The Cause – The cause of all wars throughout history is interest-bearing debt

Entirely unsuspected, except by a few astute observers, they cunningly and patiently wove a web in which they have entrapped mankind. — Emanuel Josephson, 1968
Most of the real history of the world has been hidden from us by the same people who commit the crimes, gigantic crimes on the scale of world wars , manufactured pandemics and massive tax ripoffs that ruin our health, kill our children and obliterate our peace of mind.

Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, and both Charles Lindberghs — five of the absolutely most honest Americans — all warned us this would happen if a certain element was allowed free rein. They were, and it has.

Totalitarian control of the media has changed reality from what actually is to what they would like it to be. Principally in the shallow and hateful rallies for war. In this devil’s bargain our freedom has been lost. Small wonder we can’t resist them when they’ve given us all the components of the reality we possess.

We keep running on the treadmills designed for us, and ultimately wind up working to increase the bonuses for big bankers. And we keep furnishing the bodies of our children to contentedly maintain this diseased fantasy that is human history.


Happily, the cause of all these problems has been found. They’ll try to keep it a secret for as long as they can, but it will eventually leak out to everyone, and eventually the problems will be solved.

Are you ready? Here’s the answer you’ve been waiting for.

Lending at interest leads to social polarization, guaranteeing conflict, and guaranteeing unparalleled profits to those able to manipulate large numbers of people. This is the cause of ALL our problems, throughout history — the evils that derive from lending at interest.

All that is important in life is perverted by this seemingly innocuous process.

Although I’ve read such eminent economic columnists as Ellen Brown and Bob Chapman for years, it took an unexpected email that contained a link from Michael Hudson, distinguished research professor of economics at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, and author of Super Imperialism: The Economic Strategy of American Empire, to finally make me understand what the real problem is.

It was the last, innocuous paragraph in an otherwise unrelated story that got my attention.

“Classical historians such as Plutarch, Livy, and Diodorus attributed Rome’s decline and fall to the fact that creditors got the entire economy in their debt, expropriated the land and public domain, and strangled the economy.”

Wo! The proverbial lightbulb went on.

“Isn’t this what’s happening now?!” I exclaimed out loud.

So I dug deeper into Michael Hudson on Google and utterly confirmed my initial hunch — that this is the world’s main problem that has to be solved, before anything else can be done about anything else.

Here are a few snips from Prof. Hudson’s Archeology of Debt.

“The cuneiform record reflects ways of handling debt obligations that imply a different way of thinking from that of the modern world.”

Hmm. Perhaps Julian Jaynes’ portrayal of an ancient “bicamerality” in the human brain, when, as in Homer, people spoke to their perceived gods as often as they spoke to other people, was true. In any case, morality seemed to have a higher priority in the ancient world that it does now.

Hudson outlines his task:

“What is most in need of explanation is how interest came to be charged . . . and how early rates of interest were determined. Within Mesopotamia’s administered “redistributive” economy (to use Karl Polanyi’s term), interest-bearing debt became a wedge that disturbed and ultimately transformed traditional economic relations.

The combination of charging interest and the pledging of family members and crop rights as collateral transformed debt relationships from an integrative to disintegrative phenomenon.”

“Disintegrative phenomenon.” Most Americans are familiar with those these days, from pornographic media to phony vaccines. In any case, the farmers are all gone, and that’s how societies are always destroyed.

“To place the phenomenon of interest-bearing debt in it’s historical context, this third volume in our ISCANEE/ISLET series traces the dynamics of interest-bearing debt from Sumer down through the neo-Babylonian and biblical epochs. It also examines how royal edicts dealt with the strains and imbalances caused by such debt, reversing the most adverse consequences of agrarian usury (while leaving commercial loans and investments intact).”

“The prototype for such edicts is found in Lagash by its rulers Enmetena c. 2400, Urukagina c. 2350 and Gudea c. 2150. But it was mainly in the face of creditors reducing the poor to bondage and foreclosing on their lands in second-millennium Babylonia that royal proclamations annulled the overhang of barley debts, most of which were owed to the palace.”

