience that few listen, few can handle the truth, and few want to see their world change as a result of accepting the truth. The truth turns your world upside down.

The frustration of watching those around you live their lives as if everything is normal is almost unmanageable. It will take COURAGE to read this entire document. I advise you to proceed with caution, as if you open your lens and consider the assumptions in this document as truth, you won’t return unchanged. I must apologize for being the bearer of bad tidings and wish, more than any other time in my life, I was wrong. I beg of you to read this and pass this to every breathing American you know. It will not be without repercussion and consequence. There are very few leaders among us and it takes guts to face this. When the times comes (and I fear that is soon) it will be of utmost importance for Americans to know who the bad guys are in order to salvage what will be left of our country. Those that do not believe you will soon be forced to wake up to this reality and you may have saved their lives as a result of your warning. At the very least, you will have planted a seed. I have been trying to wake those around me. Some, it has taken a year. You plant a seed and they begin to open their lens. They do research on their own and find your assumptions to be more and truer, then fear and panic set it and they go through the stages above. Then, they start the same network of warning those around them and the cycle continues. Hopefully, when it happens, Americans will wakes from their slumber, it won’t be too late. I know of protests in Washington and in various States of our union but our citizens are not hearing about them because of the media blackout that is being controlled by those that are presently assaulting our nation. The situation is so far gone that I fear unless millions of Americans wake up soon and all at the same time, it will be impossible to reverse the devastation to our country.

I have enclosed many links so that you may research my assumptions. I will tell you my connection of the dots. I don’t claim my assumptions are perfect, nor to be an authority on anything. It is my opinion and conclusions based on my own research. I fear that many are aware of my conclusions but our government is so corrupted and controlled that our federal agency’s that were instituted to protect us are powerless. Many that have gone before me are no longer here. Heart attacks, suicides and plane crashes are abundant. Legislators play and when they stop playing are framed. The continuous sex scandals of late are one sheer example. The least they could do is switch their themes. The Spitzers and the Belogivich’s of the world are far too many. FBI and others have their check and balance systems turned off and are no longer protecting us. The same corrupt government has infiltrated (New World Order pre-positioned personnel nine deep-even in civilian police agencies) I fear that the agencies that were suppose to protect us, no longer have the capacity to do so. Jack Mclamb (Project Vampire 2000) and Ron Paul have dedicated their lives to warn Americans but their warnings have fallen on deaf ears. Jack represents Police and Military against the New World Order. I highly recommend reading Ron Paul’s’ new book “Revolution” just released. Also, listening to a short wave radio station called “”(before they are shut down). I found that this has been one of the best sources for what is going on. They can be heard (on shortwave 7490 from 6am-9am Central time and 5070 from 2am-5am. However, the radio is about to be silenced by the “Fairness Doctrine.” This will take away our first amendment right to vocalize opposition of the government. The internet is being discredited as “not a reliable” source. This is convenient because it is the ONLY source that is not presently fully controlled that the Americans have exposure to. The internet, however, as we speak, is being taken over by our corrupt government (see Internet 2).

They, in the name of pornography, are going to shut down our exposure to the internet momentarily and we will soon lose that resource for our research. The research enclosed will soon be unavailable and Americans will have no way to verify, research, communicate and the curious will be silenced. Many of the links I have exposed have already gone “awol,” as more and more Americans uncover the dots that lead us to unbelievable conclusions. Soon, all of what is enclosed will be unavailable, I fear. Our time is running short to expose these monsters. We must act quickly and fight the Fairness Doctrine, the attempt to take out guns in violation of the 2nd Amendment. However, those doing this to us have a different way to do it than violate of our Constitution. They are taking the Bailout money and purchasing/monopolizing every aspect of our consumption to control us. For example, rather than institute the Fairness Doctrine, they are just buying the radio stations so we no longer hear opposition of government. Sirius Radio is in the process of a hostile takeover for this very purpose. Rather than deny Americans the 2nd Amendment, they are just buying all the ammunition company’s such as Lugar, Remington and Cooper. When you own these companies from money earned by the American taxpayer, it becomes the perfect takeover plan. Monopolize our food, fuel, entertainment, utilities, medical industry, free trade, manufacturing etc. My research has proven that there exists a monopoly on every aspect of our existence presently and OUR tax dollars paid (corrupt) for every aspect of our takeover. President Bush gave billions of tax payer dollars in single bid contracts to Dick Cheney in the name of Halliburton and Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR). His wealth from yours and my tax dollars. Our tax money financing our own demise….all under our very noses and with the knowledge of the Congress and Senate. All of which are afraid, ignorant or corrupted by the power of our mafia/corporate/bank run corrupt government. They have financed a private military called Black Water run by Donald Rumsfeld, with its own private Air Force, Army and Navy called “Hollow point.” All of this money from the tax payer. Their privatization of the world’s water, corporation, and roads in America were all done by treason and American workers.

The key players being the Rothschild Empire in the UK, whose empire/physical fortress is not governed by any law and is conveniently not under the legislation of ANY sovereign country. The same is true for Washington D. C. The Rockefeller, representatives of the Bildeberg Group, The Club of Rome, The Vatican, The Trilateral Commission and The Council of Foreign Relations are the monsters doing this to us. Ninety percent of the Obama Administration are dual citizens of Israel and are members of the Council of Foreign Relations. Hollywood are part of the club and EVERY single movie and any fruit of the industry is to propagate the mission of this group. It is no coincidence that there were two “Hitler” themed movies out for the 2008 Christmas season. The Israeli Mafia have a huge part to play in the manual premeditated take down of America by a Nazi controlled, Communist, Fascist regime that is being led. It creates fear and sympathy for the anti-semitic movement. Many Zionists run large corporations are in control of the world’s money, resources, power and ultimately every aspect of our lives in America. By creating fear in the examination of some of the Zionist run corporations that are coming into play, the powers that be are trying to insulate that examination in the name of anti-Semitism. They have even recently passed hate crime laws in Florida to discourage the uncovering of this unethical and sinister plot. The black vs. white, homosexual movement, anti-semitism, Muslim vs. America (terrorist) are all divide and conquer campaigns by our government to divide us, therefore keeping us from seeing who the real bad guys are. Hate crime legislation to discourage people to question and examine! There are bad apples in every culture and ethnic group. There are many wonderful God fearing Jews as every other culture and religion. But the majority of these corporations that are not operating in our best interest and have taken corruption to a new level have ties to Isreal and the UK. America has been a long time friend of Israel and that is not by accident. The world’s reaction to American’s Imperialism is strongly rooted in greed and by the Military Industrial Complex that has been the only benefactor to our wars, Iraq being our last. A war that was done only for the war profiteers with the likes Bush, Cheney, Rothchild, Rockefeller, etc. They are instituting the New World Order from a four side attack with a vengeance right now. As are 90% of Obama’s new cabinet. 8 out 10 are dual citizens of Israel. No coincidence! Nor does it represent anti-Jewish sentiment. We are ALL created equal. Those who are immersed in greed to the point of risking American lives and futures must be held accountable and not be behind a mask and the illusion of anti-semitism must be ended to appropriately examine the culprits of some large monopoly-corporate giants that this cabinet represents and their affiliation with Gold Sachs, Bank of America, the Fed, etc. This examination crucial to protect us from our demise. The Soviet influence on our education and the “Depopulation Zones,” all part of this plot to Globalize and terminate America’s sovereignty.

Europeans have awoken and are aware that 9/11 was a massive manipulation by our government to make us afraid in the “War on Terror.” Oracle was already compiling surveillance on every American and violating American privacy before the passage of the Patriot Act or 9/11had even happened… President George Bush sold his airline stock days before the attacks. Silverstein purchased the World Trade Center’s approximately six months prior the attacks for millions of dollars (the first change in ownership of the towers in 32 years). He made billions on a six month investment. The towers were in violation of code because of asbestos. It was much more lucrative to blow them up. Beware. Silverstein now owns the Sears Towers in a recent change of ownership similar to that of the World Trade Center. Nancy Pelosi has had the hard proof the towers were blown and is ignoring the evidence by appointing a 9/11 commission of corrupt insiders who refuse to look at the facts on purpose. One of the key witnesses that were to testify in the investigation that heard 3, 2, and 1 has been murdered. Karl Rove was indicted recently for voter fraud for both 2000 and 2004 on Bush’s behalf. One of the key witnesses Mike Connelly who was to testify weeks after Christmas died in a private plane crash the week before Christmas….these incidence are happening all too often and I fear are the result of the corrupt mafia run government. None of this, of course, is reported by the corrupt owned main stream media. There is a total media blackout. Nothing real is being reported.

