‘A Ton More People Were Wiretapped Than We’ve Been Led to Believe’: FBI Whistleblower Thomas Tamm

This week the New York Times revealed that the National Security Agency has continued spying on Americans well into the Obama era, with government officials listening in on phone conversations and monitoring e-mails on a massive scale. Continue reading

Conspiracy Theorists Were Right All Along!

The Department of Homeland Security is warning “law enforcement officials” (jackbooted criminal types) about a rise in “rightwing extremist activity,” but a footnote in this report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines rightwing extremism as “including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that (don’t miss this part) reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.” If I’m interpreting this correctly, this report is going after anyone who dares to question federal authority. Continue reading

UN torture investigator: Obama has broken International law

The United Nation’s top torture investigator has suggested it is illegal under International law for President Barack Obama to announce that the United States government has no intention of prosecuting low-level CIA officers who carried out torture sanctioned by the Bush Administration. Continue reading

MSM: Obama Appointee Suggests Radical Plan for Newspaper Bailout

Rosa Brooks, who has moved from the L.A. Times to the Pentagon, called for more “direct government support for public media” and government licensing of the news, which critics say would destroy the independent media. Continue reading

Video: Actress Janeane Garofalo Slams 9/11 Commission’s ‘Pitiful’ Investigation

FLASHBACK – We Are Change Seattle was able to catch up and chat with Janeane Garofalo. We were curious where she was at since her Conan O’Brien piece where she mentions 9/11 being an inside job. Also, her thoughts on the current bubble of Obama & McCain. Continue reading

Obama laments not being able to ban assault weapons

We’ve all seen the news stories about how retail sales of firearms have been at record levels ever since Barack Obama won the election. Two primary reasons have been cited for this spike in ownership, uncertainty about the economy leading to fears of increased crime and the concern that the Obama administration will move to reinstate the “Assault Weapons Ban” which expired in 2004. Continue reading

MSM: ‘IDF eyes attack on Iran within hours of green light’

The London Times online edition reported on Saturday that the Israel Defense Force was making preparations to be able to launch a massive aerial assault on Iran’s nuclear facilities within days of being given the go-ahead by Israel’s government. Continue reading

The Antarctic Wilkins Ice Shelf Collapse: Media recycles photos and storylines from previous years

Those masters of disaster are at it again, and it appears our friendly scientists at that National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) help this story along each year.

Thanks to WUWT reader Ron de Haan who spotted this on:

Note the dates for these two stories are a year apart, but use the same photo. Continue reading

Film: Blueprint for Truth, The Architecture of Destruction – Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth(1121 of them)

This is the best 9/11 presentation on the web. If you only see one 9/11 video, see this one. Richard Gage delivers the most complete argument to date that the official story defies reality, logic, and the laws of physics. Included in his presentation are clips from 9/11 Mysteries and Loose Change. Richard Gage is the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth located at ae911Truth.OrgContinue reading

Iran takes Israeli war threats up with UN

Iran has condemned the latest Israeli threats to “strike” Iran as Tel Aviv releases news of its biggest ever joint war games with the US. Continue reading

Obama’s Cockeyed Optimism: “We are starting to see glimmers of hope across the economy.”

Bernanke’s financial rescue plan is a disaster. He should have spent a little less time with Milton Friedman and a little more with Karl Marx. It was Marx who uncovered the root of all financial crises. He summed it up like this:

“The ultimate reason for all real crises always remains the poverty and restricted consumption of the masses as opposed to the drive of capitalist production to develop the productive forces as though only the absolute consuming power of society constituted their limit.” Continue reading

Economy in Jeopardy. Barack Obama: “Financial Crime Boss”

Since taking office, Obama, wittingly or otherwise, has headed the largest criminal enterprise in history – the mass looting of national wealth to enrich his Wall Street benefactors. He assembled a rogue economic team of Clinton/Robert Rubin retreads – to fix the current crisis they engineered. Continue reading

Israel stands ready to bomb Iran’s nuclear sites

The Israeli military is preparing itself to launch a massive aerial assault on Iran’s nuclear facilities within days of being given the go-ahead by its new government.

Continue reading