The first four steps toward our fight to win back the Republic

(TGBReport) – Government from Federal all the way down to the local level has been transformed from the elected officials working for us to us working for them.  We need to send a message this election season that it is not about Republican or Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, it is about Insiders vs “We the People”.  We must first ans foremost  start by understanding our Constitutional duty to be informed on what are the President, Senators, Congressman, Governors, State Assembly, County and Township elected officials. Continue reading

Overwhelming Falsehoods Created by Obama

The accumulated weight of Obama’s deceit is overwhelming:

* During his campaign for the presidency and since, Obama repeatedly assured us that he would protect Medicare against cuts; but he now presses for passage of bills that include savage cuts in Medicare.
* To obtain passage of his first stimulus bill, Obama assured us that 90% of the jobs created would be in the private sector; but as he well knew, most of them were to be in the public sector.
* Early in the health care debate, Obama assured us that he had not said that he favored a single payer system; but he was on record as having said exactly that. Continue reading

Health Care is a Civil Right – Dennis Kucinich

There is only one true health care public option: Single payer. It covers everyone, all basic health care needs, with doctor of choice. No more premiums, co-pays or deductibles. All health care assets in America would become not-for-profit. The bill already exists. It is HR 676. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul on Anderson Cooper Discussing Healthcare

(CNN) – The People Don’t Believe the Government’s Healthcare Promises – August 20, 2009 Continue reading

The Obstacles to Real Health Care Reform: Private Insurers and Big Pharma

In almost the same breath on August 17, the White House effectively dropped a real public option (that likely never existed) while Obama was telling the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) that the Pentagon will escalate the Afghanistan/Pakistan war into a long-term conflict that will assure “more difficult days ahead.” Continue reading

Health Care Wanted: Dead or Alive – Dennis Kucinich

The masquerade is over! The “public option” is … dead.

Health care reform is now a private option: WHICH FOR PROFIT INSURANCE COMPANY DO YOU WANT? You have to choose. And you have to pay. If you have a low income, under HR3200 government will subsidize the private insurance companies and you will still have to pay premiums, co-pays and deductibles. Continue reading

Video: John Pilger – The two sides of Barrack Obama


Video: Ron Paul – Government Is A Failure

Congressman speaks on martial law, auditing the Fed and running for president in 2012 Continue reading