They are corporations owned by Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner, and many other Rothchild Media Moguls. Rothchild and Murdoch oversees the enitre WORLD of media. They own almost every newspaper, magazine, television networks such as CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Genesis (conspiracy theory channels)… EVERY country on the planet including recently China after Rupert Murdoch capitalized on China’s papers (one of the few he didn’t own) after marrying a Chinese woman (she in her 30’s, he is his 60’s). He now owns it all. Every newspaper reports on the same things…nothing different from the multitudes of different papers….all the same and propaganda rich with what the New World Order wants you to read…..Rothschild, Rockefeller, Bildeberg corporate owned media….they control EVERY thought, view, attitude, political opinion of the American people. They are responsible for Europe’s opinion that the economic mess we are in was caused by Americans that are fat, lazy, and just want to drive SUV’s. That the economic downturn is the fault of the Americans. Never mentioning to Europeans that corporate bankers stole the money and have it on two chartered planes a week to the Cayman Islands…..That Bush recently wrote legislation to include Washington D. C under Cayman Island law. This was done on purpose with the mogul’s media propaganda campaign so when the Americans get slaughtered in the up in coming “American Holocaust,” there will be no sympathizers to help us. Bush has done a bang up job making the rest of the world hate us. After he made a mess of it all, he purchased a 100,000 acre plantation in Paraguay for himself with your tax dollars. He picked the CIA’s home country Paraguay because it is one of the few countries that have no extradition laws. This is where Joseph Mengele (Dr. Death) from the Nazi war camps also relocated to avoid being tried for war crimes along with all the other Eugenesis Scientists under “Operation Paperclip” in 1945. This is a well known haven for war criminals (Bush) and a safe haven for the world’s worst war criminals. Five hundred of our own American troops have been working on Bush’s plantation at the cost to the tax payer to make Mr. Bush and his family comfortable. His daughter Jenna was there recently visiting with Paraguay’s bought and paid for (another regime change)President with her ten body guards assigned to the Bush family for the next ten years with American tax money. Bush bought the land adjacent to Rev. Moons land over the largest fresh water Aquifer in the world in Paraguay. I am sure he will bottle it and charge citizens for the vast resource and depleting water reserves. Bush and Bin Laden Inc own Bechtel (Bin Laden has never been an enemy of Bush) who also passed privatization laws during Bush’s reign so that Bechtel officially could buy the oceans and the waterways and “actually own” OUR precious resources. Convenient. Legislation to suit his own private interests after he made Cheney a multi billionaire giving him every military contract he could. (single bidder)

The Senate and the Congress complained notoriously because the phone always rang and it was obvious Cheney who was running more than the Vice Presidency. It was discovered that the NAFTA highway in southern Texas that runs from Mexico to Canada throughout Texas was purchased by a Spanish Company but it is really owned by Rev. Moon and George Bush. Once the NAFTA highway is completed, it will be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. A toll road no less, not owned by America and a deal Bush worked out after the Imminent Domain laws passed in 2005, and the land he stole from the Texans to build it. The Chinese have security cameras the length of it. I wonder why? The Spanish owned corporation listed as NAFTA highways owner is just a front for the Bush ownership. More smoke and mirrors by the elite. I understand in one of the last Sundays Bush was in office he held a secret session of Congress with a select group of handpicked Congressman and passed by a overwhelming majority a 2,000,000 acre land grab of precious U.S land. Is this for his banker buddies also, or another country to own more of our land? (Putin run United Nations). It was one of the only Sunday sessions of Congress in history. No one heard about that on the main stream media either. No surprise. Bush actually had the audacity to remove critical documents from the library of Congress months before leaving office to eliminate evidence of all the corrupt undertakings of the Clinton and Bush administrations.

The Islamic hatred for America is very real however. The hatred stems from America’s Imperialism. From years of foreign wars, CIA involvement in destabilizing and interfering with foreign governments and elections. Bush’s invasion of Iraq for the sole purpose of oil, in Afghanistan for ENRON and the CIA sponsored Heroin trade (another Vietnam-same reason-Heroin). The Dutch have a private secret base in Afghanistan for the drug trade sponsored by Queen Bee of the Netherlands (founder of Bildeberg Group). In a recent conversation with a high ranking officer after his third tour there, stated the Royal, Canadian, and other military personnel are there, but don’t go on missions or die like the Americans do. The up in coming surge in Afghanistan where Obama will be sending our best Marines (20,000-60,000) more troops to their death. No one has ever won in Afghanistan with its terrain that gobbled up the Russian Army. We can’t win; they know it and are sending our troops to die. They need to keep our troops busy in a foreign land so there is no one here to protect American citizens in the up in coming holocaust. The surge is a smoke screen to weaken our military and be absent of our country for the havoc that they are going to wreak here. That appears to be ok, as long as Cheney, Bush, and the Military Industrial Complex profit. Look at the stock of KBR (last quarter highest in history-2008). The suicide rate of troops is highest in the history of the military. I suspect that they may not all be suicide as our military starts to stand up and state they refuse to carry out the orders of those they know have no care of their life or death. The military must stand and refuse to fight any more of their wars for profit. The killing of the innocent, ours and theirs. Six of the Minot Airmen have been systematically killed in the past year. They witnessed SIX nukes being loaded (State Dept stated and accident) on an Air Force plane. Capt Bay less, the last to die after going on leave for his friend’s wedding. Coincidence?

In the American Free Press, I read that Bush (and now Obama) was blackmailed by Israel in spring 2008. He was told that if he didn’t invade Iran (Israel’s only real threat in the region) that Israel would LAUNCH A FALSE FLAG nuclear attack against an Northern East Coast city in the America and force the United States into WWIII. The American people will think Iran sent it and react commencing WWIII. I am convinced that if a Nuclear bomb goes off in the United States in the near future, that it is our own government with yet another false flag attack to drag us into another war. To keep us occupied while they are stealing the farm, so to speak. A deterrence, just like the white house puppy or Blogivich. is a web site of the former… MAJ General Stubblebine who states that George Bush has been artificially moving us toward a fake H5N1 Avian Bird Flu Pandemic-Government created for population control similar to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. It is no coincidence that the first case of the Spanish Flu was from Fort Dietrich Maryland and one of our disposable troops. Go to that web site and read the 88 page document with all the proof one needs to read regarding the purposeful buildup to a pandemic the public will believe was coincidence. 400 million vials of vaccine were purchased in August 2008 with only a one year shelf life. (will need to use them?) It is NO coincidence that Rumsfeld owns the major stock in what was the only remedy for bird flu-Tami flux. That SANOFI Pharmaceutical already has made millions on a potential pandemic flu vaccine that is ready and waiting as of August 2008 stockpiles in the millions of dollars. The vaccines are only good for twelve months, so I might expect a planned attack soon. The H5N1, H7N1, H9N1 is 80% lethal. Sanofi is the SAME company that was responsible for the vaccines in 1918. Rockefeller and Rothschild own most of the Pharmaceutical companies in the world. Sanofi and the Nazi regime are no strangers. Same pandemic. Different year. The same group responsible for outbreak. There FEMA camps set up in the United States (800 of them). They have tens of thousands of one hundred year body containers near you in these FEMA camps. On you can view the infamous Beech Grove Indiana FEMA Concentration Camp video footage. Caution: If there is a pandemic, DO NOT TAKE THE MANDATORY (fake) vaccine they will make all American take. It is suppose to contain multiple diseases that American will get at different times, making it undetectable and provable that the vaccine caused them. Refuse forced vaccinations. They want to kill us!!!!!!!!!!!

