Lawsuit Against Companies that Sold WMD to Saddam

Editor’s note: In 2002, Infowars journalist Kurt Nimmo wrote about the U.S. government and corporations selling WMD to Saddam. Continue reading

Video: Concerns About Chemtrails Given Fresh Impetus

The Obama administration’s announcement to explore “geo-engineering” the environment in the name of preventing global warming has given fresh impetus to concerns about whether such programs are already underway in the guise of chemtrails.

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Video: The System Can Not Be Trusted

A speech given by Nancy Schaefer on Child Protection Services. The System Can Not be trusted. It does not serve The People. Continue reading

Russia test fires intercontinental missile

Russia has successfully test-launched a PC-12M Topol intercontinental ballistic missile, Russian news agencies have reported. Continue reading

“Solution” to the Financial Crisis: Game Theory Exposes PPIP As Fraudulent

Game theory tells us that a risk neutral gambler would pay $50 dollars for a coin flip that paid $0 for Heads and $100 for Tails. Game theorists would call $50 the value of the bet.

Suppose someone is willing to fund your gambling problem, and lend you $80 at zero interest. Better still, if you lose the bet you don’t have to pay him back. Under that scenario, the same gambler would pay $90 for the bet, giving him an even chance of winning or losing $10. Continue reading

Obama’s New World Order

This article addresses Washington’s financial coup d’etat in the context of discussing Michael Hudson’s important, very lengthy and detailed April 5 Global one titled: “The Financial War Against Iceland – Being defeated by debt is as deadly as outright military warfare.” It reviews its key information in advance of Hudson’s April 14 scheduled appearance on The Global Research News Hour to discuss. Continue reading