Video: Obama’s H1N1 Emergency Declaration – Is Martial Law Unfolding?

Obama has declared a 2009 H1N1 swine flu a national emergency. It is not clear if this declaration falls under the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601–1651). The act is not mentioned in media reports. Continue reading

Video: CNN Actually Discusses New Martial Law Acts

CNN – Lou Dobbs video link at – Click Here

Who Owns The TV Networks

All those hundreds of TV channels may lead you that there’s a true diversity and variety in today’s television … but you’d be wrong. A handful of large companies control what you see, hear, and read every day. Continue reading

Seven More Banks Fail

Oh, the joys of not having to get up with the first ring of the alarm clock!  But then, as I laid in bed this morning wondering what to write about, it came to me in a flash:  There have been numerous alarming signs and portents in the markets this week, if one knows where to look. Continue reading

Federal Reserve To Be Given Sweeping New Powers

Bankers get what they lobbied for, media reports total lack of transparency as “regulation” Continue reading