Video: Ron Paul – Oath to US Constitution rejected by both parties’ “leadership.” US revolt coming?

(Examiner) – Congressman Ron Paul spoke on the House floor for 5-minutes on US policy to assassinate US citizens at the dictate of the executive branch based on “secret evidence,” US policy of torture that includes American citizens and without legal recourse, US policy of rendition to secret prisons, and unlimited detention.

He concludes with “emperor has no clothes” obvious observation that these acts are unlawful.
Dr. Paul states with “emperor has no clothes” simple fact that the “leadership” of both Republican and Democratic parties uphold these policies despite their Orwellian opposition to our US Constitution that our government and military have oaths to support and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
This follows previous comments from Dr. Paul that the US is in need of “revolutionary changes.”
The video is below.
The good news is that Dr. Paul was the clear winner in the recent Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll; indicating Republicans’ movement toward embracing the truths we must face. Of course, colluding corporate media who remain agents of disinformation with these clearly unlawful government policies, spun Dr. Paul’s victory to marginalize his challenge.
It’s time.
It’s time for our men and women in government and military to choose: either stand with the US Constitution you’ve sworn to support and defend against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC, or remain complicit in ongoing Wars of Aggression, mass murder of our soldiers and our fellow humans in other lands and throwing trillions of our tax dollars to do so, pushing the world ever-closer to an apparently planned and desired nuclear Third World War, and guilty of what Dr. Martin Luther King called “Silence is Betrayal” before the US government assassinated him according to the only trial conducted for his murder.
It’s time for our men and women in the military and government to refuse all orders associated with our unlawful wars and preparation for unlawful war with Iran over one gram of medical isotope worth $75,000 in 20% enriched nuclear fuel.
It’s time for our men and women in the military and government to refuse all orders associated with our unlawful wars and preparation for unlawful war with Iran and stand with the American public who declare in a ratio of 9 to 1 that our government no longer represents them under the US Constitution.
It’s time: exercise your 1st Amendment right to freedom of speech and press, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Please provide this article to all Americans if you find it helpful to stop current and future unlawful wars.
Over 5,000 US soldiers have been killed so far as pawns of the civilian and military brass tyrants. Multiples more have been crippled physically and emotionally. There is no end in sightto current wars; indeed, the US is expanding them into Pakistan and Yemen and threatening more war with Iran. The dead are comforted by God; their families are devastated by the loss of their loved-ones. The crippled and their families face a range of challenges; many so severe that a total of 6,000 US veterans commit suicide every year. One-third of all US homeless men are veterans.
Our military was duped into these wars; our trusting young men and women took an Oath to support and defend the US Constitution that supersedes the Nazi insert of “placing the mission first.” The Claus von Stauffenberg faction of US military and government must act to end this soulless mass-murdering; this loveless series of unlawful wars and unlawful orders, if we want a future we’re proud to build.
This choice is up to our men and women in uniform and government for leadership. I provide:
And, our men and women in uniform must take action as they see best; as will our men and women in government and citizenry. As a teacher of government and law, I conclude our government leadership is guilty of treason against the American public, and guilty of mass murder against our soldiers.
Choose well; our collective future, and your future, depend upon it.
It’s time: please share this article with all who can benefit. If you appreciate my work, please subscribe by clicking under the article title (it’s free). Please use my archive of work to help build a brighter future.
I appreciate your attention to these facts and encourage your further study and action consistent with your own self-expression. My recommendations:
Policy response: Gandhi and Martin Luther King advocated public understanding of the facts and non-cooperation with evil. I’m among hundreds who advocate:
  1. Understand the laws of war (and here). These were legislated after WW2 and are crystal-clear that only self-defense, in a narrow legal meaning, can justify war. The current US wars are not even close to being lawful and are legal treason against the US. Those involved with US military, government, and law enforcement have an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution. To fulfill their oath they must immediately refuse all orders associated with unlawful wars and military-related constant violation of treaties, and arrest those who issue unlawful orders. The Oath of Enlistment to the US Constitution supersedes the fascist insertion of Nazi propaganda to “always place the mission first” of blindly following unlawful orders.
  2. Employ the obvious and simple solutions to end our economic controlled demolition and evolve to a civil economy. End poverty through global cooperation to achieve the UN Millennium Goals by developed countries investing 0.7% of their income (not that the UN is serious for their accomplishment, but the goals are what we should invest to produce). Support global security through cooperation, dignity, justice, and freedom. Create a US Department of Peace to help.
  3. Communicate. Trust your unique, beautiful, and powerful self-expression to share as you feel appropriate. Understand that while many people are ready to embrace difficult facts, many are not. Anticipate that you will be attacked and prepare your virtuous response in the spirit of competition, just as you do in other fields.
