Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer, Scientists Warn

(NaturalNews) – A report issued by the International Electromagnetic Field Collaborative and endorsed by 43 scientists from 13 countries has reviewed the evidence linking cell phone use to brain tumors, and refuting the methodology of a forthcoming industry-funded study expected to give the phones a clean bill of health. Continue reading

Grassley: FCC Diversity Chief May Stifle Talk Radio

(NewsMax) – Sen. Charles Grassley is worried that Obama administration’s new federal communications “diversity” director may try to regulate talk radio with a “backdoor” method akin to the Fairness Doctrine. Continue reading

MSM: As Goldman Sachs posts huge profits from the economic crisis, the question is – Did it cause the problems in the first place?

(DailyMail) – No name is more ubiquitous in the pantheon of global finance than that of Goldman Sachs. At a time when world commerce and banking has been brought to a shuddering halt by greed, excess and foolishness, this investment bank provoked astonishment and disgust this week by handing out record bonuses. Continue reading

Knock-a-Door “Obama Army” a Complete Failure

President Barack Obama’s army of canvassers fanned out across the nation over the weekend to drum up support for his $3.55 trillion budget, but they had no noticeable impact on members of Congress, who on Monday said they were largely unaware of the effort. Continue reading

Four largest TARP recipients spent billions on ‘questionable transactions’: memo

Rather than using federal bailout money to reinvigorate lending to consumers, some banks that received funds from TARP have spent it on questionable items that have done little to improve the health of the country’s financial sector but have certainly helped out foreign economies such as Dubai and China. Continue reading

Nouriel Roubini: The U.S. Financial System Is Effectively Insolvent

For those who argue that the rate of growth of economic activity is turning positive–that economies are contracting but at a slower rate than in the fourth quarter of 2008–the latest data doesn’t confirm this relative optimism. In 2008’s fourth quarter, gross domestic product fell by about 6% in the U.S., 6% in the euro zone, 8% in Germany, 12% in Japan, 16% in Singapore and 20% in South Korea. So things are even more awful in Europe and Asia than in the U.S. Continue reading