Get that. “Royal proclamations annulled . . . debts . . . ”

And, “ . . . most of which were owed to the palace.”

This indicates a fairly centralized government, but with one major difference from our contemporary government. These governments, under the legendary Sumerian priest kings, had a heart.

Now, all has been subsumed by the ledger book.

And here is the major lesson the modern world needs to learn:

“. . . interest-bearing debts became the major destabilizing lever of Mesopotamian social relations . . .”

All of human history revolves around the ubiquity of a single social phenomenon — the shell game.

Whether or not we ever had it, by now we seem to have forgotten what’s really important: loving home and family; not the biggest skyscraper. Chances are people who own skyscrapers have families who don’t love them.

Hudson explains how at the foundation of religions is a basic hypocrisy. He writes:

“What appears ironic in this reading is that “religion,” which today extols the virtues of altruism as opposed to the pursuit of profit (“Mammon”), played the role of midwife in sanctifying Mesopotamia’s commercial breakthrough. The shift from disparaging wealth-seeking to catalyzing it occurred most readily in the context of these temples, for their gains – or at least a conspicuous share of them – were obtained ostensibly for the benefit of the community. The well-placed families that dominated the temple and royal bureaucracies were able to clothe their gains in a sanctimonious hue.”

Sounds like a description of the Sabah family, whose bloodline touches both the Bush family and the emirs of Kuwait, and whose ancestors seem present at many momentous turns of history.

Hudson concludes:

“It was this bifurcation of public institutions from the “communal” sector that seems to have played a key catalytic role in the evolution of interest-bearing debt.”

Understand this. Somewhere during the long reign of the Roman empire — and about the time of the founding of the Christian church — the power of the priest king to enforce morality based on his conversations with his god . . . disappeared forever.

Hudson: “In time, religion would come to denounce the charging of interest, above all in the form of rural usury, but “in the beginning” the temples and palaces are likely to have been its major promoters and beneficiaries.”

And there we have the evil connection of finance to religion, which has ruled the world since humans first comprehended they would die.

“By classical antiquity, halfway to today’s world from Mesopotamia’s Early Bronze Age takeoff more than two thousand years earlier, rulers were overthrown as the oligarchic epoch arrived. Missing are the safety valves of royal debt cancellations, for the overthrow of kings left no countervailing power to subordinate the economy’s debt overhead to the common weal. Rural usury spread unchecked as the major creditors no longer were public institutions but private individuals expanding their property at the expense of the indebted population.”

This misery that the church-sponsored bankers inflict upon the world reflects a loss of social morality that BEGAN with the founding of the Christian church and all of its manipulative, but ever and always corrupt, power.

The immortal Sumerian priest king Urukagina, 4,500 years ago, solemnly promised Ningirsu (his goddess) that he would never subjugate the waif and the widow to the powerful.

Can you imagine Bush or Obama doing the same, now that they’re calling in battle-hardened troops to make sure everyone in America submits to their poisoned vaccinations?

The answer is no lending at interest, no more secret economy based on drugs, sex and guns, and an emphasis on happy homes. No more skyscrapers, which are useless monuments to the leprous insanity of usury, the cause of all the misery in the world.

Are you with me, Jesus?

When he threw the moneychangers out of the temple, he said: “My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” Matthew 21:13.

This is really why the Jews say such bad things about him.

