VeriChip buys Steel Vault, changes name to “PositiveID”, creating micro-implant health record/credit score empire

VeriChip (CHIP), the company that markets a microchip implant that links to your online health records, has acquired Steel Vault (SVUL), a credit monitoring and anti-identity theft company. The combined company will operate under a new name: PositiveID.

By Jim Edwards

November 12, 2009


VeriChip Buys Steel Vault, Creating Micro-Implant Health Record/Credit Score Empire | Nov 11, 2009


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The all-stock transaction will leave PositiveID in charge of a burgeoning empire of identity, health and microchip implant businesses that will only encourage its critics. BNET previously noted that some regard the company as part of a prophecy in the Book of Revelation (because the HealthLink chip carries an RFID number that can be used as both money and proof of ID) or as part of President Obama’s secret Nazi plan to enslave America.

The most obvious criticism to be made of the deal is that it potentially allows PositiveID to link or cross-check patient health records (from the HealthLink chip) to people’s credit scores. One assumes that the company will put up firewalls to prevent that. PositiveID CEO Scott Silverman said:

“PositiveID will be the first company of its kind to combine a successful identity security business with one of the world’s first personal health records through our Health Link business. PositiveID will address some of the most important issues affecting our society today with our identification tools and technologies for consumers and businesses.”

Unless, of course, consumers don’t actually want to be implanted with chips, have their health records available over the internet, or have their medical records linked to their credit scores.

Source: AftermathNews

2 thoughts on “VeriChip buys Steel Vault, changes name to “PositiveID”, creating micro-implant health record/credit score empire

  1. I’ll take a bullet before I take either the chip or the vaccine.

    Liberty died in 1913 with the birth of the Federal Reserve.
    an international central bank our politicians now serve.

    When our government wants another trillion, they call their pals at the bank
    when your grandchildren are born bankrupt you’ll have these loansharks to thank.

    The IRS collects an unconstitutional tax on your labor to pay interest on this loan
    and most Americans don’t know this, in the propaganda zone.

    Like gangsters they extort money enforcing laws that don’t exist
    and threaten your destruction if you try to resist.

    The Bilgerburg Group, The Council of Foreign Relations
    Trilateral Commission and the United Nations

    Have conspired with the FED to end American sovereignty
    and strip away the rights that make us free.

    Executive orders give the president authority so that when times get rough
    to declare martial, ignore the constitution and if that isn’t enough

    FEMA can seize power for any reason at all.
    like Katrina, the rehearsal for the flu pandemic this fall.

    While I know the takeover started before Obama was alive
    his administration has shifted the freefall into overdrive.

    Ya know, no one makes it to the oval office without a pass.
    and that New World Order seal of approval stamped on their ass.

    And you thought Obama would cause peace and prosperty to rain down on the land,
    how’s that change you were supposed to believe in workin out for ya hand.

    Their contempt for the constitution and the people so glaring
    it’s all I can do to keep myself from swearing!!!

    Their ultimate goal is a tiny microchip in your arm
    so if we get out of line it will sound an alarm

    Electronic money is more efficient they’ll say,
    and they can just swipe your whole body when it’s time to pay.

    And of course it will end the black market and drugs
    so the only criminals left will be federal thugs.

    But, your government will have the ability to instantly turn off your credit
    so if you need food or ammo you can simply forget it

    Because without food and guns and with your name on their list
    you’ll no longer have the means to resist

    And if they say you owe money, they can suck your account dry
    bringing you to your knees in the blink of an eye.

    And linked to their plan which outlaws private healthcare
    with the chip a functionary will decide if you get treated…and where

    For personal freedom to have even a chance of salvation,
    then states should band together and start a new nation

    We could call it America 2.0; this the ruling class dread.
    but if i’m not free, i’m better off dead

    For your grandchildrens’ sake vow to LIVE FREE OR DIE.
    We may not succeed, but for their sake we must try.

    Wake up america, it’s time to push back
    your god given freedoms are under attack.

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