NATO Expansion, Missile Deployments And Russia’s New Military Doctrine

Developments related to military and security matters in Europe and Asia have been numerous this month and condensed into less than a week of meetings, statements and initiatives on issues ranging from missile shield deployments to the unparalleled escalation of the world’s largest war and from a new security system for Europe to a new Russian military doctrine. Continue reading

Obama’s plan to cut health care costs will be costly

Obama’s health care plan, described as “a government-run insurance program, modeled after Medicare,” is being promoted as a means to cut health care costs. However, Medicare costs have been rising $2,500 faster per patient than costs in the private sector. Continue reading

Government Grinds the Gears

If you knew that baseball teams with winning records tended to be more profitable for their owners than those with losing records — and if you learned that the Baltimore Orioles had just been purchased by the major league umpire’s union, would you expect the Orioles to win more or fewer games? Almost everyone implicitly understands why the umpires should not be allowed to own teams they referee. Continue reading

Fascialism: The New American System

“If classical liberalism (libertarianism) spells individualism, fascism spells government.”
~ Benito Mussolini, Fascism: Doctrines and Institutions, p. 10 Continue reading

Weaponized Education: Controlling Tomorrow With The Youth of Today

There has been and continues to be an effort by some of the worlds most elite families to establish a global community, with a global government, some call it the new world order.The plan always benefits them at our expense, and they believe as long as we show no opposition they can retain control. The massive goal is to bring the global populace into harm-ony, but it is an impossibility unless family loyalty is dissolved and individuality is eradicated. Continue reading

MSM: Bush criticized by former 9/11 commission member

A former member of the 9/11 Commission criticizes former President George W. Bush in a new book for not responding to pre-attack intelligence on Osama bin Laden’s intentions. Continue reading

Study: Children Who Get Flu Vaccine Have 3 Times Risk of Hospitalization For Flu

The inactivated flu vaccine does not appear to be effective in preventing influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially the ones with asthma. In fact, children who get the flu vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than their peers who do not get the vaccine, according to new research that will be presented on May 19, at the 105th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society in San Diego. Continue reading

MSM: Supreme Court – Suspects Can be Interrogated Without Lawyer

(AP) — The Supreme Court on Tuesday overturned a long-standing ruling that stopped police from initiating questions unless a defendant’s lawyer was present, a move that will make it easier for prosecutors to interrogate suspects. Continue reading

US killed 97 Afghan civilians in two days: Probe

A human rights group has confirmed that the United States used disproportionate force in its recent raids in Afghanistan and killed 97 civilians to get at two Taliban militants. Continue reading

Billionaire: Elite Want 2/3 of the “Dumb People” Wiped Off the Planet

Billionaire entrepreneur Kevin Trudeau, who has been constantly harassed and sued by the FTC for promoting alternative health treatments, told The Alex Jones Show yesterday that elitists and Bilderberg members who he had personally conversed with spoke of their desire to see “two thirds of the dumb people” wiped off the planet. Continue reading

State Of War Between Two Koreas After Armistice Ended

A state of war officially exists again between North and South Korea for the first time since the end of hostilities in 1953 following North Korea’s announcement that they would henceforth refuse to abide by the terms of the peace armistice. Continue reading

Video: North Korea Ends Armistice, Threatens to Attack South Korea

North Korea says it will attack South Korea if its ships are searched as part of the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI). South Korea signed the agreement on Tuesday after North Korea tested a nuclear device. “Those who provoke [North Korea] once will not be able to escape its unimaginable and merciless punishment,” North Korea’s official news agency warned. Continue reading

The Bilderberg Plan for 2009: Remaking the Global Political Economy

From May 14-17, the global elite met in secret in Greece for the yearly Bilderberg conference, amid scattered and limited global media attention. Roughly 130 of the world’s most powerful individuals came together to discuss the pressing issues of today, and to chart a course for the next year. The main topic of discussion at this years meeting was the global financial crisis, which is no surprise, considering the list of conference attendees includes many of the primary architects of the crisis, as well as those poised to “solve” it. Continue reading