  4. Prosecute the war leaders for obvious violation of the letter and spirit of US war laws and constant lies to engage in further wars. Because the crimes are so broad and deep, I recommend Truth and Reconciliation (T&R) to exchange full truth and return of stolen US assets for non-prosecution. This is the most expeditious way to understand and end all unlawful and harmful acts. Those who reject T&R are subject to prosecution.
Local perspective: Part of my professional duties as a teacher of economics and government is to produce competent adult citizenry. This includes realization that our nation’s policies and money are managed at a broad community level, and these issues have tremendous local impact. Of course, we all want human beings to be individually successful and enjoy their unique, beautiful and powerful self-expressions. Concurrently, we recognize our commitment to local success is strongly dependent upon the success of the community, and that government policy and economics are drivers.
Our status in early 21st Century human history is that we suffer from a long history in government and money of human interrelationship well-described as vicious antagonism. Governments frequently use war as a foreign policy, despite its illegality and dependent upon public ignorance, with horrific consequences. Economic policy is still created within a “Robber Baron” paradigm to concentrate money to an elite few families. Two examples:
1. National taxes effect you dearly, especially the tax to pay interest on the national debt. This costs the American public over $400 billion every year. This is $4,000 per year for every $50,000 of income. Do the math to understand your household’s tax burden for a monetary policy invented by banks for banks to create our money supply as debt. Your competence in this area contributes to our collective voice to simply shift monetary policy to easily pay the national debt, enjoy full employment, collectively save us over a trillion dollars every year, and finally realize what our brightest American minds have been advocating for centuries beginning with Benjamin Franklin. This would have unprecedented local benefits, and requires collective power to accomplish.
2. Ending poverty everywhere on our planet would cost just 0.7% of our income and save a million children’s lives every month. This human accomplishment will cause unimaginable joy at our local level.
To consider:
“If we are to have peace on earth, our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective. No individual can live alone, no nation can live alone and as long as we try, the more we are going to have war in the world. Now the judgment of God is upon us and we must either learn to live together as brothers or we are all going to perish together as fools.”
–Inscription on Dr. Martin Luther King’s statue, Moorehouse College, Atlanta
“The day that hunger is eradicated from the earth, there will be the greatest spiritual explosion the world has ever known. Humanity cannot imagine the joy that will burst into the world on the day of that great revolution.” — poet Federico García Lorca
Comments policy: I welcome questions and comments that are civil and pertain to the article topic. Impolite and impertinent comments will be deleted.
Please consider that I’m among hundreds of writers who have documented our own government’s disclosure of propaganda programs to support their wars. I suspect my articles are under such propagandistic attack from comments that use typical rhetorical fallacies to distract readers from the facts. I invite readers to sharpen their ability to discern such propaganda. They are characterized by a combination of: never addressing the facts, diverting attention through unsubstantiated belief in an alleged expert, irrelevant data, straw-man attack that distorts the facts, ad hominem attack of insults to the messenger, vile comments to repulse readers, and lies of omission and commission.
I will use such comments to point-out the propaganda or delete them at my discretion. Again, all relevant and polite questions, and factually accurate comments are welcome. As a professional educator I’m in agreement with my experience and research: we learn best from multiple perspectives in mutual commitment to understand the facts, see those facts from diverse points-of-view, and consider various policy proposals of what we should do.
For those involved in support of US government-sponsored disinformation, I invite you to consider the quality of human relationships you wish to work toward. National security and a brighter future is not a function of fear, manipulation, and control. Our best security follows cooperation, justice under the law, dignity, and freedom. Working for your best imagined self-expression of virtue may include a unique contribution from the inside of your agency. Public attraction to the stories of Star Wars and the Harry Potter books/movies recognize that our society’s jump to civilized relations for all of us might require support from people within the “dark side” acting as covert agents for building a brighter future. Another option is becoming a whistle-blower; Project Camelot is a popular venue for people in sensitive positions. Ultimately, I recommend a Truth and Reconciliation process to exchange full truth for no prosecution, explained in detail at the link. Please consider the wisdom of your own “Scrooge conversion” to act for the benefit of all humanity rather than your self-proclaimed controlling, manipulating, and loveless “masters.”
“Scrooge was better than his word. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world. Some people laughed to see the alteration in him, but he let them laugh, and little heeded them; for he was wise enough to know that nothing ever happened on this globe, for good, at which some people did not have their fill of laughter in the outset; and knowing that such as these would be blind anyway, he thought it quite as well that they should wrinkle up their eyes in grins, as have the malady in less attractive forms. His own heart laughed: and that was quite enough for him.”

