Czars And A Gulag America? – J. Speer-Williams

(Rense) – Czars were Russian tyrants. Gulags were Russian slave labor camps. Are gulags coming to America? We already have a growing corps of Czars.

The oligarchs of the International Monetary/Banking Cartel took a huge step towards the tyranny of their New World Order when they put their man ­ Barack Obama ­ into the White House.

Obama, who many Americans still consider to be their friend, has had the audacity ­ the cheek, the arrogant insolence ­ to have appointed a growing cadre of Czars, on top of a bloated bureaucracy that is already at least a thousand times too large and too intrusive.

This is “in your face” tyranny. The very word ­ Czar ­ is repugnant to any democracy. The very definition of the word Czar means, “king” or “emperor” or “autocrat” or “tyrant.” Continue reading

They Are Purposely Killing the Gulf – J. Speer-Williams

The private, foreign International Monetary/Banking Cartel controls its puppets in Washington as it controls its oil company executives. And everything the Cartel does is anti-life, there are absolutely no exceptions; and their pretended Gulf oil clean-up is a glaring case in point.

Instead of cleaning up the unprecedented catastrophe created by the Cartel’s mega-corporations (Halliburton, Transocean, and British Petroleum), these very same companies are purposely killing our Gulf of Mexico, under the pretense of cleaning it up. Continue reading