This brings me to the FEMA Camps. It really started when Bill and Hilary Clinton closed the Long Beach Naval Shipyard in 1997. They closed hundreds of bases to save money and downside our military (end result reduction in military power on purpose). This ruined the California economy for which has NEVER recovered. Enclosed are links to read the House and Senate hearings were concerned Senators and Congressman were concerned that Bill and Hilary Clinton were closing a base, only for Bush to give it to Communist China in 2000 and COSCO (the largest weapons dealer from China). Imagine? Giving 250 miles of our deep water port to Communist China only to watch COSCO infuse thousands of weapons to the Los Angeles street gangs. This was no accident. Bill and Hilary were solely responsible for Communist China’s deal in Long Beach and with the Panama Canal being given to China (Why do the Clintons owe China our nuclear secrets and land?). (Up coming Chinese invasion?) Communist China just finished a whole new lock system so war ships can fit up the canal and infringe on our security. Was told that Rockefeller needed to get him out of the country or he would go to prison. On documentary, I have personally witnessed Bill as a young man at the Bildeberg meetings prior to becoming president. Was Impeached, and is now behind the scenes with his whole cabinet appointed under Obama. It is real to say that American is in its 17th year of the same administration. (eight years of Clinton, eight of Bush and now Obama (Barry)=17). Same government and you have been fooled and manipulated. Obama is a puppet for the New World Order and is here to carry out their (Rothschild/Rockefeller) bidding.

After Clinton closed the multitudes of bases, in December 2008, Russia’s largest nuclear warship “Peter the Great” was near Venezuela off the coast of Cuba. When Condoleezza Rice was asked what Russian’s nuclear ship was doing near Cuba in another “would be Cuban missile crisis,” she responded by saying they were on R&R. I don’t think that rumors of us being sold out to China by our own government are false. That all of our bad mortgage debt has been given to China. Michael Savage stated that Henry Kissinger and three high ranking China officials were ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange in January 2009. Henry Kissinger has always been a known communist agent (named Boar). This should be concerning to all Americans. What has China been promised? They have an army of 2,000,000 artillery alone. Is an invasion imminent? Did our corrupt government sell us out? I fear this may be the case. Are there Chinese troops near our borders in secret? Or at underground bases? Why did Cheney and KBR get a 385 million dollar contract to rebuild all the bases Clinton closed, only to build FEMA camps and gas chambers? There are approximately three in each state and are guarded with barb wire with total train access. There are FEMA trains parked for miles (300,000) with shackles welded in them by Gunderson Steel-welded in Long Beach Naval Shipyard by the Chinese.

These trains exist. These camps exist. The gas is hooked up to these building and windows sealed. There is legislation for these camps. See “Civilian Inmate Program.” The are many links enclosed to reference. What is most disturbing is the Stimulus Package funded the FEMA camps-180,000,000 million dollars per regions (the US is divided up into ten areas for Homeland Defense Camps). There are red and blue lists already assigned to American for extermination. People will be taken at 4am in the morning and driven to these trains. There is even rumor that the trains are arranged to just gas individuals in the trains and just dump the bodies. Is the surge to keep our military troops busy while America is attacked from inside with a fake flag nuclear or biological attack. See Executive order 10998. Martial Law is written to be declared in any national emergency, including financial, and overrides the Constitution. The Department of Homeland Security( DHS) and FEMA are the new “shadow government” and will be running the country when this fake flag attack occurs. If you have learned nothing else, know that the upcoming attack is not from Iran, or a pandemic that made the jump from bird to person came from a lab. It’s a lie and just another 9/11 to cause another war to keep us busy while the corrupt government is changing all laws to protect us and steeling America’s wealth for their bankers and corporate moguls. All of this with the help of Madoff and Hollywood…both boys from the club. America is on a bed of oil and the elite want our country. That is why they will and have NOT drilled. And the U.S, so far, are not glowing in the dark like the rest of the world as a result of the depleted uranium, i.e Iraq. They are saving our natural resource for when we are long gone. They want our land. Fascist countries have no private land ownership. That is where they are taking us. Our taxes alone can cause default to the Rothschild Empire whether you own your home or not. They are in control and want more of it and our homes. China was promised our mortgage debt. Why?

Voting in America has been a farce for decades. They have controlled much of the outcome. Acorn is not getting hundreds of millions of dollars for nothing from the Stimulus package. It is bad enough that Acorn is being investigated by 17 states for voter fraud; they are being rewarded by Obama in the stimulus package. In addition, by not by giving America a choice in presidential candidates. McCain’s wife Cindy is the heir to Adolph Coors of Coors Beer Company. A long time Bildeberg member and elitist. Americans were walked (by the controlled media) into the voting booth to vote for a candidate they knew nothing about. He was not (by guidelines established in the Constitution) a naturalized citizen at the time of his birth- birth certificate or not. Atty Gen Berg of Pennsylvania was ignored even with overwhelming proof of his presidential illegitimacy. His graduation papers, his passport, medical records, etc have never been seen. He is George Soars God-son from the UK, one of the richest men in the world. He was not vetted and American should have boycotted the polls, as America had no choices of candidates. Ron Paul was the only legitimate hope for the U.S, but his campaign was sabotaged and a well known rumor that his campaign manager did not in fact have a heart attack but was murdered to discouraged his run for presidency.

It is also a fact that 20,000,000 million raised and assigned to Rep Ron Paul was to be used for Rep Ron Paul to bring his message to the Americans in a 30 minute messages to the Americans, sabotaged by our government and their cooperating media. He was the only Presidential candidate not provided with Secret Service protection. Texas Rangers volunteered to guard him round the clock during his run for president. Our country isn’t free. It is corrupt. Our elections are corrupt, its process, its financing and its foundation. It is the biggest crime in America. The entire Congress and Senate need to be tried for treason and replaced in its entirety. Ron Paul’s intent was to END THE FEDERAL RESERVE and dismantle the IRS (its illegal from the start) and the collection of Federal Taxes an atrocity they have gotten along with for far too long). JFK’s speech was to end secret society’s (Bildeberg) The rich Aristocrats live off us and our tax usury and the tyranny that our fore fathers ran from when sailing the ocean blue followed them to America to corrupt it. Rothschild reign must be stopped. The Bildeberg grip on America must be broken before America is taken, never to return under the New World Order. The monies given to Cheney, KBR, and Halliburton must be returned to its people. The monopolies of our food, ammunition, media, utility, technology, and fuel must be broken and proven they were ALL purchased with AMERICAN TAX PAYER MONEY!

Chuck Schumer of New York is the Israeli Moss ad and has power beyond imagination. He stated himself on an enclosed you tube clip he was a Zionist. He is the worst kind. There is rumor he is attempting to merge into a Supreme Court seat to replace Ruth Ginsberg. He is bent on the Brady Bill and taking our guns. Most countries that have lost their guns have been fascist or communist within two years of losing them at the cost of thousands of lives. Crime has skyrocketed in Brittan and Australia just in home invasion to the defenseless masses as burglary tripled. Criminals and Police (possible corrupt government run police state personnel) will always be armed. There were only 1500 weapon mishaps for the entire year of 2008. Schumer/Hilary taking your weapons is not because they care about inner city violence. It is to disarm America for a communist takeover. Planned with the “Communist Manifest of 1957.” This is a communist plan book from the CIA (that exists and can be referenced) as their plan under the fake cold war front to make America feel safe to gradually take it over. Putin is running the United Nations and they are keeping it very much a secret to fool America once again. It is a total manipulation of the masses and America is about to find out how horribly they have been victimized by this Administration. What we are told through our media is a total lie. And that includes the cold war. Bush and Putin have NEVER been enemies. Hitler said the television will be the demise of America and he was right. Its a propaganda machine for the monsters steeling our country. Both in technology as a weapon and in its content. Eight billion dollars of tax dollars for you to have a better picture. I don’t think so. Wake up.