Source: Examiner

One thought on “Video: Ron Paul – Oath to US Constitution rejected by both parties’ “leadership.” US revolt coming?

  1. Conspiracy Truth
    Empire/Perpetual War Doctrine
    By Robert Reckmeyer
    February 28th 2010

    Certain Things are NOT Okay, Healthy Boundaries, War is Criminal Genocide, Empire or No Empire, Negative Fear Based Agenda vs. Positive Love Based Agenda, Helping Humanity or Hurting Humanity, Life vs. Death, Light Frequencies vs. Darkness, Service to Self or Service to Others. Choose Now.

    Certain Things are NOT Okay;
    We, collectively, have allowed this Government to do things, in our Name, that are fundamentally flawed [criminal] and unacceptable to the Best Interest(s) of our Nation and the World. In a phrase; it is NOT Okay. I think back to the Genocide we perpetrated on our North American Indigenous population, literally killing [Mass Murder] of innocent men, women and children. It was not okay when we did it and it is not okay now. In fact it is High War Crimes and Genocide and, “We the People” must Demand it STOP immediately. To fail this test makes us complicit in the Crime(s). Choose Now.

    Healthy Boundaries;
    When one is confronted with a unhealthy dynamic then it is critical that one develop healthy boundaries or one will get caught in a loop that is very difficult to extricate oneself from. We must assert our sovereign individualism and set healthy boundaries as far as what is acceptable behavior by our Government when it comes to making War on other people [Nations] or on United States Citizens. We must demand that our Government listen to the will of the people and cease and desist from all its foreign wars and the killing of innocent men, women and children.

    We are killing the populations of Central Asia with the same intent that we killed the North American Indian population. It is mass genocide, ritualistic blood sacrifice, and the blood is on each and every American who sits back and allows this slaughter to take place, in our name. The reckoning is here. Healthy Boundaries means accountability by each individual person. It is not time to compartmentalize the horror of mass murder and human slaughter but rather face the truth and come to terms with what we have allowed. We need to set healthy boundaries on our Government. Choose Now.

    War is Criminal Genocide;
    Obviously when 1.5 million innocent people in Iraq have been killed, by our Agenda to control the oil and have Permanent Military Bases in the Region, then it is unjustified war and Criminal Genocide. It is obvious to any critically thinking adult that we are in the region to secure our energy supplies and to control the Earth Grid Lay Lines that fall within Iraq [Ancient Star Gates]. One must Do Your Own Research, DYOR and come to your own truth. And yet we justify our criminal behavior falsely defending the BIG lie. Mass murder is Genocide and mass murder on an industrial scale can only take place when good people turn their heads and allow it to continue. The information is easily available for any thinking person to access. Either we are for it, or against it. Choose now.

    Empire or No Empire;
    Rome was not built in a day and America [Anglo/American Empire] was not either. We are the Generation that has come [incarnated] in Earth to put a STOP to this madness of Empire Building as a means to Control the Planet. Six point five [6.5] billion people do Not support an agenda by the few, to have a Global Empire, controlled by 1% of 1% of the Richest People on Earth. The Globalist agenda for Empire goes back to the founding of our Civilization and has its roots in our Ancient Origins. One must follow the trail and understand that we have been subverted, as a race, through our Genetic manipulation and our subjugation by an off world, Trans Dimensional intelligence that is anathema to our Best Interest(s). The Agenda for World Empire is built on a false construct that is creating death and destruction around the world as it seeks Full Spectrum Dominance and Control. The Empire is built on the pain and suffering of humanity and only benefits the Rich. This is a clear choice; Choose Now.

