Sixteen Years of Democracy Has Not Freed the Imprisoned Mind

(LindaSmith) – In their search for meaning and worthiness, people align with causes tender to their heart. Some turn to politics to attempt to resolve the world’s wows. They use it as a stage to give their voice wings. With nobility they plead for the cause of those, whom they deem, as weak and unfortunate.

Some, in their state of insanity, use politics as a platform from which to launch their evil. With loud-mouthed guile they whip unthinking mobs into frenzied mania.

Politics is the great manipulating machine that lures us along with promises and lies. It incarcerates our minds, steals our power and removes our choice. With slick words and invisible threads of cunning, politicians reel us in to slave for their cause.

Like puppeteers they manipulate their mesmerised marionettes to smile and sing and dance to a senseless tune. With brightly painted eyes they dangle mindlessly from strings, and with wooden lips they shout about revolution and revenge. With stick-pen in hand they write their slogans.

From their puppet box they recite contradictory words that have so skilfully been drummed into their little wooden heads. All the while, their audiences clap and cheer and whistle.

Dressed in camouflage, rifle resting on shoulder, like zombies they march to war. They fight and die for a meaningless cause.

It is time, little marionettes, to stop the cabaret. Systems were not designed to serve us. They only shatter our faith and smash our hopes and dreams.

Breathe life into your wooden limbs, unplug your ears, open your eyes wide and see what is really happening around you.

When we begin thinking for ourselves, we cut the strings that bind us. The puppeteers, failing in their game of deceit, soon lose their balance and fall from their precarious pedestals tucked away so neatly in the rafters.

We blame politics when things go wrong, yet blinded by our fear of facing the truth, again we place our X in the ballot box, and again we pin our faith, hopes and dreams to a system that repeatedly defiles us.

Politics, orchestrating many of humanity’s problems, has no design to rectify them. By claiming our power we discover that the answers to all our challenges lie within. When we realise that we are meant to live magnificent lives, we begin to appreciate that our individual contribution is a vital stitch in the tapestry of our human evolution.

Linda Smith – Durban

Author of Returning to Myself.

Source: David Icke

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