John Kaminski –

Source: John Kaminski

14 thoughts on “The Cause – The cause of all wars throughout history is interest-bearing debt

  1. this is nothing new! it is written all over the bible that the people of GOD are not to charge intrest on any loans!!! and that this practice came straight out of babylon, and would be the down fall of all nations who fell into this practice!!!!!!!
    the book of revalations calls it mystery babylon, and it will fall !!! and hard the fall will be……..coming very soon to a zionist jewish banker near you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I wrote a letter in 1989 about USURY or interest . I quoted Deuteronomy 23 : 19 YOU shall NOT charge interest ( Usury ) to your brother–interest on money or food or ANYTHING that is lent out at interset. Deut 23:20 To a Foreigner you may charge interest , but to your brother ( Fellow Contrymen ) you shall NOT charge interest ( Usury ), that our Father may bless you in all to which you set your hand in the land which you are entering to possess. I could have included the following and did some of thyem :
    Leviticus 25 : 36 & 37 Take no USURY or INTERSET from him ; but fear your Creator , that your brother ( Countrymen ) may LIVE with you . You shall NOT lend him your money for USURY ( INTERSET ) nor lend him your food at a profit .Exodus 22 : 25 If you lend money to ANY of MY people who are poor among you , you shall NOT be like the money-lender to him; you shall NOT charge him interest ! I ask Montgomery Wards if they were interested in selling goods or more interested in being loan sharks charging their fellow countrymen usury against our FATHERS laws ?
    Nehemiah was faced with a great outcry in the 5th chapter . The people had to borrow at interest to pay the kings tax , burrow to buy food , and Mortgaged their lands at INTEREST and USURY , had to sell their children into slavery ( Sound familiar )? This was his reply ; Nehemiah 5 : 6 -19 I am only highlighting some and I became ANGRY when I heard their outcry ! After serious thought , I REBUKED the nobles and rulers , and said to them , “Each of you is exacting USURY ( Interest ) from his brother .” So he called a great assembly against them ( Tea Parties need to include an outcry for returning the FARMERS lands and the people homes and stop the practice of USURY or Interest in the USA ).And I said to them , ” According to our ability we have redemned our JEWISH brethren who were sold to the nations. Now indeed , will you even SELL your BRETHREN ?!?! Or should they be sold to us ? Then they were silenced and found nothing to say .Then I said, ” What you are doing is NOT good. Should you not walk in the fear of our heavenly Father because of the reproach of the nations our enemies ? ” I also , with my brethren and my servants , am lending them money and grain . PLEASE , let US stop this USURY !!!!!!! Restore now to them , even this day , their lands , their vineyards , their olive groves , and their HOUSES , also a hundreth of the money and the grain , the new wine and oil , that you have charged them . ” It goes on and is very interesting , read the rest of the TRUE story . Later he is confronted with and vexed by seeing how many children were running around with BROWN eyes , showing how the people were giving their sons and daughters as wives and husbands to the foreigners around them . Their response was that they would put away those children and not give their children up to the foreigners around them in marriage ( People should get booklet from the New Phileadelphia Church of God , PO BOx 3700 , Edmond , OK 73083 ( Its FREE ). ,titled The United States and Britain in prophecy ; about how Abraham a white man from the land of the north (Europe) with either blue , green , or hazel colored eyes was ” Chosen ” not because he was great amongst the nations ,but the least of all tribes at that time . Trace the blessing from Abraham to Ephraim and Manasseh ( The USA ) You will own the fat of the land ( USA, Canada ,and Australia feed the world ), A fruitful bow that goes beyond the well ( Empire ), and the gates of your enemies ( Suez Canal , Panama Canal , Gibralter , Hong Kong , and many more ! )! Joseph jumps up and says,”Isreal ( Jacob ) your arms are crossed ! ” Isreal replies , ” Yes , I know but Manasseh ( The eldest son ) shall become a great nation ( The USA ) !!!!!!! Psalm 15 : 5He who does NOT put out his money to USURY or INTEREST , Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent He who DOES these things shall never be moved ( Written by the King )! Jeremiah 15 : 10 Woe to me , my mother , that you have bore me , a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth !!!!!!! I HAVE NEITHER LENT FOR INTEREST ( USURY ), NOR have men LENT to me for INTEREST , every ONE of them curses me !!!!!!!
    Ezekiel 18 : 1 – 18 I’m just quoting for space 8 & 9 If he has NOT exacted USURY or INTEREST Nor taken any increase , But , has withdrawn his hand from iniquity And executed true judgement between man and man: If he has WALKED in MY statutes and KEPT My judgements faithfully- He IS JUST : HE SHALL SURELY LIVE !!!!!!! Says our heavenly FATHER , Yehoshua .

