Through the Wormhole: The Secret State’s Mad Scheme to Control the Internet – Tom Burghardt

(AntiFascistCalling) – Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz once famously wrote that “war is the continuation of politics by other means.” A century later, radical French philosopher Michel Foucault turned Clausewitz on his head and declared that “politics is the continuation of war by other means.”

In our topsy-turvy world where truth and lies coexist equally and sociopathic business elites reign supreme, it would hardly be a stretch to theorize that cyber war is the continuation of parapolitical crime by other means. Continue reading

Woody Allen Says Obama Should Become a Dictator

(KurtNimmo) –  It is another example of the mindset of the Hollywood lib elite. Film director Woody Allen — who demonstrated his warped ethos a few years ago by marrying his adopted daughter — believes Obama would get more done if he declared himself dictator.
“I am pleased with Obama. I think he’s brilliant. The Republican Party should get out of his way and stop trying to hurt him,” Allen said in an interview published by Spanish language monarchist newspaper La Vanguardia. “It would good… if he could be a dictator for a few years because he could do a lot of good things quickly.” Continue reading

Arizona State Senator Responds to Immigration Law

See Also: Holder hasn’t read Arizona law he criticized (WashingtonTimes) – Read More Here

(TucsonCitizen) – I’m Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen. I want to explain SB 1070 for which I voted yes. Rancher Robert Krentz was murdered by the drug cartel on his ranch a month ago. I participated in a senate hearing two weeks ago on the border violence, here is just some of the highlights from those who testified. Continue reading

Wall Street Ponzi Scheme Continues Unabated

The Dow is at 10,000, the Federal deficit is breaking records, unemployment is skyrocketing and money is cheap ~ so let’s inflate the same debt bubble, continue Wall Street’s derivative Ponzi scheme and let Main Street take the risk while Wall Street takes the profit: Allen L Roland Continue reading

U.S. Army Uses Utah High School for Disaster Drill

Rick Spencer saw his share of emergencies as athletic trainer at Salt Lake City’s Highland High School — but never gas inhalation. Continue reading

Labor Day 2009 – Little to Celebrate, Much to Mourn

August 2009 marks the 19th straight month we have lost jobs as a nation ~ that’s 6.9 million jobs gone ! The Obama top down multi-billion dollar bailout and bank rescue has artificially inflated stocks and credit markets but has left Main Street destitute, jobless and unprotected: Continue reading

Obama as Joker Explained

Michael Shaw, over at Huffington Post, does not seem to understand the Obama-as-Joker poster. “Regarding the image specifically, I’m interested in your read, particularly Obama in chalky white face. Besides the allusion to the President as a psychopath and more insidiously, a man behind a mask, does the chalk exploit race by suggesting the man is playing at being white? Continue reading

The Fourth Stage of America’s Karmic Destiny is Bankruptcy

The karmic destiny of America has four staqes and we have already reached stage four, Bankruptcy ~ where America continues to pour its economic resources onto global military misadventures, such as Afghanistan, while draining the economic health and safety of its citizens: Continue reading

Rothschild’s Federal Reserve Must Be Abolished

The history of the Federal Reserve is an ongoing battle between the Banking elite and the people and anyone who gets in the way is usually crushed. Bush and Obama’s top down Wall Street bank bailout, at the expense of Main Street, is a good example of why Rothschild’s Federal Reserve must be audited and eventually abolished: Allen L Roland Continue reading

US states’ budget crisis sets stage for new attack on the working class

By Tuesday, many US state governments must pass budgets for the coming fiscal year. The state capitals are now the scene of bitter feuding among governors and legislators over how the deficits will be met. But there is unanimity that the working class must foot the bill. Continue reading

The Nine Stages of Civilizations – We’re in the Seventh ~ Apathy

The United States is just over 230 years old and is now firmly entrenched in the seventh stage of all civilizations ( Apathy ) with only Dependence and eventually Bondage ahead of it: Continue reading

Network-centric Warfare – Dominating entire societies Worldwide through ubiquitous surveillance

What Pentagon theorists describe as a “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA) leverages information technology to facilitate (so they allege) command decision-making processes and mission effectiveness, i.e. the waging of aggressive wars of conquest. Continue reading

Obama’s Cybersecurity Plan – Bring in the Contractors!

With billions of dollars in federal funds hanging in the balance, President Barack Obama unveiled the Cyberspace Policy Review May 29 at the White House. Continue reading

Climate Chaos Predicted by CO2 Study

World will have exceeded 2050 safe carbon emissions limit by 2020, scientists say. Continue reading

Weaponizing Deadly Viruses: Historical Precedents

Many people react with incredulity when the assertion is made that the so-called swine flu outbreak in Mexico may be manufactured crisis. And yet history is replete with examples of government using biological and chemical agents for political purpose. Continue reading

Follow The Money / Madoff, Mossad, AIG and 9/11

The Madoff investigation is very similar to the 9-11 investigation in that evidence of a larger conspiracy is being avoided and ignored. It is possible that the billions that Madoff stole, and is still unaccounted for, was being used to finance Israel’s vast global spy and sabotage network Mossad with connections to both AIG and quite possibly 9/11 itself: Allen L Roland Continue reading