We are Living in an Artificially Induced State of Consciousness

Since its inception in American homes in the late 1930’s, television has essentially given America it’s culture. Today, television watching is the most popular leisure activity as more and more people are choosing the fantasy world of TV over engaging with others in real communication and experiences. Continue reading

Psychology Today Hit Piece Labels Conspiracy Thinking A Psychotic Illness

In an article entitled Dark Minds: When does incredulity become paranoia, Psychology Today writer John Gartner attempts to make the case that the concerns of “conspiracy theorists” are not based in reality but are a product of mental instability, while himself fulfilling every criteria for what he claims classifies such people as psychotics – ignoring evidence that contradicts his preconceptions while embracing the ludicrous “conspiracy theory” that powerful men and governments do not conspire to advance their power. Continue reading

MSM: ‘Orwellian language’ in schools turns pupils into ‘customers’, finds damning report

(DailyMail) – Schools using the ‘Orwellian language of performance management’ are undermining teenagers’ education by turning them into ‘customers’ rather than students, a landmark report says today. Continue reading

How to Create A Healthy, Wealthy, Abundant Nation from the Ashes of America’s Demise

In a related article on CounterThink.com (http://www.CounterThink.com/025688.html), I discussed the inevitable collapse of America and the opportunity for new nation-states to rise from the ashes. Here, I unveil how such new nation-states might prioritize natural health as a strategy for long-term abundance and happiness for its citizens. Here, I also discuss the possibility of humankind taking conscious control over its own evolution as a way to eliminate behavior traits of selfishness and short-term thinking. It’s a big topic, so let’s start with how some nation-states might restructure themselves to prioritize health and abundance. Continue reading