The multiple ways Monsanto is putting normal seeds out of reach

(OpEdNews) – People say if farmers don’t want problems from Monsanto, just don’t buy their GMO seeds.

Not so simple. Where are farmers supposed to get normal seed these days? How are they supposed to avoid contamination of their fields from GM-crops? How are they supposed to stop Monsanto detectives from trespassing or Monsanto from using helicopters to fly over spying on them?

Monsanto contaminates the fields, trespasses onto the land taking samples and if they find any GMO plants growing there (or say they have), they then sue, saying they own the crop. It’s a way to make money since farmers can’t fight back and court and they settle because they have no choice. Read More Here

One thought on “The multiple ways Monsanto is putting normal seeds out of reach

  1. Are all of the “Monsanto” employees part of this take over?
    Someone should ask said employees how they feel about what “Monsanto” is doing to America,and if they think it`s ok to do these things to their own children,and ours.
    I mean! what kind of people are they?

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