World War

(Uruknet) – Welcome to smart bombs

Cluster bombs are in the news again, thanks to a recent report from Amnesty International. The human rights agency has confirmed that 35 women and children were killed following the latest US attacks on an alleged al-Qaeda hideout in Yemen. Read More Here

(Kotaku) – Did Buying Your Gaming Console Help Fund War Atrocities in the Congo?

While the availability of blood diamonds, those rare minerals mined in war zones and sold to build armies, has begun to dwindle under international scrutiny, a new set of conflict minerals is rising to take its place.

Minerals like tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold, some of which are found in an array of electronics including video game consoles, are being mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and used to fuel what has become the deadliest conflict since World War II. Read More Here

(ThePeoplesVoice) – The Case for War: The Iron Mountain Report – Stephen Lendman

In his 1966 book, “How the World Really Works,” Alan B. Jones included a chapter on the “Report from Iron Mountain: On the Possibility and Desirability of Peace,” later published in 1967 by The Dial Press. It became a bestseller, then disappeared. Now few copies are available, but when circulating in the 1960s, it was reported that concerned Johnson administration officials ordered global US embassies to downplay it, saying it had nothing to do with policy. Later accounts doubted the material’s authenticity, suggesting it was a hoax. True or false, its findings are reviewed below because they accurately reflect longstanding US policy. Read More Here


(Uruknet) – Report on long-term effects of Israeli white phosphorus – EXCLUSIVE PICTURES

In a recent report into the white phosphorous used by Israel in its 2008-9 assault on the Gaza Strip, Italian experts have warned of the adverse long term effects of the three thousand five hundred shells that were dropped indiscriminately. In particular, the report addresses the impact of this weapon, the use of which against civilians is prohibited under international law. Read More Here


This week I posted a very inspiring piece about the brave children of Palestine standing up to the zionist oppresssors…. it contained the following video of seven year olds taunting Israeli soldiers…. Read More Here

(JPost) – General Assembly cancels flotilla debate

Ali Abdussalam Treki, president of the UN General Assembly, sent a letter to the members of the General Assembly to inform that them that the debate would not occur. Read More Here

(Independent) – Exposed: The truth about Israel’s land grab in the West Bank

Jewish settlers, who claim a divine right to the whole of Israel, now control more than 42 per cent of the occupied West Bank, representing a powerful obstacle to the creation of a Palestinian state, a new report has revealed. Read More Here


(PoliticalTheatrics) – Civilian Casualties Create New Enemies, Study Confirms

Yes, we needed economists to tell us this. A new working paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research finds “strong evidence for a revenge effect” when examining the relationship between civilian casualties caused by the U.S.-led military coalition in Afghanistan and radicalization after such incidents occur. The paper even estimates of how many insurgent attacks to expect after each civilian death. Those findings, however intuitive, might resolve an internal military debate about the counter-productivity of civilian casualties — and possibly fuel calls for withdrawal. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Afghanistan : The “Graveyard of Empires” Strikes Back. Coalition Forces are in Retreat

As Britain’s new Prime Minister struggles with reality and attempts to dress abject defeat up as resounding success – and whilst ordering the troops to leave Sangin, delusionally calls it: “Consolidation”, a very brief return to the whole woeful Afghan disaster seems timely. As Iraq, a course embarked on blindly by his predecessor Charles Anthony Lynton Blair, QC., in blind, puppy-like determination to obey His Master’s Voice. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Losing in Afghanistan – Marjorie Cohn

Our economic crisis is directly tied to the cost of the war. We are in desperate need of money for education and health care. The $1 million per year it costs to maintain a single soldier in Afghanistan could pay for 20 green jobs.