    There you have it !!!!!!! Our heavenly FATHER from the very beginning outlawed USURY or INTEREST from being charged to fellow countrymen ! If the Jews ignore this it is at their own peril as witnessed in Germany in the late 30’s and early 40’s .

    What is the USA ( Manasseh ) to do ? What I have been warning them about since 1985 RELENT and REPENT !!!!!!! Return to our Messiah’s (Yehoshua or Joshua ) ways and know that the warning in Deuteronomy chapter 8 is at hand !!!!!!! We have already lost the Panama Canal and Hong Kong because of our disobedience to our Father and Messiah Yehoshua’s laws,commandments,precepts, ordinces,statutes, and judgements ! Mainly cause of the writtings of the aPaulSauls Luke and Paul,the first Anti-Christs to arrive on the scene and try to destroy our Messiah’s greatest victory of dieing on the cross and being resurrected cause the laws and commandments were found to be without spot or blemish , perfect , and full of love and justice ! Who are they to go against Matthew 5 : 17 – 22 I DID NOT COME TO DO AWAY WITH THE LAWS !!!!!!! … not one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the laws or commandments until the heaven and earth pass away and ALL is fullfilled … ! 1 John 2 : 4 ANYONE ( You , Me , Luke , or Paul ) saysd I know Yehoshua ( Joshua ) and keeps NOT His commandments isd a LIAR and the truth is NOT in them !!!!!!!
    I’m afraid that the only ONES to be saved from this nation is going to be a REMNANT of the peoples . I am fighting everyday to try to make that Remnant as large as possible . What are you doing with your second chance to be with our CREATOR and FATHER ? Our first chance was when we listened to the devil in heaven and turned our backs on our FATHER and CREATOR , Yehoshua ! Mankind is the 1/3 of the REBEL ANGELS ! Let’s reduce his 1/3 of us in the devils ONLY kingdom the , earth !!!!!!! Don’t be upset with our heavenly FATHER and MESSIAH for how the devil rules his only kingdom !!!!!!!

  3. Maybe its time that some of you revisited what our heavenly Father said to do to the Amalekites throughout our generations . What can you say for those that will NOT fear our heavenly FATHER no matter what HE does ? How utterly twisted and evil any who will NOT fear the only ONE that has the right ,authority , and wisdom to judge all our souls ? Who is man to question his CREATORS plans ? Did HE not save us from certain death as traitors and rebel angels and give us another chance ? Suffering violence in the heavens for thousands of years cause He wanted to give us FREE WILL and make us complete ? It was the blood of Yehoshua , our Messiah that finally bought an end to the war in heaven where the violent were seeking to take the heavens by force , just as the unholy are trying to force upon us our loss of freedoms and the ability to buy,sell,or trade. Force upon US unholy laws and burdens ! Go to and reallyelijah at facebook and wordpress for much more !

