Czars And A Gulag America? – J. Speer-Williams

(Rense) – Czars were Russian tyrants. Gulags were Russian slave labor camps. Are gulags coming to America? We already have a growing corps of Czars.

The oligarchs of the International Monetary/Banking Cartel took a huge step towards the tyranny of their New World Order when they put their man ­ Barack Obama ­ into the White House.

Obama, who many Americans still consider to be their friend, has had the audacity ­ the cheek, the arrogant insolence ­ to have appointed a growing cadre of Czars, on top of a bloated bureaucracy that is already at least a thousand times too large and too intrusive.

This is “in your face” tyranny. The very word ­ Czar ­ is repugnant to any democracy. The very definition of the word Czar means, “king” or “emperor” or “autocrat” or “tyrant.” Continue reading

Video: David Icke – Elite Moves To Lobotomize, Zombify Global Population into Lifetime of Servitude

Alex welcomes back to the show former well-known BBC television sports presenter, spokesman for the Green Party, author, and public speaker David Icke. Icke’s latest book is called Human Race: Get Off Your Knees. Continue reading

H.R. 5741 Slave bill now in Committee – Rob Dew

(Infowars) – Slavery has a new name: “Mandatory Service”, introduced July 15th 2010 by Charles Rangle.

H.R. 5741 will give the president the authority “To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes.” Continue reading

The Modern Slave’s Guide to Modern Slavery

(99%Space) – RULE NUMBER ONE about modern slavery: there is no modern slavery.

RULE NUMBER TWO: you work, you pay, you go to war and you shut the f*ck up. Or else.

RULE NUMBER THREE you take the test at the end of this post; if you fail, refer to Rule number two.

There is no modern slaveryContinue reading

Driven by Globalization, Today’s Slave Trade Thrives at Home and Abroad

(InTheseTimes) – The legacy of slavery in America is inextricably bound with the history of the nation. And the State Department has finally acknowledged that, even today, people continue to be bought and sold as property.

The 2010 Trafficking in Persons report, a global review of human trafficking and civic and legal responses to it, for the first time ranks the United States among the nations that harbor modern-day slavery. Read More Here

Film: Meltup – From The National Inflation Association

(InflationUS) – NIA believes Meltup is the most important economic documentary ever produced in world history. The Second American Revolution has begun! Please share this documentary with all of your friends and family members immediately!

See Also:

The Dollar Bubble

Our new must see documentary on the collapse of the U.S. dollar! Become educated so that you can survive and prosper while many Americans enter poverty! ***The best spent 30 minutes of your life! Continue reading

Sixteen Years of Democracy Has Not Freed the Imprisoned Mind

(LindaSmith) – In their search for meaning and worthiness, people align with causes tender to their heart. Some turn to politics to attempt to resolve the world’s wows. They use it as a stage to give their voice wings. With nobility they plead for the cause of those, whom they deem, as weak and unfortunate.

Some, in their state of insanity, use politics as a platform from which to launch their evil. With loud-mouthed guile they whip unthinking mobs into frenzied mania.

Politics is the great manipulating machine that lures us along with promises and lies. It incarcerates our minds, steals our power and removes our choice. With slick words and invisible threads of cunning, politicians reel us in to slave for their cause. Continue reading

Video: The Alex Jones Show – Obama is Leading The USA into Bondage!!

(February 4, 2010) – Alex covers the important news stories of today, and goes into how this Administration is leading the USA into total Bondage. Continue reading

The Brutal Life of Haiti’s Child Slaves

(GlobalResearch) – As soon as dawn breaks in Port-au-Prince the first children appear, staggering under the weight of five-gallon buckets of water. The water carriers, many as young as 6-years-old, are some of the thousands of children living as virtual child slaves in the country. Continue reading

Video: Slavery in US Prisons

“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” –13th Amendment, 1865.
Interview with Robert King & Terry Kupers Continue reading

Happiness in Slavery

Don’t open your eyes
You won’t like what you see
The blind have been blessed with security
Don’t open your eyes
Take it from me
I have found you can find
Happiness in slavery

Nine Inch Nails-Happiness in Slavery

Think you’re free? Think again, slave!