    Negative Fear Based Agenda vs. Positive Love Based Agenda;
    Our role as Sovereign Human Beings is to align ourselves and polarize either Negative or Positive, taking on a Fear based perspective or a Love based perspective. We are about seeking a higher order of reality or a lower order of reality. The negative fear based perspective is expressed when we seek an agenda that is based on Power and Control and Domination of those less powerful. When we are aligned in the positive polarity and express love, compassion, empathy and peace, we are seeking an agenda that is supporting each persons sovereign, individual, unique perspective based on their superposition in space and time. It is not about dominating others but rather freeing them to explore their own contribution to the collective experience.Choose Now.

    Helping Humanity or Hurting Humanity;
    This is simple enough for a four year old. Are we helping or hurting? Killing people is not helping anyone, ever. The Super Rich who have an agenda to control all the people and all the resources of the planet might think in their twisted reality that killing off 95% of the human population will somehow help them control this planet but that justification is in itself madness and has no value to the experience of each unique human life that now walks the planet. We the People of Earth must make a free will choice to either help our Brothers and Sisters or hurt them. If we are employed within the Political Military Industrial Complex and we are helping to execute the Perpetual War Doctrine, Empire Building, GMO Food warfare, Bio warfare, Frequency warfare, Scientific Totalitarian Dictatorship or any other professional occupation that subjugates and incarcerates the good people of this planet, then you are Guilty of hurting humanity. If one is working for CIA, Military, Information Technology, Homeland Security, NSA, Corporate Media, Pharmaceutical Industry or any other organized effort that compartmentalizes ones job to keep the person in the dark as to what is the true agenda, then it is time to wake up and seek the truth as to what you are really doing, i.e. Helping Humanity or Hurting Humanity? Choose Now.

    Life vs. Death;
    Another easy choice. Life versus death, do we support a Government that has shown itself to be in the killing business or do we face the demons in our own inner psyche and say enough is enough? Lets go back in time and ask the simple question; were we justified in taking the life of the American people [American Indians] ? Were we in support of Life? or Death? Simple straight forward question and it is time to understand that our support for a Perpetual War Agenda speaks to either supporting Life or Death. It is very dark to think that human beings would embrace death over life and yet that is the truth when one dissects the question. Empires are not built when a Nation supports life, rather they must support death or they fail at Empire. The American people must choose; Life or Death. Choose Now.

    Light Frequencies vs. Darkness;
    I utilized the phrase Light Frequencies vs. Darkness rather than Light vs. Dark in order to illustrate the reality behind the physics of Light. Light is a spectrum that incorporates frequencies of light, a very broad bandwidth [maximum light] or a very narrow band on the frequency bandwidth of the light spectrum. One can be filled with a lot of light or just a little and everything in between. Darkness is the absence of light and therein lies the reality of our experience while within this aspect of the creation.

    Now, to understand our Name; Hue [light spectrum] man being, human being. We are designed as Light Spectrum Beings, Intelligent Beings of Light. Once we understand who we really are and the way our bodies are designed to operate, in this reality, then and only then will we understand that we either power ourselves up with light or power down with darkness. Our Energetic Body utilizes a wider aspect of the light spectrum when we are emoting love and compassion, empathy and peace and utilizes less when we are in fear or emoting a negative subset of that emotion. Love fills us with light and fear fills us with darkness. Choose Now.

    Service to Self or Service to Others;
    One must choose the path one will follow, while in the Earth Plane; Service to Self or Service to Others. The choice to align oneself with a service to self limits ones ability to graduate to a higher frequency on the light spectrum, in essence a wider bandwidth to experience life. One is held back from seeing the other dimensions of the creation. It keeps one in a lower and slower reality and that limits ones ability to experience more.

    The Service to Others path is one that is about putting others first and seeking ways to improve ones ability to give. It does not mean serving others and not taking care of oneself. In truth one must be whole and healthy or ones abilities are limited. Service to Others will raise ones frequency increasing their love, compassion, empathy and inner peace. Choose Now.

    Choose Now;
    We must choose now, each and every one of us, individually and collectively, because the survival of our Hue-man Race is at stake. I am asking each person reading this article to choose now so we might change the dynamic from a Victim Consciousness to Conscious Creator Consciousness. We are approaching the tipping point and it is crystal clear that something is about to happen. My intuitive side tells me we can affect the outcome if we will join together and consciously create the kind of world we want to live in. We either choose to be a victim, powerless, weak and splintered or we Rise up on wings of Eagles and Fly.

    Robert Reckmeyer

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