Purchase NOTHING that is not American. Purchase nothing from China. Say NO to NAFTA-even though it has already been done and the American people not told. Say NO to the North American Union and the Amero. Make them seal our borders. Bring home our troops. Stop the senseless wars. Try all legislators for treason. Demand Rothschild and Rockefeller sever their ties with America. Let no one from ANY other country serve in our Administration and that includes Israel. Rid us of the globalists, elitists. Give our land back to America that was given to the United Nations in Colorado (Estes Park) and many others. Do not allow ONE road to be the possession of anyone other than the state in which it is located. Try Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Clinton, and now Obama for treason. Dissolve the Rockefeller drug laws that keep him rich and our young in prisons while those in charge are making billions in the drug trafficking trade. Try them for treason and place Ron Paul in the Presidency. Apologize to the world for our Imperialism. Burn down the FEMA CAMPS and the GAS CHAMBERS waiting for Americans. Bring the money they stole back from Israel and the Cayman Islands they took in the Bailout. Let the Bankers fail. Reverse the Nationalization of our banks. Kick China out….and Henry Kissinger!, including the NEW NATIONAL BANK OF CHINA in NEW YORK CITY no one is aware of. Don’t buy another magazine or newspaper until there have been NEW FREE Presses begun by startup companies that care that Americans get the truth. Turn you cable and internet off until the Patriot act is proven to be disbanded and Americans are not being monitored 24/7. (Which they are). Every financial transaction, email, phone call, television show watched is monitored. Stop the GPS movement so your government can track you at every minute of the day as they want total control. Say NO (already passed in Stimulus) to your medical information on a national data base. It is not so you have health care, it is for total control of its people. See pages 424, 454 and many others in stimulus bill. Was slipped in at the eleventh hour. Physicians are not even aware that government now over rides and and all decisions regarding our care should they chose to. In the sustained healthcare program (language purposefully left out) it is vague on purpose. The government has the power to deny health care to those above 75 years of age should they choose. We are being set up for the fall.

The stimulus package financed Center for Disease Control (Vaccination program-why?), National Institutes of Health, The FEMA trains (900M for Amtrak), 600M in Government vehicles….Dept of Homeland defense etc. Disband Dept of Homeland Defense and FEMA as they are sinister and not to HELP Americans. Re-create them under another name and return American tax payers the money used to finance the American Holocaust. Establish an agency that has teeth and accepts anonymous tips without question to investigate all the moneys given to the banks, Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, private contractors hired. LURGI GASIFICATION COMPANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Company who made the ovens during Hitler’s time…hired recently by KBR for what? Say NO to Fairness Doctrine. Demand our tax payer money back that was given to the Automobile companies that through Daschle bought all the Ammunition companies….with tax payer money! Return the loot stolen in the Bailout to Americans. Dismantle the train tracks where FEMA camps have been built. Prepare for bird flu and nuclear war. Find the biological stores hidden to be used on us. Disband the WHO (World Health Org) CDC (Center for Disease Control), USARAMID IN Maryland and the FDA until there are honest leaders in charge to give those agency’s integrity again. Stop any and all vaccination programs at once as they are vehicles for government subsidized murder). The entire country needs to stop paying IRS taxes at once. Quit work if you have to. Don’t give the FED ONE MORE DIME. Buy plenty of ammunition but don’t become violent as that is what they are hoping for so they can institute martial law as a result of civil unrest. Stock up on food and emergency supplies for one year. Buy a generator if possible. Obtain documents on how to grow food, can, self medicate and most of all BUY Non-Hybrid SEEDS. Hurry, because Cargyle and Monsanto have monopolized ALL the seed companies and they are hard to locate already. Their intent is to starve us so we are forced to succumb to the Socialist, Fascist agenda of total dependency by the government. Violence and hunger forcing compliance from American citizens. Refuse the RFID chip in ANY ASPECT of your life. Animal, cattle, BLACK BOXES NOW IN YOUR CAR, the GPS movement, your licenses, your passports, your credit cards. EVERYTHING. If the New World Order gets their way. YOU….will not buy or sell without a PHYSICAL CHIP IN YOU. The company in China already has 400 million dollars from OUR OWN HOMELAND DEFENSE this year for the human chip-patented in Washington in 1999. Wal-Mart special! The main RDIF chip technology test bank. Owned by the global elitist to destroy community commerce and did so.

More unbelievable than you can imagine, enclosed, are the links to educate yourself on low frequency radio waves (ELF), and the weather weapon (HAARP) capable of the most violent earthquake, snowstorm, tsunami, drought or hurricane. Russia and the United States use their HAARP weapons constantly. The United States headquarters is in Fairbanks, Anchorage Alaska. It is rumored that HAARP is responsible for Hurricane Katrina as it went from level 1-4 in a matter of hours. Presidents Bush’s dry run for what is to come. The Governor of Mississippi was told to declare martial law during Hurricane Katrina on Bush’s order but flat refused replying “President Bush, this is America, we DON’T declare martial law here.” This is the intent of our government. There were Backwater (600) troops on the ground a week prior to Hurricane Katrina not on the payroll. After the Hurricane, were put on the payroll. Backwater billed the United States over 900.00 per day for each Blackwater soldier and paid them 300.00 per day. The ice storms and snow storms, fires and much more are purposeful ways to break down our spirits, make millions for the powers that be and control economy in certain areas. The horn nosed beetle from China is no accident that is destroying our forests. The hoof and mouth disease of UK was no accident. It financial ruined 1000’s of farmers and killed their cattle. The USDA is in the process of moving their biological (Level 4) pathogens from an island off the coast of Manhattan where there has NEVER been a biological pathogen leak because it is surrounded by water. They are moving this facility to tornado alley in Kansas (multi-billion dollar erection of this facility). The exact location of this facility has been hit twice in the last ten years by violent tornadoes. Putting this facility there is a blatant attempt to leak level four pathogens to destroy the Midwestern United States farms, ranches and cattle’s survival. You can count on a leak of biological pathogen by the USDA. The UK pathogen was an admitted “leak.” How many of you listen to the farm reports? It is time to do that. They need our support, as the U.S farmer will most likely be feeding us if they are not overrun by the government regulation, methane (fart) tax and all out assault on the farmer for the consumption of their land and to detour their ability to help feed the American people in their attempt to starve us.

If you don’t believe they are using cell towers for mind control of its people just COUNT the towers in YOUR area…..all erected quietly and at the cost of billions to tax payers in the last three years. AT&T and Verizon on board with our government. The amount of cell towers has TRIPLED. Many only miles from each other. Far closer than NEEDED for cell reception. I have heard orgonite is an excellent weapon in shutting down their low level radio frequency shenanigans. I recommend learning about HEMP and EMP waves/attacks and the definition of a “Faraday” cage to protect electronics in case of a nuclear or HEMP attack. This information has proven useful. By just taking 55 gallon metal drums that are grounded, make an excellent Faraday cage for spare batteries, computer equipment etc. There is a Russian satellite miles about Chicago (allowed there by our government) that was placed in 1968. (We have no satellites above Russia?) Since then, there has been two more placed there. Dick Cheney (KBR) was given the contract in fall of 2008, that in event of the entire western United States losing their power grid, KBR was given millions (ahead of time) to fix it. I would have to assume there is a plan in place to lose the entire grid. A nuclear attack about Chicago would meet this requirement in one move. Silverstein, the same owner that bought the World Trade Center and made billions on a six month investment has also recently purchased the Chicago Sears Towers. I feel this is NO coincidence.

Also, ITCS (Israeli security company) has just taken over the security at LAX (Los Angeles International Airport). This outfit are responsible for the security of LAX. The SAME Israeli company responsible for Boston’s Logan Airport just before the 9/11. Again, no coincidence. You must control security to violate it. Bechtel just took over MANY nuclear power plants. A complete change over in maintenance and security at key nuclear facilities in the United States. Search Bechtel and Bush, Bin Laden Inc affiliation with this company. This shatters the comfort level that this is just business as usual. There was nothing usual about the purposeful take down of the World Trade Center and the billions made by Silverstein. In addition, the 3000 lives lost for the profiteers that have no value of human suffering. This is what these monsters are capable of. They are in the process of owning every aspect of our existence with America’s hard earned dollars. Rothschild must be stopped. He is on the Board of Directors of EVERY MAJOR COMPANY IN THE WORLD. Check out your birth certificate and the stock exchange. Locate the number on your birth certificate and type it in. You and I are traded on the New York Stock Exchange through IMF as you are owned by Rothschild and have been since birth. The American Freedom has been an entire illusion. Its time for their reign to end. NOW!

