MSM: Supine politicians, arrogant, greedy banks and why they could trigger another crash

(DailyMail) – One cannot imagine headlines more certain to rouse public rage than those this week: ‘Massive bonuses for bankers’; ‘record payouts at Goldman Sachs ‘; ‘greed is back’. Amid the worst recession for a generation, the financial communities in Britain and the U.S. will this year award themselves prizes on a scale to gasp at. Continue reading

More Federal Police State “Stimulus”

The Obama administration has announced the distribution of $1 billion in grants to hire 5,000 “local” police nation-wide. Continue reading

MSM: As Goldman Sachs posts huge profits from the economic crisis, the question is – Did it cause the problems in the first place?

(DailyMail) – No name is more ubiquitous in the pantheon of global finance than that of Goldman Sachs. At a time when world commerce and banking has been brought to a shuddering halt by greed, excess and foolishness, this investment bank provoked astonishment and disgust this week by handing out record bonuses. Continue reading

California Economy Near Collapse

MSNBC: California ‘s fiscal future lurched yet another step toward oblivion on Friday as state Controller John Chiang announced he could no longer make payments for services to disabled and blind people who need the money to pay for rent and food .Chiang said payments would most likely have to be stopped by Feb. 1. Continue reading