MSM: New border rules create ‘invisible Berlin Wall’ – mayor

(CBC) – New U.S. rules on cross-border travel that take effect Monday represent a “heightened militarization” that will hurt the traditionally close relationship between border communities, the mayor of Sarnia, Ont., said Sunday. Continue reading

Video: Torturing the Rule of Law – Dr. Ron Paul

While Congress is sidetracked by who said what to whom and when, our nation finds itself at a crossroads on the issue of torture. We are at a point where we must decide if torture is something that is now going to be considered justifiable and reasonable under certain circumstances, or is America better than that? Continue reading

Video: Ex-FBI agent – Waterboarding produced ‘no actionable intel’

A former FBI agent who interrogated suspected terrorists told a Senate panel Wednesday that no actionable intelligence was gained from “enhanced interrogations” such as waterboarding. Continue reading