There will be bloodshed. This will not be easy. We need to stand for America and our families. They are in the process of attempting implementation of the New World Order after turning American into a communist country. I expect H5N1 or another horrible disease (Ebola, Anthrax, Smallpox) and a Nuclear attack, or both soon. At the very least, a man-made Depression, Bankruptcy of the United States, WWIII on a forced take down of Iran with American blood for the purpose of satisfying Israel’s grip on the United States Government. Stop Rockefeller, Stop Rothschild, Stop Bildeberg, Vatican (Rothschild is their banker and has been for over 100 years), Club of Rome, Trilateral Commission and the Council of Foreign Relations. Department of Homeland Defense intent is to destroy us and put us all in FEMA camps. Tobyhanna PA is just one example. There is a crematorium in back of that secure facility. Why might we need a crematorium in Pennsylvania? Google earth it. You can see it. See Beech Grove, Indiana. If that doesn’t wake up America, nothing will.

Everything above seems like a bad dream. It is more sinister and unbelievable than anyone can imagine. This is why they have gotten away with it thus far and will continue to do so until the human brain can face the facts and stop this freight train. Unlike other countries, American knows what freedom feels like. Therefore may be less inclined to give it away. America is a young republic. History is repeating itself. The national progression is: bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to great courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to complacency; from complacency to apathy; from apathy to dependence; and from dependence back into bondage. (What in the World is Going On by Dr. David Jeremiah). What phase do you think we are in?

Wake up America. This nightmare is real. Enclosed is 800 pages of code for the computer programmer to decipher if possible. In the code are codes for Rothschild and many of their colleagues. Hit men, Mafioso functions from throughout history. Maybe there will be enough proof from this document for treason trials. I can only hope. Return America and the Entire World to the freedom and human rights our maker intended for us. A result of my research could only lead to a rebirth of my relationship with my maker. I have done equal research on the bible and its early lost books that made up the old testament. My research has led me to God and his son being of dark skin and the manipulation by the Jesuits (who are running the show) of its content. Only the Pope and the Elite (Rothschild) have been privileged to witness what the true word of God has been. It was kept from the masses since the dawn in history. Maybe when we destroy the Rothschild Empire and the Jesuits hold on humanity, may we can force the truth to be revealed once we are out of totally control from this empire. AND NO, GOD, DON”T SAVE THE QUEEN……Rothschild not being allowed to rule the world any longer would bring a sure end to her reign. These are your modern day anti-Christ’s that need to be stopped. I may die for what I have written above. God is in charge, not this conspiring group of illuminati that have been responsible for millions of deaths and souls that cannot be counted. The frivolous wars, the human suffering. Shut down the war profiteers like Raytheon, BAE, BASF, KBR, Halliburton. All the war corporations are doing just fine. Again, no coincidence.

If you want to find the FEMA facilities, go to FOREIGN TRADE ZONES (FTZ’s) in your individual counties. The organization (NAFTZ- Rockefeller CEO) have a hold on these areas in hundreds of Industrial Parks throughout the United States all by train. These are the de-facto Homeland Security Facilities I suspect have all the equipment ready for our overthrow. Weapons, biological material and possible drugs. Rockefeller and Bush made it so NOONE can inspect these Foreign Trade areas. They are not subjected to customs and can bring anything in and out of our country night and day (mostly night). It is sinister and they own it all. They declared a 100 mile NON CONSTITUTIONAL ZONE the entire perimeter of the United States. This was convenient so they can control trade and traffic without ANY checks and balances. Google your county and FTZ and you will find out for yourself. Inspect the trains that read AFI, API, MOL etc. They are all from China and I can only imagine what is in them. We must boycott every affiliated company owned by Rothschild, Rockefeller. Goldman Sachs owns United, USAir, Jet Blue, Continental etc. It is a monopoly on every aspect of American life. Obama was scolding Goldman Sachs for their use of jets. He neglected to tell the American Sheep ale that Goldman Sachs OWNS Hilliard Lyons, the company that MAKES the JETS. These are the types of manipulations of the American people get on a daily basis. While we are worrying about what dog Obama is getting for the Whitehouse from the Rupert Murdoch owned media, they are steeling our future and changing our free country to a Communist one. The Clintons and the Bush’s are working behind the scenes. Rid our country of these parasites.

God Bless America. The people, with GODS HELP are the only ONE that can save us. God does not want us “in the name religion” to sit back and let this happen. We must FIGHT! Pray for America. And tell the NPS (National Park Service) to return “Laus Deo” (Praise be to God) back on the Washington Monument that was removed by this Administration (NWO) this year. It has been there since the inception of America, purposefully removed in 2008. We must ask God to again bless this country or his blessing will be gone. If you are still doubting the above. Type “Georgia Guide stones Vandalized” in Google. See the “New World Order” monument already erected in Georgia by the Council of Foreign Relations taking over our government with their philosophy for America. Better yet, drive there and see them for yourself. Seeing is believing.

The Queen is buying America. Bush was knighted in 2002. The Denver Airport was built at 4.8 Billion dollars to connect the airport to the underground world headquarters and the mile high city is going to be the new home of the British Empire. See below! New World Order Headquarters.


The sites below tell you (in order) about the money. This will help you understand how powerful it has made many world leaders who really don’t like us very much. It helped me (Economics 101) but when got done understood why the American dollars means nothing and our economy imploding, i.e.; recession, depression. (Facts)
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This is the history of what the men/women in power lay out for in relationship of the banking system. How corrupt it got, how corrupt it IS and how evil and powerful these world leader are in relation to US.
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Hitler’s Eugene sis Program adopted by US “Operation Paper Clip” Filed official suit to US Supreme court by Dr from Canada….IGNORED. Still pending and covered up!
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Avian Flu (Pandemic Bird Flu)BIRD FLU
HYPERLINK “″ \t “_blank” Iran – Topics – NY Daily News
When Indonesia’s health minister stopped sending bird flu viruses to a research laboratory in the U.S. for fear Washington could use them to make weapons

http:// HYPERLINK “″ \t “_blank” – 38k – HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” Cached – HYPERLINK “″ \t “_blank” Similar pages
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Feb 2009
Plenty of troops available per Blackwater/Rumsfield. See here
H5N1 Avian Flu
Hits North America for FIRST TIME IN HISTORY…no coincidence either. (Jan 2009)
If we get hit by Ebola, H5N1, or smallpox…it wasn’t Al Queda. It will surely be another FALSE FLAG like the Mumbai attacks … Need world war III. Failed in Ossetia. for 88 page buildup to Department of Homeland Defense (DHS) plan to combat bird flu pandemic…no coincidence Rumsfeld owns 90% stock in Tami flux (which I hear NO longer works. Also the surplus THIS year ONLY so EVERYONE could get flu shot…check who owns THAT stock also….and by the way. Heard it was tainted…depressing our ability to fight the up in coming pandemic. I fear we will know soon.
Bush telling congress wants control of quarantine in event for flu…RECENT
Rumsfeld profiting for bird flu big-time…see here HYPERLINK “″
I asked my vet and a local state trooper if they were prepared for bird flu. Both thought it odd but said no.
Bush revises order 13295 to quarantine bird flu at gunshot to conc. camps
If has 1% of truth, in trouble.
Congressman angry about FEMA leadership and need for regime change there
FEMA Forum June 2008
More doom and gloom from world leaders
Secret meeting in Lake Placid DID HAPPEN
Ron Paul’s warning for not getting flu shot. Down on left……2 pg
Above for doc on build up to make population believe it arbitrarily jumped from bird to people.
In search type in “H5N1” or “flu” and find MANY articles with proof of Bush Admin to Pandemic and preparation. Cheney’s single bid contract for FEMA Camps, Protest from House and Senate. Stimulus with its millions to fund pandemic through use of trains, Amtrak, gov vehicles, date base $ (in the name of soc sec?) NIH and CDC money and HR 654 to fund FEMA camps.
No one realizes Rumsfeld stock/stake in Tami flu, Sanofi Pham who goes all the way back to Bush SR and Grandfather. SAME company assoc with Spanish Flu 1918. Scenario all over again by design. Players are right in your face if do research. They injected children (42) with vaccine in Poland THIS year. They ALL died. No word in media. They also injected flu vaccine into HOMELESS in Poland to SPREAD and attempt/experiment on weaponization of pandemic unsuccessfully.
“The Syringe of Death”: Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You
Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation HYPERLINK “”

Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) thinks he owns your body. If he’s right, you will have no say over what gets injected into it and no recourse under the law if it harms or kills you. That is, if Burr gets what he’s after and S. 1873 passes the US Senate. Burr’s bill, “Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005″, establishes the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA), a secretive and secret agency exempt from public scrutiny, the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Advisory Committee Act. BARDA will be the only agency which can declare a pandemic condition and may do so for any (or no) reason. Operating in secret, BARDA will be responsible for the advanced research and development of drugs and vaccines (in partnership with pharmaceutical companies), and, because the contents of those vaccines will remain shrouded in BARDA darkness, any injuries and deaths caused by drugs and vaccines which BARDA labels “countermeasures” to any BARDA-declared threat may never be known.
Even if those contents do become known, S. 1873 cancels any manufacturer liability for the companies that made the vaccines or drugs. Injured parties will have no legal means of securing compensation from either the government or the companies themselves.

