Video: Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama’s Political Dynasty Crashes And Burns – Alex Jones Tv

While Barry Soetoro’s family lavish themselves at a luxury Spanish resort amidst deepening economic turmoil, back home Obama’s political dynasty crashes and burns as his approval ratings plunge to a record low of 41 per cent with less than a few months to go before the October midterm elections. Continue reading

The Future is Being Written Right Now

(BLN) – The Establishment is Fighting to Stay Alive as the Globe Reaches a Critical Juncture in History

The world, it seams, is reaching a critical juncture in history. Current trends are pointing towards dramatic changes in government and society. Long standing institutions are scrambling to stay afloat as new rivals challenge old ideas. Meanwhile, the global elite, foreseeing these changes, is fighting to retain control over a global system that is being torn apart by economic meltdown and a global political awakening. As top global strategists like Zbigniew Brzezinski have admitted, cracks are forming in the many bases of establishment control. Continue reading

Modern Political Prisoners in America

(SzandorBlestMan) – When I was growing up, I learned in school that one of the reasons the United States of America was better than the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was because we didn’t hold political prisoners in our jails. That was something the bad, bad communists did. That was something that was done in communist countries to keep dissidents in line and to silence them. Such a thing could never be done in America. I don’t know if this is still taught in the schools, but if it is then I believe our children are being grossly misinformed. The United States of America has become the leading nation when it comes to jailing its citizens, and the vast majority of them have been jailed for non violent crimes. We are, in effect, being jailed by the political class for disobeying rules they have deigned necessary, not for actions that have harmed another human being or his property. Most of those jailed are, in effect, political prisoners. Continue reading

Celente Says Populists Will Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm

(ActivistPost) –  Trends Research Institute CEO, Gerald Celente,  originally predicted the rise of a third party when he spoke with Libertarian radio talk show host, Alex Jones, in late 2009 and repeated this forecast last week on the same show.

Celente described this populist third party as “Progressive Libertarians” who stand for real environmental issues such as non-GMO organic foods, clean water, air, and soil free from corporate pollution, while advocating for alternative health freedoms and economic justice.  He coupled this group with the antiwar, “live free or die” Libertarians who principally desire a return to small locally-controlled government with truly free economic markets to form an independent coalition.  But is such a populist alliance realistic? Continue reading

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order – Andrew Gavin Marshall

(GlobalResearch) – There is a new and unique development in human history that is taking place around the world; it is unprecedented in reach and volume, and it is also the greatest threat to all global power structures: the ‘global political awakening.’ The term was coined by Zbigniew Brzezinski, and refers to the fact that, as Brzezinski wrote:

For the first time in history almost all of humanity is politically activated, politically conscious and politically interactive. Global activism is generating a surge in the quest for cultural respect and economic opportunity in a world scarred by memories of colonial or imperial domination.[1]

It is, in essence, this massive ‘global political awakening’ which presents the gravest and greatest challenge to the organized powers of globalization and the global political economy: nation-states, multinational corporations and banks, central banks, international organizations, military, intelligence, media and academic institutions. The Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC), or ‘Superclass’ as David Rothkopf refers to them, are globalized like never before. For the first time in history, we have a truly global and heavily integrated elite. As elites have globalized their power, seeking to construct a ‘new world order’ of global governance and ultimately global government, they have simultaneously globalized populations. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul Discusses The Political Re-Alignment on Alex Jones Tv

(May 26) – Alex talks with Ron Paul, a physician and Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas. Paul is the founder of the advocacy group Campaign for Liberty and his ideas have been expressed in numerous published articles and books, including End The Fed and The Revolution: A Manifesto. Ron Paul has the most Constitution friendly voting record of any member of Congress since 1937. Continue reading

Video: Alex Jones – Canadian conspiracy

(RussiaToday) – The next time you struggle to comprehend how someone could spend their time trolling the internet in order to defend and downplay whatever government cover-up or abuse is in the news this week, consider the fact that they may be on a government payroll. The Canadian government has been caught paying a media group to monitor online political discussion and respond to misinformation, in order words to spread state-sanctioned propaganda, in the latest scandal to hit the Harper administration. Continue reading

Video: Political Prisoner Richard Fine Jailed 14 Months Without Charge of a Crime

(CNN) – Once a dapper Beverly Hills attorney known for his bow tie, Richard Fine has been held in solitary confinement at Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail for 14 months, even though he’s never been charged with a crime. Video Link Here

Video: Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites

(PaulWatson) – Disturbing audio has emerged of White House information czar Cass Sunstein, who in a previous white paper called for banning “conspiracy theories,” demanding that websites be mandated by law to link to opposing information or that pop ups containing government propaganda be forcibly included on political blogs.