  4. that’s and See how I prophesied the SWINE FLU outbreak almost a year ahead of time . How in a court docuement I prohesied the hurricanes to visit Pat Robertson , his church , and Virginia Beach in Dec of 1998 about the Hurricane season of 1999 ! Hurricane Dennis struck them Twice ! It got them went out to sea turned around and got them again !) Then a letter to Pat on 9/9/99 telling him and his entire church to pray real LOUD now , cause maybe his messiah is taking a nap ,a vacation , or wispering to Eve in the garden for him to turn aside the next Hurricane , probably Flyod , Flyod’s eye did go right over his church ! Then Hurricane Irene ! How I went to court in Iowa City , Iowa in 2003 demanding diplomatic immunity as a prophet of Yehoshua . When the judge reviewed all my letters and a special review from the Veterans Administration by Dr. Adams that as much declared me a prophet , she denied diplomatic immunity . In my Motion to Dismiss , I said , ” All I can do is to pray for MANY PLAGUES upon you all ( The whole State of Iowa ! )Also a letter to Governor Visack warning him ! The tornado outbreak of April 13th 2005(?) bought 12 tornadoes to Iowa City and Johnson county in one day ! Droughts , hail, and ice storms just a few more plagues to visit them ! Then on December 18th 2007 I put on my blog ( Dec 22,1987 the letter to the people of homes also around this time) Watch out Iowa City , Johnson County , and Iowa !!!!!!! The tags read WEATHER , insanity , and PROPHECY !!!!!!! The floods of 2008 had the new Governor Chet Culver declaring 83 out of 99 counties in IOWA a disaster area due to the floods !!!! Damn near the whole state declarede a disaster area !!!!!!! I prophesied in my blog that Tropical Storm Faye would leave Central Florida and go up to our State Capital and sit and spin just to their South !!! The next day Tropical Storm Faye sat and spun all day just to the south of our state capital !!!!!!! So much more on my sites and in my letters . I bring this to you alls attention not for my glory , but , for our CREATOR’s and Messiah’s Glory . To pay special attention to what I’ve been saying and writting about the aPasulSauls Luke and Paul since 1977 !!!!!!! Surely our heavenly Father would cause GREAT WORKS to be preformed by the prophet He sends to starighten the paths that Luke and Paul have made crooked and almost every ” Christian Church” follows Luke and Pauls LIES ( 1 John 2 : 4 ) and blasphemies against our heavenly FATHER’S WORDS that were made flesh and dwelt amonst us !

  5. Know this ! I do NOT hide behind an Avatar ! I do NOT keep my address hidden from you all ! I include my picture and implore any to do but ONE thing , shoot straight !

  6. You see, it is the same old crap. Christians start quoting the bible and saying “See, it is all there.” What seems to be forgotten is the Christians kill anyone who doesn’t believe as they do.

    Deuteronomy 18:20 Kill any false prophets.
    Mark 6:11 Any city not receiving followers of Jesus will be destroyed worse than Sodom & Gomorrah.
    Jude 5 Reminds us God destroys non-believers.

    They took over all the nations of the world with their lies and phony “holy book”

    Numbers 31:17-18 Commands Moses to kill all the Medianite people and the virgins be saved for later raping by Moses’ soldiers.

    What really needs to be asked is from *where* did all this madness originate?

    For thousands of years prior to the male dominated take over through the religious church state, the “power” of creation was seen as a feminine vibration, not a woman, just the feminine principle of creation.

    There is no archeological evidence of war, warriors, or glorification of warriors…no shields, short swords, frescos, etc. But *something* happened, that is for sure.

    When the Kurgans swept down from Russia and raped and decimated the old Europeans, they were living in the lush valleys and had no “war machine” to protect themselves.

    So what is the deal with this “My name is Jealous” God who is this violent, jealous, murdering, cannibalistic reality? Christians manipulate scripture so that they can assign a kinder nature to their God.

    Why did the men take over? Who did they really represent? How did they get so “smart” so fast? Where have all the recent weaponry and communication inventions come from?

    The Medichi’s of Italy pretty much invented fractional loan lending, which one can see the logic behind: “We’ve got lots of money, they don’t miss 10-15 percent of it, let’s loan it out and make lots of bucks.”

    BUT, where did the hidden, monster, floating space stations come from that can shoot targets from space. Where did the HAARP, GWEN Towers, etc. all come from?

    Why do the Jesuit’s have so much power? Why do we need to FEAR a supposed loving creator of the universe? All organized religion is very, very, dangerous because they lie, steal, torture, and kill people. The crazy Jews, Muslems, Christians, etc., beware, they are bad people…

    Deuteronomy 3:3-7 God ordered Moses’ army to “utterly destroy” 60 cities, killing all the women and children within!
    Genesis 19:8 Lot offers his daughters to a crowd of would be angel rapers. Later he impregnates his own daughters after God kills his wife for simply looking back at the remains of her city.
    2 Kings 15:16 God allows the pregnant women of Tappuah to be “ripped open”.