And BARDA can declare a pandemic (at any time) and require mandatory universal forced vaccination.

Can we assume that these vaccines will provide us any protection at all? Perhaps, but it’s not likely. First, clearly understand that under BARDA you may be (legally) subjected to experimental drugs – drugs which have no track record at all – and, second, with or without the advent of BARDA, it is now more important than ever that the real truth about vaccines be widely and quickly disseminated. There are reported to be more than 200 new vaccines “in the pipeline”. If they, along with the ones in use now, are not safe, we, and our children, are not safe.

All of us have been carefully conditioned to believe that vaccines are safe. But the truth is ugly and, with BARDA staring us in the face, more than a little frightening. Here are the cold, hard facts:

Cold, Hard Fact # 1: Vaccines are not safe: vaccines are dangerous. The evidence is abundant that the tragic cost of loading babies and children up with toxic brews of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, injected foreign protein, stealth viruses and, in the second generation vaccines, the deadly immune enhancer squalene, is unacceptably high.

? HYPERLINK “″ \t “_blank” – 38k – HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” Cached – HYPERLINK “″ \t “_blank” Similar pages
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HYPERLINK “” (Bin Ladens tape FOUR days before the BUSH Election in 2004…..READ HIS WORDS…you won’t believe it! NONE of us REALLY listened!!!!!!!! HYPERLINK “”
HYPERLINK “” Page 63226
HYPERLINK “″ (make you cry)
HYPERLINK “” (these are the people running the entire world scene/us)
HYPERLINK “” (this kind of sums it up)

The Administration that is putting final touch on end of America as we know it today.

1997 Clinton closed bases AND Long Beach Naval Shipyard (250 miles of OUR shoreline to COMMUNIST CHINA. Lost 10’s of 1000’s of jobs in San Diego, then Bush in 2000 gave to China for TEN YEARS. (now own!)

Clinton ruffles feathers and a pres WAIVER needed to award COSCO-artillery supplier/China. Suspicious?

Leon Panetta’s tie to the above then named by Obama as CIA!
Sells shipyard to communist…where were we?

In the name of environment? Sure….pattern here?

Calif economy tanked a result. NEVER recovered? On purpose?

Deutsch, former CIA chief resigns after porn accusations…..pattern here? Then guess who takes his place…
While serving on Clinton’s staff, he oversaw the search for a new CIA head to
replace James Woolsey who served from 1993-1995. The search ended with the pick of
John Deutsch who ran the agency for 18 months before resigning. It was later
discovered that Deutsch had classified documents on his home computer and
was accessing Russian web sites and pornography.


Mao Tse Tung beliefs might be ours? Someday?


You might be next. Don’t badmouth Clintons

President Bill Clinton proposed having private contractors take over maintenance work at the sites. The 1995 Base Closure Commission did not recommend or authorize `privatization-in-place’ at Kelly or McClellan. Concern was raised about the integrity of the BRAC process in light of this attempt to privatize-in-place the work at the Air Logistics Centers at Kelly Air Force Base in Texas and McClellan Air Force Base in California. Republicans charged that Clinton could not be trusted to respect the apolitical nature of the process. Following Clinton’s action, lawmakers did not agree until 2001 to schedule another round of base closings. Before it was resolved, the dispute held up a conference agreement on the fiscal 2002 defense authorization bill (PL 107-107) and led Bush to threaten to veto the bill if it did not allow a new round in 2005. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Army Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told the House Armed Services Committee in July 2001 that the Pentagon maintained 25 percent more facilities than it needs, even after four rounds of base closings in the 1990s. By some accounts, the excess military bases annually cost taxpayers an estimated $3.5 billion.

The above part of link below.

But close bases, (or sell them to communist china, then give the running of base contract to CHENEY! (KBR)
Clinton closed these…LIST OF BASES
HYPERLINK “$File/oct04jobs.pdf”$File/oct04jobs.pdf


Airmen (CPT Jonathan Bayless) who witnessed Nukes “accidentally” loaded died mysteriously while on leave this week (proposed nukes “false flag” Al Queda boogie man nuclear exp in a city near you?)

Mexico? Crisis? Manmade?
Food crisis? Will try to starve us
Monsanto-will keep seeds on purpose. New World Order monopolizing ENTIRE food industry to control us.

Army missing nerve gas Feb, 2009

Maybe they will us EBOALA/MARBURG

Cheney warns us

BUSH IN PARAQUAY where CANNOT be tried for war crimes
Bush in Paraguay.


Purchased 100,000 near biggest Aquifer in the world. Sun Yung Moon owns adjacent property. That is co hoots with Moon and actually OWNS NAFTA Highway which when completed will be worth 100’s of millions of dollars. Imminent Domain originated in 2005. Texas Ranches were taken for this highway. NAFTA was manipulated by Bush and Clinton. Countries near Paraguay Aquifer are disgusted and worried that Moon and Bush are infringing on this aquifer…Were USA tax dollars involved? Bechtel (owned by Bush and Bin Laden Inc) took over Nuclear Power Plants fall of 2008. Bush passed privatization laws that allowed PRIVATE company’s (BECHTEL) to actually OWN waterways, (OCEANS)….and actually pulled it off? Where is everybody watching? Allowing this to happen.

Bush went to library of Congress and REMOVED FILES physically. The Librarian of the Library of Congress was screaming on NPR one day that Bush pulled up and just emptied files. NO WORD ON MAIN STREAM MEDIA!. Rupert Murdoch NEVER mentioned a word.

Largest fresh water aquifer
American tax dollars purchased prop for Moon and Bush in Paraguay
HYPERLINK “×3192723″×3192723

Shadow govt FEMA. Its own Navy Air Force Army via Jeb Bush

Communist China sensors/NAFTA highway

Bechtel OWNS water through privatization by Bush


Follow EVERY CONTRACT HE HAS HAD to find YOUR TAX MONEY and stimulus!

Department of Homeland Defense/FEMA/Shadow Government
Homeland defense is up to no good


New York gets beaucoup money for Immediate response

Radiation money. timely?
New York gets beaucoup money for Immediate response


Denise O’Donnell will replace current Deputy Secretary for Public Safety Michael Balboni, whose resignation becomes official Feb. 2. She will remain New York’s criminal justice commissioner. O’Donnell will oversee all homeland security and criminal justice agencies including criminal justice, the Office of Homeland Security, the Division of State Police, the Department of Corrections, the Division of Parole, and the State Emergency Management Office, among others. “I accept this appointment knowing full well of the challenges that lie ahead,” O’Donnell said in a written statement. “In the throes of the severe economic crisis facing our state, we simply cannot conduct business as usual. Yet we cannot, and will not, back away from our obligation to fulfill that most fundamental role of government, the protection of the citizenry.”