In an audio excerpt of an interview which was posted on the website today, Sunstein discusses how conservative websites should provide links to liberal websites and vice versa or even how political blogs should be made to include pop ups that show “a quick argument for a competing view”.

Sunstein said that if this system couldn’t be implemented voluntarily, “Congress should hold hearings about mandates,” which would legally force people to dilute their own free speech. The Harvard Professor also said that blogs should be forced to list a random draw of 25 popular websites, such as

Listen to the clip below. Video Link Here

European Powerbrokers Present Proposal For New Economic And Political Order

(SteveWatson) – The European Commission, the executive body of the European Union, has revealed a set of proposals to fully integrate the economies of the EU member states and centralize power under a federalized union.

Following monday’s announcement of a €750bn EU bailout fund, the EC head and Bilderberg darling José Manuel Barroso announced details of the plan for further European integration. Continue reading

A Frightful Despotism – Mark West

(Infowars) – In her infancy, or at least throughout the term of her first President, the United States maintained an aura of non-partisanship. George Washington avoided association with political parties.

Now I’m not saying that parties, or factions, didn’t exist. They most certainly did, along similar, but not the same, principles to those of the two major parties today. A basic contention existed over the size and influence of central government. Seems those battle lines have remained throughout each ages of our nation’s history.

However, President Washington was opposed to political parties. He saw a sinister nature to partisanship. Washington feared the perpetuation of “the most horrid enormities” as the factions battled bitterly for domination, competition, and vengeance while ignoring what was best for the nation. Continue reading

Preparedness goes mainstream: “Preppers” come from all walks of life (and they all want to stay alive)

(NaturalNews) – Back in the 1990s, the idea of growing food in the suburbs, getting “off the grid,” and learning survival skills was thought to be something only militia members and lone rangers living in the woods would do. Today, a new type of survivalism has emerged in light of economic and political turmoil that people from all walks of life are embracing. Continue reading

Philippines: Arrests, Torture and the Presidential Election – James Petras

(GlobalResearch) – The run-up to presidential elections is a time of heightened state-sponsored repression as Asia’s foremost ‘death squad democracy’ wages war on its progressive rural medical workers.

The notoriously violent and corrupt elections in the Philippines stand in sharp contrast with those in South Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Malaysia, where the ruling elites have secured their hegemony via economic prosperity, rising salaries, increased employment and extensive social services for their citizens. In these countries, the elite can abide by the results of a relatively ‘open’ election, whereas in the Philippines, any challenge to the closed, family-based ruling class is met with relentless terror. Continue reading

Militia News

(March 31) – Video: Alex Reveals FBI Agent Discovered at Center of Hutaree Militia Set-Up – Video Part 1Video Part 2

(AP) – Prosecutor: Agent infiltrated Christian militia – Read More Here

(BungalowBillsCW) – Precrimes, Hutaree, and Free Political Speech

Eight of the nine members of Hutaree pled not guilty to charges brought against them by the federal government. As the story developed this week, we now know that an FBI agent infiltrated the compound and set up the raid from within. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – New York Times: Michigan Militia Member Turned In Hutaree to Cops

The Stone family, and the fiercely militant Christian group that revolved around them at a ramshackle homestead outside of town here, were best known by their neighbors for their active use of guns and their increasingly heated talk about fighting back violently against the government. Read More Here

(MensNewsDaily) – Another Militia Group Indicted by Feds

A federal grand jury in New Haven, Connecticut returned a seven-count indictment charging five individuals with conspiracy and firearms offenses stemming from an alleged attempt to sell firearms and explosive grenades to a white supremacist group located outside of Connecticut. Read More Here

(Reuters) – Eight U.S. militia members enter not guilty pleas

Eight members of an extremist militia group accused of conspiring to kill law enforcement officers as part of a wider war on the U.S. government pleaded not guilty in federal court on Wednesday. Read More Here

US military behind Haiti quake, says Innsbruck scientist

(AustrianTimes) – Innsbruck political scientist Claudia von Werlhof has accused the USA of being behind the Haitian earthquake in January, it emerged today (Tues).

Werlhof said that machines at a military research centre in Alaska used to detect deposits of crude oil by causing artificial earthquakes had intentionally been set off to cause the Haitian earthquake and enable the USA to send 10,000 soldiers into the country.

Ferdinand Karlhofer, the head of the Innsbruck Political Science Institute where von Werlhof works, has slammed her comments. He said such conspiracy theory had no scientific basis and her claim would damage the reputation of the Institute abroad.

