German Government Advisor Proposes Personal CO2 Budget For Everyone On Planet

Says westerners should pay climate reparations to poorer countries Continue reading

The Cause – The cause of all wars throughout history is interest-bearing debt

Entirely unsuspected, except by a few astute observers, they cunningly and patiently wove a web in which they have entrapped mankind. — Emanuel Josephson, 1968
Most of the real history of the world has been hidden from us by the same people who commit the crimes, gigantic crimes on the scale of world wars , manufactured pandemics and massive tax ripoffs that ruin our health, kill our children and obliterate our peace of mind. Continue reading

The Global Coup d’Etat

The term “New World Order” refers to the advent of a Totalitarian World Government. The current push towards achieving this nirvana has at it’s core, a powerful and secretive group known as the Illuminati, which has been conspiring to take control of the the world for millennia. They aim to do this by the introduction of an autonomous Global State, which would supersede and replace the sovereign nations of the world. Continue reading

Preparing for Civil Unrest in America – Michel Chossudovsky

Legislation to Establish Internment Camps on US Military Bases Continue reading