IAEA Letter Fuels CNN Alarmism Over Iran – Rick Sanchez Speculates About Non-Existent Iranian ‘Nuclear Missile’

Fueled by an unfortunately worded letter by the IAEA about a “technical violation” allegedly made by Iran last week in its civilian nuclear program, CNN’s Rick Sanchez is now speculating about the possibility of Iran “building some kind of nuclear weapon,” even though one of his guests from MIT made it clear this threat was totally illusory. Continue reading

MSM: Israel mulling a spring or summer war – Ahmadinejad

(AFP) – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday that Iran’s arch-foe Israel was mulling starting a war “next spring or summer” but has yet to make a final decision. Continue reading

US drone missiles slaughtered 700 Pakistani civilians in 2009

US drone missile attacks have claimed the lives of over 700 Pakistani civilians since Barack Obama took office a year ago, according to figures released this week by officials in Islamabad. The escalation of Washington’s AfPak war, now in full swing, will mean the slaughter of thousands more men, women and children in 2010. Continue reading

MSM: Vladimir Putin calls for more weapons to stop America doing ‘whatever it wants’

(Times) – Russia needs more weapons to punch through America’s new missile defence shield, Vladimir Putin said yesterday in blunt remarks that will complicate efforts to cut the nuclear arsenals of the former Cold War rivals. Continue reading

Lieberman: Yemen is ‘tomorrow’s war’ if pre-emptive action not taken

(TheHill) – Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) Sunday said that Yemen could be the ground of America’s next overseas war if Washington does not take preemptive action to root out al-Qaeda interests there. Continue reading

‘Just War’ Is Just Words – Ralph Nader

President Obama, the Afghan war escalator, received the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, and proceeded to deliver his acceptance speech outlining the three criteria for a “just war” which he himself is violating. Continue reading

Closing the ‘Collapse Gap’: the USSR was better prepared for collapse than the US

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am not an expert or a scholar or an activist. I am more of an eye-witness. I watched the Soviet Union collapse, and I have tried to put my observations into a concise message. I will leave it up to you to decide just how urgent a message it is. Continue reading

The Peace Prize War

The American information bubble prevents the populace from recognizing the world around it. Iran’s leader, constantly demonized in the “bubble,” “is not a pariah everywhere on earth, no matter how much American press and politicians fume and fuss.” It becomes increasingly clear that the United States is fooling no one but its own citizens, who are victimized by their ignorance. “Military prowess seems to be the only power the United States has left. It apparently has no ability to help its own people.” Continue reading

Nuke Gaza: A World Gone Mad

Israeli officials are right to worry. Gazans too. Yet Americans should worry even more. Israel’s “legitimacy” will not last. Continue reading

“FEAR” Note From a Cop / Scott Wagner is a Police Academy Commander

The fear on the street is palpable. Ever since the election of Barack Obama as President of these United States in November 2008, coupled with the election of a democrat party majority in both the U.S. House and Senate, concern for the United States and personal safety has ignited like a fire in dry grass. Continue reading