Politico: Officials gave Bilderberg briefings

A handful of high-ranking Obama administration officials this month delivered private briefings at the annual invitation-only conference held by an elite international organization known as the Bilderberg group. Continue reading

MSM: 10th Amendment Movement Aims to Give Power Back to States

(Fox) – Fed up with Washington’s involvement in everything from land use to gun control to education spending, states across the country are fighting back against what they say is the federal government’s growing intrusion on their rights. Continue reading

Former Presidential Advisor David Gergen pushes national service

Behind globalist David Gergen is the real sense of “change” that came in with Barack Obama’s election. The enthusiasm for this new president was met with calls for service and sacrifice– and that is something former presidential advisor Gergen put on the agenda years ago. Continue reading

Video: Gerald Celente on CNBC – Fed Inflates ‘Bailout Bubble’

As the Federal Reserve throws more and more money at the economic crisis and holds interest rates down at historic lows, it could be inflating a devastating ‘bailout bubble,’ Gerald Celente, director of Trends Research Institute, told CNBC. Continue reading

MSM: 26% of 9/11 Commission Report footnotes came from tortured detainees

One of the Main Sources for the 9/11 Commission Report was Tortured Until He Agreed to Sign a Confession that He Was NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO READ! Continue reading

Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms

If we are to believe what our trusted international media report, the world is on the brink of a global pandemic outbreak of a new deadly strain of flu, H1N1 as it has been labelled, or more popularly, Swine Flu. As the story goes, the outbreak of the deadly flu was first discovered in Mexico. According to press reports, after several days, headlines reported as many as perhaps 150 deaths in Mexico were believed caused by this virulent people-killing pig virus that has spread to humans and now is allegedly being further spread from human to human. Cases were being reported hourly from Canada to Spain and beyond. The only thing wrong with this story is that it is largely based on lies, hype and coverup of possible real causes of Mexican deaths. Continue reading

Crisis as a way to build a global totalitarian state

As the world financial and economic crisis comes into its own, the Western community leaders are seeking to impress on mankind the idea that this upheaval will end up ‘turning the world into something different’. Continue reading

MSM: Obama keeps some Bush secrets

WASHINGTON (AP) — Despite a pledge to open government, the Obama administration has endorsed a Bush-era decision to keep secret key details of an FBI computer database that allows agents and analysts to search a billion documents with a wealth of personal information about Americans and foreigners. Continue reading

Gravel: Cold War déjà-vu

In his speech in Prague, President Obama’s rhetoric was essentially no different than that of George Bush. He promised, because of our “moral responsibility,” to rid the world of nuclear weapons. He then averred that the US would not lower its defenses while others are pursuing a nuclear threat. Continue reading

Video: Violence is not the solution, A statist intervention

Hear more from Stefan Molyneux at Continue reading

CIA reveals it has 3,000 pages of documents relating to destroyed interrogation tapes

The Central Intelligence Agency disclosed Friday that it has 3,000 summaries, transcripts, reconstructions and memoranda relating to 92 interrogation videotapes that were destroyed by the agency, the American Civil Liberties Union revealed Friday evening. Continue reading

Fed Up With the Fed

The way Ron Paul tells it, his more than 30 years of speaking and writing about money, inflation, and the Federal Reserve System attracted only limited interest outside libertarian and constitutionalist circles. The subject, and Paul as its spokesman, were scarcely to be found in the media, even—or perhaps especially—on the business networks. Continue reading

Enemies of Capitalism

New Rule: neomercantilists, neoconservatives, and statists are no longer allowed to call themselves “free marketers.” People who call themselves free marketers such as Bush, Paulson, Greenspan, and Bernanke are the primary threat capitalism faces. These false prophets of capitalism are the greatest friends that proponents of socialism have.

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Obama wants to nationalize banks

Only five days into the Obama presidency, members of the new administration and Democratic leaders in Congress are already dancing around one of the most politically delicate questions about the financial bailout: Is the president prepared to nationalize a huge swath of the nation’s banking system?

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