Video: Webster Tarpley Covers Globalized Terrorism to usher in a Total Police State on Alex Jones

(March 30) – Alex talks with historian, journalist, author and regular guest Webster Tarpley. Mr. Tarpley is the author of numerous books, including Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide through the Worst Financial Crisis in Human History, 9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA – Myth of the 21st Century, Obama – The Postmodern Coup: Making of a Manchurian Candidate and Barack H. Obama: The Unauthorized Biography. Continue reading

Video: Fluoride in Campbell’s soup; Hutaree thoughts; political comments

(TenebroustVLog) – Campbell’s Soup replied to my straightforward question about fluoride in the water they use for their products. The letter was a masterpiece of dissembling. I hate when people skirt questions. As far as I’m concerned it is enough to convince me that they use fluoridated water. I have some further thoughts on the Hutaree militia raid and the fact that informants and outright agents have infiltrated most if not all of these types of groups. I would not be surprised if the informant/agent egged the people on in what they may have been doing, if it’s anything at all. We are under the all seeing eye of big brother. Some political commentary on my views and promoting individual thinking. Continue reading

Haiti Post-Quake – Devastation, Depravation, Exploitation & Oppression – Stephen Lendman

(Rense) – Two and half months post-quake, the major media mostly ignore Haiti, the calamitous conditions on the ground, and the growing desperation of millions forced to largely endure on their own – out of sight, mind, the concern of world leaders, and UN, USAID and other aid organizations diverting most of the $700 million + donated to contractors and profiteering NGOs. Continue reading

MSM: Now it’s CowGate – expert report says claims of livestock causing global warming are false

(Telegraph) – It is becoming difficult to keep pace with the speed at which the global warming scam is now unravelling. The latest reversal of scientific “consensus” is on livestock and the meat trade as a major cause of global warming – one-fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions, according to eco-vegetarian cranks. Now a scientific report delivered to the American Chemical Society says it is nonsense. The Washington Times has called it “Cowgate”. Continue reading