Her salary will be $165,000. The appointment announced Monday doesn’t require Senate confirmation. O’Donnell previously worked as a litigation partner at the law firm Hodgson Russ LLP. ??As a first assistant U.S. attorney in western New York, she worked on a national investigation that developed crucial evidence against Timothy McVeigh, who was convicted of orchestrating the 1995 bombing of the HYPERLINK “”Oklahoma City federal building. In 1997, HYPERLINK “”President Bill Clinton appointed her U.S. Attorney in Buffalo, making her the first woman to hold the position of top federal prosecutor in upstate New York. Balboni is going to work in the private sector as a partner with Navigators Global, a government relations and communications consulting firm. “The 24 years I spent in government have been the most rewarding of my professional career,” Balboni said. “I will miss this job very much, but college calls _ for my kids that is.” The Republican served two Democratic governors. He’s a former state assemblyman and senator from Nassau County who wrote the state’s 2001 anti-terrorism law. As a senator, he was considered state government’s authority on anti-terrorism and frequently worked with federal officials, including the HYPERLINK “”CIA and HYPERLINK “”

FBI in Washington. He turned to the field following the Sept. 11 attacks, calling it his defining moment in government. His sister had an appointment that day in the World Trade Center, but it was canceled. Balboni didn’t immediately return a call for comment.



Beech Grove…one of 800 ready and staffed..Stimulus package 28, 2009 funded them AGAIN.

Your shadow Govt is FEMA and DHS. They will be running things from the underground bases in ALL states (Mount Weather Virginia) and Colorado and ALL NEW BASES built by Phil Sneider (You tube) while you still CAN!. Govt Geologist that used technological metal from space to build underground cities, bases and rail systems…. And yes, they killed him too.

You tube “Phil Sneider”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Built Denver’s underground facility. US Geologist. Killed. Got message out 30 times before died. The truckers pick up in Glens Falls from underground, I feel is part of the underground base that is rumored to run from Newburgh to Plattsburgh. I now believe this and all Phil Sneiders testimony to be true. Are their Russian or Chinese troops underground waiting to hurt us? Are their safe havens for our corrupted officials while we die from bird flu or nuclear attack?

“FTZ” Foreign Trade Zones (NAFTZ)
Cover for FEMA areas!
Raymour and Flannigan cover for DHS/FEMA




FEMA Concentration Camps
FEMA Camps


IBM to build supercomputer for big brother

Big Brother slipped health care in bill

KBR gets contract for FEMA camps? For immigrant overrun?
more $ for Cheney SINGLE BIDDER AS WITH MOST OF what came from white house in relation to Halliburton and KBR! Single BID most of time. Think Clinton, Bush, Cheney (OBAMA) SAME ADMINISTRATION. We are in our 17th year of the Clinton Administration…believe it or not..

There is not and this has never been CONSPIRACY theory….Just our ignorance! The only conspiracy is THEIRS-FOR our COUNTRY

KBR gets contract in millions for gas company still in business after making ovens for holocaust Lurgi Gasification. Coincidence?
Canadians got it right on biofuel. Wonder if we will hear about it?


Feinstein…read this?

Clintons, Gore. China’s BUDDIES


China is determined not only to become a nuclear superpower but also a world-class industrial player. Three spectacular deals, which pretend to be merely commercial, will vastly expand China’s military and industrial espionage and subversive capabilities. The China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO), a 600-ship global shipping company controlled by the People’s Liberation Army, has acquired a 20-year lease on the U.S. Naval Shipyard in Long Beach. U.S. taxpayers recently spent a reported $500 million to modernize this all-ship, deep-water port which is located at the epicenter of our defense research and defense production in southern California. This is the same COSCO that was caught red-handed in Oakland, California, last year smuggling 2,000 illegal AK-47s into the United States to sell at a big profit to Los Angeles street gangs.

Clinton personally lobbied for the COSCO deal at a White House meeting in September 1995. Congress should investigate to find out whether U.S. national security was compromised in exchange for contributions to Clinton’s reelection campaign, and whether the cozy relationship Chinese agents had with the Clinton Administration gave them access to trade secrets that allowed them to influence U.S. government trade policy. HYPERLINK “”

Clinton gives US TO RUSSIA AND CHINA…read below if you read NOTHING ELSE. Doesn’t make your hair stand on end nothing will.

Clinton s knowledge of China with Panama deal?
China connection REAL conspiracy..


This is our ENTIRE cabinet NOW (below)
Honest Indians they are
HYPERLINK “…-a0159238151″…-a0159238151
more propaganda?
something going to happen in Western US that needs a new power grid AHEAD OF TIME millions spent? What might happen?
propaganda? forgery?
HYPERLINK “” scared me when I read this. This is exactly what the bankers are doing! I don’t care what group it is!

Nancy Pelosi affiliation
EIGHT OF TEN IN OBAMA CABINET ARE Israeli (DUAL CITIZENSHIP)….no anti Semitism here!!!!!!!! Madoff…watch if HE pays? I’ll bet Spielberg gets ALL his money back! See excellent article in “American Free Press” on ALL OF THE CABINETS histories.

Civilian Innate camps reg 210-35
Army Times Brigade homeland tours start Oct 1 Biological warfare!!!!!!!!!!Prepared for martial law. Trained at inf dx tx ctrs Sept.

ACLU questions Brigade in VT
Lussi Family Lake Placid moved boulders in front of resort on Oct 2, 2008?
Concentration camp for civilian inmate prog acknowledged by congress
HYPERLINK “” \l “topic=Politics&”
Airport where jets landed

FEMA Detention Centers. Martial Law. Executive Order 10998. American Holocaust

The Govt decides WHY
AMERICANS need to go there.
Rockefeller on top of this bill……why?
Secretary of State (Hilary is in charge of ALL Homeland security chiefs-they take direction from her)
New paramilitary ARMED police in America

Elf Waves/GWEN TOWERS/Cell Towers. X10 Erected during Bush Admin.
Look up HEMP, EMP (Electro magnetic fields)
Look up HAARP. Especially the ICE STORM and snow in Las Vegas. NOAA, NSA, NASA…all those should be very informative regarding the HARP.
Cell phones….have you checked out if have even been tested? Never! Developed by DOD. Department of Defense. Brain cancer here we come. WE are the test tube babies.

(SSSS) Pentagon weapon “Sound of Silence.”

Note the part in the above where 300K Iraqi Rep Guard kissed the feet of the American Soldiers after the technology was used in 1991. Not a single shot fired… Put your new Digital converter box supplied by yours truly at 40.00 a piece X 200,000,000 Americans so YOU can get a better picture-your government spent 8 billion to make sure you have a wonderful picture. DHS needs those bands relieved for SOMETHING?

Look up low level frequency and its control on HEALTH, THOUGHT, ACTIONS? You’ll be surprised

Count GWEN and CELL Towers in YOUR NEIGHBORED (I counted 12 in a 60 mile straight line in MINE) erected in LAST (Bush presidency) ALMOST ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! With your tax dollars. Check out MKULTRA…….Govt mind control.

Electromagnetic Pulse



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Volcano’s anyone? Pandemic? HAARP?
Japan, Russia volcano’s
Volcano Alaska?
Ring of Fire?
Chinese earthquake kills 80K..manmade? KATRINA?

Jesuit Truth? Fiction?

Was all the pedophilia a purposeful take down of Catholicism?


New World Order colors are light blue and orange…pay attention to FOX and CNN and MSNBC owned by Rupert Murdoch .Note the TIES…..the SENATOR that sat BEHIND OBAMA during the ENTIRE inauguration…..shoving the colors in the face of all that are aware of to their attempts to take down our sovereignty.

Claim to be PATRIOT SITES.

Military and Police against New World Order ( HYPERLINK “Http://” (Operation Vampire 2000) Richard Mac real Patriots. Willing to die for what’s right as I.
Dr. Laibow ( (Warns extensively of Bird Flu per our Govt)-Currently living outside US for safety, MAJ GEN Stubblebine (former MKULTRA,CIA)

Alex Jones (?CIA/British DISINFORMATION OFFICER)? Why hasn’t he been killed? His films are the truth yet?

Dave and Joyce Reilly ( Short wave 7490 6am-9am Central Time

Michael Savage

Glen Beck- Never addresses Israeli connection or Rothschild/Rockefeller/Bildeberg)

Sean Hannity Heard best friends with Karl Rove.

Bill O’Reilly

American Free Press (told only free newspaper in US) Very Anti-Semitic Rumor those who prescribe being tracked as anti-emetic set up.

Human Events and News Watch…same as American Free Press
Rush Limbaugh

All Warner Bros, Rupert Murdock, Ted Turner, Hollywood…all part of club…
(see Madoff Ponzi Scheme…..Spielberg, Warner Bros connection) Two Hitler movies out at Christmas NO ACCIDENT! All part of Propaganda Machine…ALL OF ABOVE!
Cannot believe ANYTHING…we are being led to drink the “KOOLAID” every second of our lives in everything we see, hear, read…OWNED BY BILDEBERG MACHINE!

