Preparedness goes mainstream: “Preppers” come from all walks of life (and they all want to stay alive)

(NaturalNews) – Back in the 1990s, the idea of growing food in the suburbs, getting “off the grid,” and learning survival skills was thought to be something only militia members and lone rangers living in the woods would do. Today, a new type of survivalism has emerged in light of economic and political turmoil that people from all walks of life are embracing. Continue reading

The Myth Of Global Warming

A brief list of arguments that each refute the notion that the community should be scared by the idea of global warming. Continue reading

Psychology Today Hit Piece Labels Conspiracy Thinking A Psychotic Illness

In an article entitled Dark Minds: When does incredulity become paranoia, Psychology Today writer John Gartner attempts to make the case that the concerns of “conspiracy theorists” are not based in reality but are a product of mental instability, while himself fulfilling every criteria for what he claims classifies such people as psychotics – ignoring evidence that contradicts his preconceptions while embracing the ludicrous “conspiracy theory” that powerful men and governments do not conspire to advance their power. Continue reading

MSM: Paranoid, suspicion, obsessive surveillance – and a land of liberty destroyed by stealth

(DailyMail) – Returning to Britain from a summer holiday abroad, you begin to notice things that perhaps escaped your attention before – the huge number of CCTV cameras that infest our public spaces and, much less obviously, the atmosphere of watchfulness and control that has now become a way of life. Continue reading