Public Health Officials in Canada Engaged in Cover-Up Operation To Conceal Flu Origin

The Canadian Medical Association Journal reported that public health officials in British Columbia are advising doctors to assume that all flu symptoms are the results of the H1N1 virus. Continue reading

Hate crime bill goes against Constitution

Throughout the Bush-Cheney creation of a society under surveillance and unprecedented government secrecy, I have often praised Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., for resisting that administration’s penchant for degrading the Constitution. But on July 16, he proudly watched as the Senate passed his “hate crimes” bill (the Matthew Shepard Act) that is the biggest expansion of federal hate-crimes laws since 1968 Continue reading

LaRouche: Globalization Is Without Question A Cause of This Influenza Epidemic

As the new Type A influenza continues its spread across the globe, with confirmed cases reported so far in 11 countries from North America to Europe, Southwest Asia, and New Zealand, many questions about the origin and nature of this particular virus remain unanswered, but one of its causes, without question, is globalization, Lyndon LaRouche stated today. Continue reading

MSM: U.S. House passes “hate crime” bill that Bush opposed

(Reuters) – The Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives Wednesday approved an expansion of federal “hate crime” laws — an effort that former Republican President George W. Bush had opposed. Continue reading