Video: Sinister Sites – Astana, Khazakhstan

(VigilantCitizen) – Astana is the first capital being built in the 21st century and it perfectly represents  where the world is headed. It is truly one man’s vision: Nursultan Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan (yes Borat’s country, I know). Backed by billions of petrodollars, the city is being built from scratch in a remote and deserted area of  the Asian steppes. The result is astonishing: a futuristic occult capital, embracing the New World Order while celebrating the most ancient religion known to man: Sun Worship. The city is still a huge construction site, but the buildings that are already completed already sum up Nazarbayev’s occult vision. Continue reading

New Documentary Exposes Move Towards Totalitarian World Government

(PaulWatson) – Film maker Jason Bermas has collected a truly monumental amount of video archive and document material to render completely obsolete claims that the agenda of today’s ruling elite is not the open move towards a global totalitarian world government which will be run to the detriment of the people in the self-interests of the tiny ruling class that sit atop the power pyramid. Continue reading

U.S. To Break Up Soon? – Chuck Baldwin

According to Macedonian Radio and Television On-line (MRT), a Russian professor predicts the United States will fall apart in July 2010. MRT reports, “‘Mr. Obama is similar to the last Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Continue reading

Video: Wake up America!!! – Alan Watt

(Oct. 10, 2008) – This is how the elite control us. This is basically a clear-cut blueprint of what they want to do to us in the next few years. Continue reading

Cap and Trade Emissions Bill is The Latest Pyramid Debt Scam

Wall Street financial banking barons, exploitative imperious arrogant elites, and opportunistic cronies by their backing of yet another illegal controlled pyramid scam law presented to the U.S. House of Representatives implicate themselves in massive world wide criminal conspiracy and fraud in the latest debt scheme Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill HR 2454 Continue reading


The last two weeks in June marked an unprecedented attack, by the government, upon the entire social infrastructure of this society. This was only the latest in a long series of criminal actions meant to finally tip the nation into chaos. Continue reading

Make No Mistake – America Has Been SOLD By The NWO

In 1992, George H.W. Bush signed Executive Order 12803, which gave D.C. the authority to sell America’s infrastructure. They called this authority “Infrastructure Privatization.” E.O. 12803 tells us this power cleared the way for the “disposition or transfer of an infrastructure “asset” such as by sale or by long-term lease from a State or local government to a private party.” Continue reading

The Global Coup d’Etat

The term “New World Order” refers to the advent of a Totalitarian World Government. The current push towards achieving this nirvana has at it’s core, a powerful and secretive group known as the Illuminati, which has been conspiring to take control of the the world for millennia. They aim to do this by the introduction of an autonomous Global State, which would supersede and replace the sovereign nations of the world. Continue reading

Video: Salbuchi – Global Financial Collapse

An Argentine opinion on the Global Financial Crisis, describing the whole Global Financial System as one vast Ponzi Scheme. Like a pyramid, it has four sides and is a predictable model. The four sides are: (1) Artificially control the supply of public State-issued Currency, Continue reading