Source: Austrian Times

Ron Paul never thunders, but he’s a lightning rod anyway

(NJ) – The talking heads of America are outraged at Ron Paul once again. They dismissed him in 2007, dissed him in 2008 and ignored him in 2009. And now he’s got the nerve to win the presidential straw poll at the Conservative Political Action Conference held in Washington last weekend. Read More Here

Video: Rep. Ron Paul surprise winner of CPAC presidential straw poll

(CNN) – U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, a stalwart foe of government spending, won a blowout victory Saturday in the annual Conservative Political Action Conference presidential straw poll. Read More Here

The United States’ slide to corporatocracy

Following the US Supreme Court that removed restrictions on corporate donations to political campaigns, Daniel Patrick Welch looks forward to a day in the not-too-distant future where there will be congressmen representing corporations and where homelessness and disease will vanish because no one will count or diagnose the sick. Continue reading

The Pending Collapse Of The U.S.A. – Timothy V. Gatto

The truth that most people realize but can’t openly talk about is that America has seen better days and that the system of capitalism has long outlived its usefulness. The last part of that sentence, that capitalism has outlived its usefulness, is thoroughly the fault of the capitalists themselves. Continue reading

Video: Flu Vaccine Brainwashing In Prime Time ABC Show

A prime time ABC drama show that aired last week featured an almost subliminal example of brainwashing that encouraged people to take the swine flu shot, proving that the propaganda campaign to sell people on the government’s health agenda is widespread and not just confined to this week’s admitted campaign to implant suggestive messages in network TV broadcasts. Continue reading

MSM: Dyke in BBC ‘conspiracy’ claim

(BBC) – The BBC is part of a “conspiracy” preventing the “radical changes” needed to UK democracy, the corporation’s former director general has said. Continue reading

Grassley: FCC Diversity Chief May Stifle Talk Radio

(NewsMax) – Sen. Charles Grassley is worried that Obama administration’s new federal communications “diversity” director may try to regulate talk radio with a “backdoor” method akin to the Fairness Doctrine. Continue reading

MSM: Obama tacitly backs military’s takeover of Honduran democracy

(SacBee) – President Obama is making a big mistake in coddling the dictatorship in Honduras, and putting his administration at odds with the rest of the hemisphere. It also looks terrible to the world that his government so easily abandons its professed commitment to democracy and the rule of law. Continue reading

Death of Political Prisoners in Palestine

The Palestinian Authority and Hamas movements have trespassed all the limits with their continuous arrests and torture of political activists, and then killing many of them them in their jails. The attitude of these two movements is now Jonaid jailsimilar to what the Israeli occupation has done and is still doing against the Palestinians in occupied Palestine. The Palestinian National Authority and Hamas have increased the incarceration of political activists, and committed hundreds of politicians, political activists and resistance members into their respective jails. Continue reading

MSM: A cancerous conspiracy to poison your faith in organic food

(DailyMail) – Despite its obvious benefits for our health and for the environment, organic food continues to be denigrated by the political and corporate establishment in Britain. Continue reading

MSM: Pope calls for “world political authority”

Pope Benedict on Tuesday called for a “world political authority” to manage the global economy and for more government regulation of national economies to pull the world out of the current crisis and avoid a repeat. Continue reading

Murdoch CEO Labels Bloggers “Political Extremists”

A stinging attack by John Hartigan, the CEO of Rupert Murdoch’s News Limited, labels bloggers and alternative media outlets as “political extremists”. Hartigan implies that bloggers should be jailed as they are in oppressive police states like China and Burma. Continue reading

Video: FKN Newz – Barack the Giant Killer

WARNING – Explicit Content

Iran claims their elections are just like ours , dodgy disputed and irrelevant; Fly killer Obama tackles deficit giant with Bernankes magical sword of Moredebt; In the UK freedom means trial without jury and Iraq war inquiry in private Continue reading

Talk Show Host Banned From UK For Political Opinions

American talk show host Michael Savage has been banned from entering the UK by the Home Secretary because of his political opinions and opposition to illegal immigration, which is considered “hate speech” in airstrip one. Continue reading

Video: Fukn Newz – Fear Flu Kills…Er Costs Millions

Warning – Explicit Content

Fear Flu pandemic to be followed scary cure say sex magic puppet masters of earth… Continue reading

France Launches New Anti-Zionist Political Party

Editor’s Note: The move by the French people to fight fire with fire as symbolized by this sensible, peaceful, democratic initiative to counter the devastating effects of political Zionism upon their once sovereign nation ought to be a inspiration to all other nations suffering under this restricting and debilitating yoke. I can only dream that Canada and the USA and Great Britain and Australia and especially Germany would be paying close attention to this laudable initiative on the part of the French people and in turn follow suit. Continue reading

Video: Fukn News – God Bless Obamerica

Explicit content. Parental Advisory!

Obama wins Magical mystery tour, nationalism and voodoo live on. Crisis in Democratice republic of congo solved by stealling mineral reserves.
In the UK more debt is best answer to debt problem says debt ridden bankers.