Dumbing-Down Society: How to Reverse its Effects

(VigilantCitizen) – The first two parts of this series describes the negative effects that some commonly consumed chemicals have on the body and brain. This third and final part looks at some natural ways to keep the brain healthy and provides tips to rid the body of dangerous substances. In other words, how to fight back against the dumbing down of society! Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones Tv – The Old System of Humanity by Design is Collapsing into a “High Tech Kill Grid”

Alex breaks down the collapse of our society by design into a high tech system of control that will only breed on the discrution of man. Continue reading

Dumbing Down Society Pt 2: Mercury in Foods and Vaccines

(VigilantCitizen) – Even though mercury is known to degenerate brain neurons and disrupt the central nervous system, it is still found in processed foods and mandatory vaccines. In this second part of the series examining the intentional dumbing-down of society, this article will discuss the presence of mercury in common foods and vaccines. Read More Here

America’s Anti-Militarist Heritage – Campaign for Liberty

Americans don’t have much historical memory anymore. That isn’t just because of the dumbing down of the educational system and the fact that most young people read very little on their own. It’s because most of what little they do hear about our history is colored by statist theology. Continue reading

Video: What the hell are they spraying on us?

I need to bring up an important subject that I have not previously mentioned. I have waited to broach this topic because I have been doing research so that I may report my findings to you as accurately and as thoroughly as possible.

The subject is “Chemtrails.” Continue reading