Technological Weapons

The Federal Reserve History and is owned by PRIVATE BANKERS RUNNING OUR COUNTRY
HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”

The sites below tell you (in order) about the money. This will help you understand how powerful it has made many world leaders who really don’t like us very much. It helped me (Economics 101) but when got done understood why the American dollars means nothing and our economy imploding, i.e.; recession, depression. (Facts)
HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”
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This is the history of what the men/women in power lay out for in relationship of the banking system. How corrupt it got, how corrupt it IS and how evil and powerful these world leader are in relation to US.
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CIA owns internet? Truth? Fiction?

HYPERLINK “,15035901″,15035901
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Bill Gates

HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”
HYPERLINK “″ \l “SECX2″ \t “_blank”

Obama Birth Cert? HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”


HYPERLINK “” HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank” HYPERLINK “” \t “_blank”

The Bildeberg/Club of Rome/Isreali, Russian, Italian Mafia’s/Vatican
Rothschild/Rockefeller Empire (THIS GROUP ARE OUT TO RUIN AMERICA)
Most of Obama’s cabinet are trilateral commission and dual citizens of Israel!

Presidents DO meet in secret….where they are NOT suppose to. Wonder what’s up?

Refer to Adirondack Life Magazine Nov/Dec issue 2008, PAGE 10. NOTE Blue and Orange paint on Air Force Two parked in article. Bush, Clintons, Italian Pres, Cheney, Kissinger. Joint Chiefs of Staff met in secret. Was exposed……they flew in Oct 17-19, 2008. Bioterrorism was discussed. Article stated Cheney WASN’T there. Know someone PERSONALLY who waited on HIM (Cheney).

This was a bonified Bildeberg meeting!

Suspicious a bit about the NUMEROUS sex scandals…can’t they think of something NEW. Spitzer (weeks after calling the bankers to the table). Same with Ill Belogavich….one week after attacking Bank of American and saying the “he won’t play.” Now Bruno, The Gov from Ohio (wouldn’t want a Constitutional Convention”…only need two more states to change the ENTIRE constitution in one single SWOOP….but then again…conspiracy?

Conspiracy theory “folks” are not the enemy. They are trying to save their county from those who think there CANNOT be this much EVIL in the world. I know, its a lot to swallow at once….a manipulation of EVERYTHING you ever believed in. And as long as you keep calling the patriots who KNOW what is going on “Kooks”…….they get further and further to their New World Order and America will official be communist……We had no choice of candidates. McCain and Obama were one in the same….there is ONLY ONE PARTY…their JOB is to make America think there is two…. it daily for truth. The American Free Press (only free press LEFT in America).
Coincidence that Mike Connelly’s plane went down the Friday before Christmas. He was the STAR/KEY witness in Karl Rove indictment of voter fraud for 2004 and yes BOTH 2000. Died accidentally? Didn’t hear about that on main stream media. It is rumored that there were 30 Bank of America officials on the plane that went down on the Hudson and two truth seekers (9/11 wife not giving in to lack of persistence in 9/11 investigations and human rights activist) die in Buffalo. Is everything a conspiracy? I now believe we are in very serious trouble if we don’t act quickly.

Look up Johansson (spelling?)…key witness in 9/11 investigation that HEARD explosions, 3,2,1 died….coincident?

Check out “Beyond Treason” “Endgame” and many others. They are not conspiracy theory. They are the truth. The sooner you wake up, the better.

Middle East is glowing in the dark from spent uranium as is Palestine.

Fight Fairness Doctrine with “Broadcast Freedom Act.” NOW or will loose free speech.

Prepare for Bird Flu or some incident……buy food and fuel and SEEDS.

New World Order own ALL seed company’s now. (Cargyle and Aventis). There are no more than six corporate monopolies on MOST industries. primarily oil, energy, water, food and of course MONEY….i.e.: Bailout….two planes a week taking money OUT of country. Check Israel and Cayman Islands……you’ll find your tax dollars there. And in all the coffers of the company’s and banks they just BOUGHT to control us…. Will the FBI be tracing that cash?

Obama’s Harvard Grad certificate has never even been shown. You elected someone you know nothing about. Scary. He WAS born in Kenya. Those (Atty Gen Phil Berg) of PA is still fighting it. Its all a lie.

Best reference I AM TOLD. Taken OUT of print….
New book out. Heard interesting.

But none of the ABOVE is a laughing matter…. I am scared to DEATH…and you should be too!
Turn off all electronics while you sleep. And yes PRAY. Try ALL elected officials for TREASON, END THE FED and IRS and take back our country. AND WHATEVER YOU DO…DON’T GIVE UP YOUR GUNS! If they talk you into that to…. ask Britain and Australia what happened there.

By the way. Check out Executive order 10998.

Article re: New World Order

War for HERION/CIA-Afghanistan.

GM had battery that allowed car to be driven for 300 miles IN PRODUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sold to Chevron, technology disappeared!

46 States file for Chapter 9 Bankruptcy….apply for returns FAST!

China civil unrest chaos….

Chinese have ownership in U.S. cargo monitors
Firm tied to communist regime involved in deal to set up
high-tech sensors
Posted: December 7, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2006
A Chinese company with close ties to the communist government
owns 49 percent of the Lockheed Martin subsidiary that is
negotiating a contract with the North American Super Corridor
Coalition, Inc. – the Dallas-based trade association – to place
cargo monitoring sensors along as superhighway stretching from
Mexico to Canada.

China’s Hutchinson Port Holdings entered into a $50 million joint
venture in 2005 with Savi Technology, a Lockheed Martin wholly-owned
subsidiary, to form a new company called Savi Networks
LLC. Savi Technology owns 51 percent and Hutchinson Port
Holdings, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Chinese holding
company Hutchinson Whampoa Limited, holds the rest.

Lockheed Martin spokeswoman Leslie Holoweiko confirmed to
WND that Savi Networks LLC is the company named in the
contract currently being negotiated with NASCO to provide
cargo sensors all along the NASCO I-35 super-corridor. If
successfully negotiated, the contract would appear to give
Hutchinson Holdings operational involvement all along the
emerging I-35 NAFTA superhighway. Hutchinson Holdings also
operates the port at Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico.



HYPERLINK “,9171,1877388,00.html”,9171,1877388,00.html


Kissinger and Obama-New World Order

War on Terror HOAX

Is your state filing for bankruptcy?

Don Henley’s song is TOTAL TRUTH

As you can see from the above, in addition to alleged eye-witness accounts of truckers being used to move what appears to be pandemic flu materials, the author has brought together just about every piece of possible information/disinformation available on the Internet. The question is: how do we separate the “wheat” from the “chaff” and use information such as this to trigger an alert in our own understanding of the potential for a weaponized Avian Flu pandemic? We need to understand this if we are to become an early warning system for us all. If you have another “dot” in this picture, please let us know.


5 thoughts on “Video: Truckers Unwittingly Used to Transport Dangerous Avian Flu Materials?

  1. Amazing. It makes me worry more about what goes on at our local Baxter’s plant. I wonder, did they release the epidemic flu that the entire county seemed to have this winter? They say they just make IV bags and tubing, but they have changed formulas recently, reportedly because of phthalates in their plastic. However, a 4 lane highway has been built to Baxter’s plant out in the boonies where it stops abruptly. I understand that direct access is required to operate a level 4 biological weapons/bioengineered vaccine facility??? While their PR says they make IV bags and tubing, Duke Power has funded biotechnology classes specifically for BAXTER at our local Community Technical College. Why would they need trained biotechnologists just to make IV bags and tubing?

    Also, NC Gov. Perdue had said she is the biotechnology governor and US Rep. Heath Shuler is on board with the biotech lobbyists too, yet both say they don’t understand biotechnology. Now your report on our Sen. Burrs vaccine pushing bill. It is getting scary here in NC.

  2. What is the story with the Rhymes file linked above (maybe the 1st hyperlink) Anyone know what that was used for? It’s creepy, go to that page and then word search in it and I bet you find your last name…

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