This week the Federal government will attempt to auction off 118 billion dollars in U.S. debt to anyone who thinks the U.S. dollar is a great place to be.   Of course if you ask liars like Fed Chief Ben Bernanke or his young sidekick “tiny” Tim Geithner, they will most certainly assure you that the dollar is strong and that the U.S economy is on a miraculous rebound. But this is fiction. Continue reading

MSM: A morally bankrupt dictatorship built by slave labour

(Independent) – Dubai is finally financially bankrupt – but it has been morally bankrupt all along. The idea that Dubai is an oasis of freedom on the Arabian peninsular is one of the great lies of our time. Continue reading

Prison Factories: Slave Labor for the New World Order?

The Justice Department reported in August that there are nearly 1.6 million men and women incarcerated in the United States — currently the highest incarceration rate in the entire world. This startling figure tops off a decade of rapid expansion of America’s prison population, fueled by a “war on drugs” that is steadily undermining the rights so succinctly expressed in the Bill of Rights more than 200 years ago. Continue reading

Allegory Of The Cave: Meet Your Puppet-Handlers

Plato’s ‘The Allegory of the Cave‘ is from book VI of his most famous work, The Republic. He begins ‘The Allegory‘ by describing a dark cave found underground where a group of people are sitting in ‘one long row with their backs to the cave’s entrance’. They are chained to their chairs from an early age and all that the humans can see is the distant cave wall in front of them. Their view of reality is completely based upon this limited view of the cave which but an unenlightened view of the real world. Continue reading

Obama Demands Children Spend More Time in State Indoctrination Centers

It’s not enough the government has its hooks in America’s children most of the year. Now Obama wants to do away with summer vacation and have children spend more time in the government’s indoctrination centers. Continue reading

MSM: Common Sense 2009

(HuffPost) – The American government – which we once called our government – has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group of powerful elites, the people President Franklin D. Roosevelt called “economic royalists,” who choose our elected officials – indeed, our very form of government. Continue reading

Will endless wars save the dollar?

“Since 1945, the US dollar has been the world reserve currency. As its value depreciates, countries holding huge dollar reserves begin to worry. China in particular has expressed grave concerns since it holds nearly $2 trillion in US currency reserves, mostly in the form of US treasury bonds. According to some reports, it is drawing down its dollar reserves by purchasing gold and stocks of raw materials and energy.” Continue reading

Army National Guard Advertises for “Internment Specialists”

Doubt the government plans to impose martial law and round up dissidents and other malcontents? Well, the Army National Guard is advertising for qualified personnel to work as Corrections Officers and Internment/Resettlement Specialists. Continue reading

‘Exposing’ Slave Practices of Rothschild Deflects Real Crime Share

Acting ‘greatly surprised’, British investment bank Rothschild ‘regrets that the firm is linked in any way to the inhumane institution of slavery.’ Supposedly big news to them, the ancient Rothschild establishment quickly mutters sounds of indignation after the report appeared in the new world order’s main media outlet, the Financial Times. Continue reading

Video: There Are More People In Slavery Today Than Any Point In History

Not only does slavery still exist across the globe today, the human trafficking industry is thriving. Many people mistakenly believe the problem is confined to Third World and underdeveloped countries, but it’s happening in our own backyard. Continue reading

Seizing Power and Property

The government and their compliant corporate press mold and manage our perceptions and prefer that we focus our anger and attention on numerous distractions – the illegal aliens, illusive terrorists, same-sex marriages, welfare recipients, North Korean testing, whether torture photos should be released. The fact is that the government Elite set up this entire environment of contention to divert our attention from their treacherous unconstitutional, criminal activities – in both parties. This is all part of America’s drive into a One World Order, now hyper accelerated under the current administration. Continue reading

MSM: Debtors’ prison – again

In a little-noticed trend blamed on the state’s hard economic times, several courts in Florida have resurrected the de facto debtor’s prison — having thousands of Floridians jailed for failing to pay assessed court fees and fines. The shortsighted plan threatens to run afoul of the U.S. Constitution. It appears to generate little additional revenue relative to the misery it causes, and it should be stopped. Continue reading

2009 – Year of the Slave

You are a slave. You probably do not realize it, but you are.

Movies and public school like to portray slaves as bound by chains and beaten with whips, creating a polarized image of slavery that can be pointed to with the comment, “You are not like that, therefore you are not a slave.” But history shows that slaves have been treated in all manner of ways, some more cruel than others, yet even with the most kind treatment, a slave remains a slave. Continue reading

The New American Revolution Break The Bank


In 1913, at 11:45 p.m., on the eve of Christmas, a group of powerful men came together to form a private corporation, designed to control the monetary system of our country. They moved with a calculated craftiness and deceit to pass legislation that would enslave every American as a debtor to their corporation. Continue reading