Joe Lieberman: From American Idol Finalist to TYRANNYsaurus Rex

(ActivistPost) – To borrow a phrase often used in Joe Lieberman’s failed presidential primary bid in 2004, America’s tyrannical campaign “is picking up Joe-mentum” thanks in large part due to legislation introduced by Deputy Dog himself.

Let’s roll back the clock for a moment. When Lieberman was selected as Al Gore’s running mate for the 2000 White House run, we Connecticut natives felt a certain amount of pride, much like rooting for our UCONN Huskies when their sports teams play in the big game.  After all, Connecticut is a very small state and we had a “finalist” on the biggest reality show for the most powerful prize in the world.  And at the time Lieberman enjoyed a pretty solid political reputation as a middle-of-the-road realist.  In fact, many conservatives at the time often complained that Lieberman was compromising his values running with a “liberal” like Gore. Continue reading

Video: H.R. 645 and The FEMA Concentration Camps

Throughout the 20th Century, mankind’s governments have sought to gain control over their populations with food, water, bio-warfare, guns, tanks, militarized death squads, militarized police, propaganda, mis-information, entertainment, and  the good old original lie.  The United States and the West are no different than the “third world” banana republics and dictators; its just the methods the western democracies use have been refined through trial and error. Continue reading

Rex 84 – Your Internment Camp Awaits You

“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.” – Thomas Jefferson
Did you know that the United States Army National Guard has been advertising job openings for “Internment Specialists?” Who would we be rounding up for internment, anyway? The United States hasn’t done that openly since Asian-Americans were forced into relocation camps during the World War II era. Continue reading

Army National Guard Advertises for “Internment Specialists”

Doubt the government plans to impose martial law and round up dissidents and other malcontents? Well, the Army National Guard is advertising for qualified personnel to work as Corrections Officers and Internment/Resettlement Specialists. Continue reading

The CIA’s Swine Flu & Your Plastic FEMA Coffin

In 2006 an interesting motion picture appeared via Universal Studios: “The Constant Gardener”, starring Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz. The script, written based on the fictional work by author John Le Carre, has all the classic Illuminati elements: corrupt British government officials and money hungry corporate elites manipulate pharmaceutical interests in South Africa such that 62 innocent poor South Africans who live in an AIDS stricken local region die during drug trials to test a new drug for treatment of tuberculosis. Continue reading

FEMA, Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command Partner for Martial Law

A press release buried on the FEMA website, dated June 30, 2009, announces a meeting between FEMA administrator Craig Fugate and Maj. Gen. Yair Golan of the Israeli Defense Forces Home Front Command. Continue reading