    There is absolutely no historical evidence that Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, and others EVER existed, that ANY of the biblical events really happened.

    So that leaves us with this:

    Get thee off thy lazy ass and become a patriot and do something to save our country besides run your mouths off about bullcrap, madeup historical lies. This AIN’T a Christian nation. This is one of the last Republics on earth and some very bad people are trying to destroy…Faith ain’t fact, fact is fact, and that’s the fact Jack!

  7. Frank said .
    You know alot of what’s in the bible ,but, refuse to see truth . Thou shall not murder or kill is ONE of the commandments for individuals . When you quote about what Joshua told the NATION of Isreal to do in order to survive in the midst of their enemies , by putting to sword certain cities , do they not have a right to continue to exist ? What are you willing to do to keep the USA free of those that are seeking to destroy it . Does not the Patriots in this country have the duty to pick up arms and fight a revolution to preserve The Constitution and our way of life ? How many cities will be turned into rubbish heaps ? How many women and children killed before its all over ? National survival has different rules than individual survival.

    Even in the old testament , if someone murdered your son or daughter you had a right to kill him . Yet, if he made it to one of the safe cities you could not ! What I like about The Constitution is your right to your beliefs . I might not agree with all of them , but , I recognise your right to have them and wish you no harm . Just as I accept the fact that their are devil worshippers,witches,and all kinds of religions out there and their rights to have them under the Constitution . Your right , this isn’t a Christian nation . Its the devils nation as are all the countries of the earth . Didn’t the devil offer all the glory of the nations to our Messiah if He would bow down to him . The nations were the devils to give .

    Our Messiah said ,” This is NOT my kingdom , if it were legions of angels would come and you couldn’t take Me . ” So, don’t blame our heavenly Father for how the devil rules his only kingdom the earth . Blame the people who were given dominion of all that swims in the seas,flies,and creeps on the ground for giving up their dominion by bowing to the devil or his representatives .

    There was WAR in heaven and the violent seeked to take it by force . The blood of our Messiah caused the 2/3 of the angels to fight to the death and kick them out. The twisted angels of the devil were to selfish to fight to the death ( Eternity at stake there )and lost that war . We humans are the 1/3 of the angels that rebeled and commited treason against His ways . Our heavenly Father didn’t hang all the traitors , instead He created the earth gave dominion of it to Adam and Eve , they gave it to the devil and now you all are beginning to see why we shouldn’t have listened to him as we can see how he is ruling his only kingdom answering his original question , why not follow me , do things my way for a change ? Frank , our Creator didn’t kill us rebel angels , He put us into flesh as humans and gave us another chance to get back to heaven . What are you doing with that chance ?

    I have also wrote that to those that wish to meet their aggressors with the bayonet let them stab them and to those that wish to meet their aggressors with prayer let them pray !

    Go to and see that I have also said that a better way to fight against the NWO is for as many people as we can get together , to stock up on food and water and stay at home and not go to work for a week , a month , or however long it takes to shut this nation down until they restore our Constitution and start listening to those that elected them and not the huge corporations or Bilderbergs . To keep their kids home . Have big block parties . Go to city hall with your children ( Its their future too )and peacefully let your voices be heard . If you can’t get enough people together to do this , then you won’t have enough people to fight a revolution with guns on our streets , and would only bring woe on us all.

    Yet, the better fight would be to get right with your MAKER and prepare for the kingdom to come .Remember Judas betrayed our Messiah with a kiss , because he thought he could force the situation and force our Messiah to fight against the Romans . He must have shit his pants when Joshua said , ” This is NOT my kingdom ! ” His fight was for the hearts and souls of those who would believe in Him , and confirming His promise that He would come and be that PASSOVER LAMB for you and me. To truely set us free of the devils only kingdom , the earth .