Not only is the war bankrupting us, it has come at a tragic cost in lives. June was the deadliest month for U.S. troops in Afghanistan. In addition to the 1,149 American soldiers killed in Afghanistan, untold numbers of Afghan civilians have died from the war – untold because the Defense Department refuses to maintain statistics of anyone except U.S. personnel. After all, Donald Rumsfeld quipped in 2005, “death has a tendency to encourage a depressing view of war.” Read More Here


(Mondoweiss) – Big push begins for war on Iran

Does this sound familiar? Here’s neoconservative Eli Lake, writing in the Washington Times:

The United Arab Emirates ambassador to the United States said Tuesday that the benefits of bombing Iran’s nuclear program outweigh the short-term costs such an attack would impose.

The UAE has denied that its ambassador made such a statement. Does it even matter? Here is Joe Lieberman in Israel, in Jerusalem Post:

The US will address the Iranian threat “through diplomatic efforts and economic sanctions if we can, but through military action if we must,” said Lieberman.

Where are Judy Miller and Jeff Goldberg and the New Yorker and Brookings? Bill Keller of the Times? Your country needs you, Keller. – Source: MondoWeiss

(WRH) – Iran vs Israel: What The Media Wants You To Forget

The corporate media have been given their orders to throw the focus back on to Iran.

Here is a recap of what they are trying to make you forget. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – UAE Disavows Ambassador’s Call to Attack Iran

A diplomatic firestorm has been set off in the wake of an article in the Washington Times. According to the article, United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the United States Yousef al-Otaiba openly advocated a US military attack on Iran, saying he was willing to “live with” damage such an attack would do to the security of the tiny country. Read More Here

(NewsMax) – Lieberman: US Prepared to Strike Iran to Stop Nuclear Weapons

The United States may be forced to launch an attack on Iran’s nuclear weapons facilities if diplomatic efforts and economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic fail, Sen. Joseph Lieberman said Wednesday after a meeting with Israeli officials in Jerusalem. Read More Here

(JPost) – UAE ambassador to US: ‘Bomb Iran’

Yousef al-Otaiba reportedly says “we cannot live with a nuclear Iran.” Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – UAE Ambassador: We ‘Absolutely’ Want U.S. To Stop Iran By Force

According to United Arab Emirates Ambassador to the U.S. Yousef al-Otaiba, efforts to prevent Iran from going nuclear by use of military force are better than that country actually going nuclear. Read More Here


(Guardian) – US private Bradley Manning charged with leaking Iraq killings video

A US army intelligence analyst was today charged with leaking a highly classified video of American forces killing unarmed civilians in Baghdad and secret diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks. Read More Here


(POTA) – Video: Anti-Zionist Orthodox Jew Interview July 6, 2010 at White House during the visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu –

(July 6) – Video: Alex Jones – U.S. Warships Anger Costa Rican Citizens

Costa Rica has allowed 46 US warships and 7,000 Marines to enter the country despite objection by the opposition parties, which describe the move as “illegal.” Continue reading

Ahmadinejad: Zionists Aim to Destroy Civilizations in Region

“Zionists intend to destroy regional civilizations in an effort to build their own foundations on the ruins,” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Sunday, after revelations that construction work by the Zionist regime near the Muslims’ holy Al-Aqsa mosque has inflicted damage on the holy site. Continue reading

Illuminati Sabotage Patriot Communication

(HenryMakowPh.D) – Illuminati lackeys are intercepting and even changing emails between Patriot websites. Continue reading

Hitler was a Godsend for Israel – Henry Makow

The vast majority of German Jews “vehemently rejected Zionism as an enemy from within.” They were Germans. Eighty thousand had fought in the trenches and 12,000 had died. “Nowhere was the opposition of Jews [to Zionism] so widespread, principled, and fierce as in Germany,” a Zionist historian wrote. (168) Continue reading

France Launches New Anti-Zionist Political Party

Editor’s Note: The move by the French people to fight fire with fire as symbolized by this sensible, peaceful, democratic initiative to counter the devastating effects of political Zionism upon their once sovereign nation ought to be a inspiration to all other nations suffering under this restricting and debilitating yoke. I can only dream that Canada and the USA and Great Britain and Australia and especially Germany would be paying close attention to this laudable initiative on the part of the French people and in turn follow suit. Continue reading