Who Owns The TV Networks

All those hundreds of TV channels may lead you that there’s a true diversity and variety in today’s television … but you’d be wrong. A handful of large companies control what you see, hear, and read every day. Continue reading

Video: Expose the Octopus

My dad was murdered along with two friends – This is what it’s like when you’re involved in exposing high level corruption- http://www.desertfae.com for evidence, blog, and more. Continue reading

Will American Insouciance Destroy the World? – Paul Craig Roberts

The neoconned Bush Regime and the Israeli-occupied American media http://www.antiwar.com/orig/giraldi.php?articleid=13288 are heading the innocent world toward nuclear war. Continue reading

America’s Israeli-Occupied Media

Many Israelis not surprisingly believe it is in their interest to convince the United States to attack Iran so that Israel will not have to do it, and they are hell-bent on bringing that about. Unfortunately, their efforts are being aided and abetted by a U.S. mainstream media that is unwilling to ask any hard questions or challenge the assumptions of the Israeli government. Continue reading