  8. Frank,
    Numbers 31 : 17 & 18 says that the virgins were to be spared and nothing more . They could of been used as slaves or even be given in marriage . There are laws against fornication , rape , and adultery you know . You are placing evil where none was intended .

    There wasn’t but one Sodom and Gommorah and even by todays standards they were not only evil , but , didn’t in anyway FEAR those TWO angels . The plagues of Eygypt were to show the world who the people should fear , our Father’s judgement on our souls and how with a mighty Arm He delivered His people out of severe bondage. He also showed the world what it means to be blessed by Him in the blessing from Abraham to Ephraim and Manasseh , who became Great Britain , a great company of nations whose bough went beyond the well ( Empire that the sun never set on ) who owned the fat of the land ( Wheat fields of USA , Canada , and Australia ) and the gates of their enemies ( Suez Canal, Panama Canal, Gibralter , Hong Kong , etc , etc . That was a joint blessing and when Joseph jumped up and yelled that Isreal’s ( Jacob ) arms are crossed . He replied that Manasseh ( USA ) would become a great nation !

    Our heavenly Father has been trying since Adam and Eve to show us all who we should listen to , and it is not the devil when we all made our first mistake !

  9. James…you talk too much saying nothing. You didn’t address much of anything I said beyond your small world of the bible that took men 900 years to write.

    There was no Jesus. Period. Prove it, get rich.

    Jesus of Nazareth and the Gospel story cannot be found in Christian writings earlier than the Gospels, the first of which (Mark) was composed in the late first century.

    There is no non-Christian record of Jesus before the second century. The references in Flavius Josephus (end of the first century) can be dismissed as later Christian insertions.

    Why is there no record about Jesus from the more than 3 dozen historians around Judea between the years 1-35 AD? If a miracle man existed, shouldn’t there have been lots of stuff written, especially after a resurrection witnessed by hundreds or thousands?

    Comparative Religion shows that the motif or “story format” of Jesus already existed in numerous religions for over one thousand years prior to the alleged time of Jesus:
    Krishna, Horus, Orpheus, Bacchus, Osiris, Dionysus, Buddha, Apollo, Hercules, Adonis, Ormuzd, Mithras, Indra, OEdipus, Quetzalcoatle, etc. time of Jesus.

    The central heroic character of all of them was: the Son of God, having 12 disciples, being born from a virgin, whose intent and purpose was to help save mankind, and for his efforts, he was slain and put upon a cross or hanged for his effort.

    I don’t care what you believe in, what I do care is the violence and intrusion into my life by your beliefs…the name calling for not sharing your myth, the pompous attitude that you have *the* answer. It is those things that make spiritual people like myself be repulsed by you.

  10. Frank…I don’t call people names because of their beliefs , and I am certainly don’t practice main stream ” Christian Beliefs ” . You want to look at history as proof of our Messiahs existence ? The government ( Rome ) that controled the history of that period did everything in its power to get rid of our Messiah , His teachings , and His followers . Including killing millions of Christians in those very dark years that lasted 300 years . It wasn’t until the Emperor Constantine supposedly converted to Christianity that the killing stopped . It was Emporer Constantine that hijacked Christianity and made it into the Abomination it is today by including Luke and Paul’s writtings in the bible . He is responsible for the Nicene Creed that all Christian churches swear an oath that they believe in Paul and all his apostles . After making sure that Christianity is safe by also including 1 and 2 Peter written by some imposter that has a main goal of saying submit to your elders,AUTHORITIES,church,and to HONOR ( Worship ) the KING . Peter was crucified for not submitting to the King and wouldn’t tell us to do what he couldn’t. Then goes on to say that Paul is a Christian brother . Yes , there’s 3 different endings to Mark and the last chapter of John was added by someone else years later .

    Don’t look to history and what Rome tried to do to destroy Christianity or at lest water it down so that Christians no longer had any power to STAND against Rome and evil .

