MSM: Gender-bending chemicals ‘triggering early puberty in girls and putting them at risk of diabetes and cancer’

(DailyMail) – Gender-bending chemicals used in food cans, shower curtains and toys may be triggering early puberty in girls – and putting them at greater risk of cancer and diabetes, researchers say.

A study has found evidence that three classes of hormone-mimicking chemicals disrupt the bodies of girls approaching adolescence. Continue reading

Video: John Pilger – The two sides of Barrack Obama


“Tolerance” is a Guise for Social Engineering

For centuries the Masonic central bankers who control Western society and culture have been pushing “tolerance.” Why? Continue reading

MSM: U.S. House passes “hate crime” bill that Bush opposed

(Reuters) – The Democratic-led U.S. House of Representatives Wednesday approved an expansion of federal “hate crime” laws — an effort that former Republican President George W. Bush had opposed. Continue reading