Obama to Nationalize Student Lending with Pending Budget Bill

(CNSNews) – A bill currently before the Senate would empower the Obama administration to nationalize the student lending industry, eliminating the federally subsidized private loans millions of university students rely on to finance their educations. Continue reading

Systemic Failure Approaches

In fact, my forecast is for systemic failure. Its primary elements will be a failed US banking system (as in seizure) and a USTreasury Bond default (as in coerced restructure). Again, martial law and declaration of economic emergency will be the final solution. The prison camps will become debtor prisons and warehouses for illegals, maybe a processing plant for those who refuse virus vaccination. Continue reading

We Can’t Break Up the Giant Banks, Can We? Yes We Can!

In response, defenders of the too-big-to-fails make one or more of the following arguments:
(1) The government does not have the authority to break up the big boys
(2) To break up the banks, the government would have to nationalize them, which would be socialism

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More Federal Police State “Stimulus”

The Obama administration has announced the distribution of $1 billion in grants to hire 5,000 “local” police nation-wide. Continue reading

Obama’s “United Fascist States of America”

If Adolph Hitler was elected President of the United States and the Nazi Party took control of the US Congress the Nazis would bring CHANGE, right? What would Hitler and the Nazi Party do if they came to power in America? Continue reading

Obama Wants to Control the Banks

I must be naive. I really thought the administration would welcome the return of bank bailout money. Some $340 million in TARP cash flowed back this week from four small banks in Louisiana, New York, Indiana and California. This isn’t much when we routinely talk in trillions, but clearly that money has not been wasted or otherwise sunk down Wall Street’s black hole. So why no cheering as the cash comes back? Continue reading

MSM: Roubini Says Stocks Will Drop as Banks Go ‘Belly Up’ (Update2)

(Bloomberg) – U.S. stocks will fall and the government will nationalize more banks as the economy contracts through the end of 2009, said Nouriel Roubini, the New York University professor who predicted last year’s economic crisis. Continue reading

Orwellian Doublethink: “Nationalize the banks.” “Free Markets.”

The language of deception Continue reading

MSM: Greenspan backs bank nationalisation

The US government may have to nationalize some banks on a temporary basis to fix the financial system and restore the flow of credit, Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman, has told the Financial Times. Continue reading

MSM: Roubini tells Geithner to nationalise US banks

Tim Geithner must nationalize some of America’s biggest banks and take the total toll of the US bail-out to around $2 trillion, according to one of the world’s most prominent economists. Continue reading

Obama wants to nationalize banks

Only five days into the Obama presidency, members of the new administration and Democratic leaders in Congress are already dancing around one of the most politically delicate questions about the financial bailout: Is the president prepared to nationalize a huge swath of the nation’s banking system?

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