    Luke never seen our Messiah or heard Him speak , why’d Emperor Constantine grant him Gospel authority and include his Gospel in the new testament ? His Gospel contradicts the other Gospels and our Messiah’s ( Joshua ) own words . Look at the thieves crucified with Joshua . Look at the filling of the Holy Spirit ( John 20 : 20-22 and Joshua breathed on them ( Genesis 2:7 )… or Acts 2:2 FORKED Tongues of flame … )

    Then in Lukes sequel Acts he introduces his patient and boss Paul who used to be Saul ( aPaulSaul ) and he continues to try to destroy all that Joshua testified ( Matthew 5 : 17-22 I DID NOT COME TO DO AWAY WITH THE LAWS AND COMMANDMENTS … not one jot ( Letter ) or tittle ( word ) shall pass from the laws or commandments until the heaven and earth pass away and ALL is fullfilled ( Compare that to Acts 15 : 23-29 ) !!!!!!! Paul goes on to say the law was nailed to the cross and died . We are not under law anymore but GRACE .

    The laws and commandmentswere resurrected because they were found to be without spot or blemish !!!!!!! 1 John 2 : 4 ANYONE ( You , ME , Luke , or Paul ) says I know our Messiah and keeps NOT His commandments is a LIAR and the truth is NOT in him !!!!!!!

    Luke and Paul are liars and the first anti-Christs on the scene along with Emperor Constantine !!!

  11. Frank…The only historical proof I need that our Messiah , Joshua , walked the earth is , THE COLISEUM in Rome !!!!!!! Millions of followers of our Messiah gave up their lives for His teachings instead of simply bowing to the Emperor !!!!!!! I am so glad that after nearly 2000 years , THE COLISEUM in Rome still stands as a MEMORIAL to their faith in the man that Rome tried to keep buried , Joshua ( Yehoshua ) our Messiah and heavenly FATHER !!!!!!!

  12. First, your exaggeration of deaths is sad…the estimated population of the WHOLE planet at 200 AD was less than 200 million. To say “millions” died in the Coliseum is about the same sort of exaggeration that the Zionist claim died in the mythical “holocaust” in Germany wherein the “Jewish” census showed an actual rise in numbers during those years. Where’s the bones, the bodies, the evidence for either?

    So you claim that not one reporter or archivist was able to get a story out about this miracle making Jew? Come on now, not ONE?

    OK, then how about the fact that outside of the bible, there is no evidence of a Jesus of Nazareth or rebel priest?

    Your personal explanation of the whys and wherefores of the bible is interesting but pretty much the same sort of defensive maneuvering that is found throughout the christian world trying to defend a very defenseless murder filled book which as you can see makes it very clear the whole book and not just the “New Testament” is God’s work:

    2 Timothy 3:16 “All scripture is inspired by God …”
    Luke 16:17 All the vicious Old Testament laws will be binding forever.
    Matthew 5:17 (Jesus) “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets…”
    2Peter 20-21 “.no prophecy ever came through human will; but rather human beings, moved by the holy Spirit, spoke under the influence of God.”

    And then our nice guy Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for not washing his hands before eating. He defends himself by attacking
    them for not killing disobedient children according to the commandment
    Matthew 15:4-7“He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.”

    As I said…there is no proof that Jesus, Mary, and most all the stuff in the bible is real or even existed. It is wonderful you have faith in something, but that doesn’t make it the fact.

  13. frank we do not have to concern ourself with killing anyone. CHRIST and the ANGELS will take care of it at the harvest!!!

    if you had any true knowledge or wisedom, you would be able to spiritualy descern what the bible really says!!!

    but as I have stated in the past you are a man of this world,
    and a spiritual moron!!!!!!! you can’t hear because your heart is
    hard and cold. you can’t see because your eyes are vailed with the things of this world. so you stumble and trip as a drunkerd!
    and unless you change your ways. we will not have to be concerned with you either, because you will be wipped out with the rest of the evil in this world!!!

    praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!

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