Environmentalism in the Third Reich

With COP15 well underway, we are witnessing the complete mutilation of freedom worldwide. When lord Christopher Monckton was rudely interrupted by chanting automatons the other day, he was quite right to refer to them as “Hitler Youth”. Why? Because they too blindly served a system that had a murderous and tyrannical apple-core, resulting in the deaths of tens of millions of people. The same applies to the current world government being constructed at the expense of developing nations, but (horribly ironical) implemented in the name of those same developing nations. The endgame was, is and always will be the extermination of a great many people. It is the New World Order’s intent to shake the tree of liberty so furiously, that most apples fall to the ground to rot and die. If the world government will be ratified, it will also snap the trunk. Continue reading

Cap and Trade Emissions Bill is The Latest Pyramid Debt Scam

Wall Street financial banking barons, exploitative imperious arrogant elites, and opportunistic cronies by their backing of yet another illegal controlled pyramid scam law presented to the U.S. House of Representatives implicate themselves in massive world wide criminal conspiracy and fraud in the latest debt scheme Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill HR 2454 Continue reading

Communist U.N. Boss Praises “Mother Earth”

Armed with a new sex scandal that can further damage Republican opponents of the Obama Administration, our media haven’t found much time to cover the U.N. Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis underway at the world organization’s headquarters in New York. But the Obama White House is working hand-in-glove with a Communist Catholic Priest who gave a bizarre speech on Wednesday devoted to saving “Mother Earth” from evil capitalists. Continue reading

MSM: “Free” Trade is ‘simply good’, claims known advocate of Global Welfare System

Bjørn Lomborg, and many like him, enjoy idly tossing around this term “Free Trade”, which when defined by them, tends to not really be Free in any sense of the word. Unless it’s in reference to “Free-Reign”, as in, ‘The Free Reign of the select group of leftist roundtable organisations and central bankers who weild near-absolute control over our economies with virtually no trouble at all, for the purpose of redistributing our wealth’.

Lomborg organised the Copenhagen Consensus in 2002, which seeks to establish priorities for advancing global welfare, while he was then director of the Danish Government’s Environmental Assessment Instuitute. The Copenhagen Consensus’ ideas are all seated atop a theory of Welfare Economics.

With that as background we now see Lomborg in The Times of Japan, arguing for his perception of Free Trade. It’s important that we note the convergence of ideas in his article, as well as his astounding conclusion:

Global fear about free trade leaves the planet at risk of missing out on the extraordinary benefits that it offers. Free trade is good not only for big corporations, or for job growth. It is simply good.

Isn’t it amazing how these organisations that deal in ‘Cost-Benefit Analysis’, so often morph into round-table groups that attempt to conduct the role of politics? Politics is about setting goals. Analysis is about choosing the paths to get to those goals. When the two become one and the same, this is what we get, pre-prescribed policies based on terms that have undergone so much semantic drift as to carry a completely different meaning from the words that actually frame them.

The full and totally shambolic article follows.

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